Comments on Profile Post by Better version of myself

  1. Better version of myself
    Better version of myself
    Asked for my old pants, cause his were brutally tored down. This kept me thinking for hours, like how we HAVE EVERYTHING a person could ask for Food, shelter, parents and it goes on and on. But we ignore all this things. Today for taught me a lesson to be grateful and
    Feb 23, 2021
  2. Better version of myself
    Better version of myself
    Like how selfish, I have been in my life. By just asking the things I others have ( skateboard, sturds) etc, I never used those stuff, just for the comparison thingy I wasted someone's smile, that could be given by just giving blankets to needy. Ah.......
    Feb 23, 2021
  3. theMotivator
    The ability to walk, to feel touch, to work with hands, to see, hear, taste, smell, breathe. That you can go to the bathroom easily without pain. That your body works, and there are millions of connections and tubes, that if one would block or tear, you could die. Air for free, beautiful nature, that G-d has made. So much gifts, but yea, we just take it for granted.
    Feb 23, 2021
  4. Better version of myself
    Feb 23, 2021