Comments on Profile Post by PeaceOnEarth108

  1. PeaceOnEarth108
    I want that super high feeling people describe in their successstories. But maybe me wanting a super high feeling is the problem
    Jan 5, 2021
  2. A_Simple_Guy
    Mate hang in there. I have been in a similar place, trust me, fighting this addiction and getting back the control of your life will be way more rewarding and fulfilling. As Marcus Tullius Cicero said 'While there is life, there is hope.".
    Jan 5, 2021
  3. wonderkid5050
    I did an 80 day streak before and can tell you I felt great and normal after it, hang in there bro it’s worth it trust meeeee. I did relapse and relapsed etc now I’m starting a new streak. Stupid addiction. But it is what it is. Hang in there it’s worth it bro
    Jan 5, 2021
  4. PeaceOnEarth108
    Thank you guys for the motivation. Btw, no worries, it was just mood swings. A few hours later I had a high
    Jan 5, 2021