Comments on Profile Post by R.I.I.P.E.R

  1. S_Sirius
    I follow all of this but I have developed an addiction of masturbating by fantasizing when my sleep breaks at 2-4 am in the night. My brain just resets and I forget everything-literally everything from will power to my commitments. I haven't watched a single porn video in 2 years. But I just proceed to masturbate at around 3 am at night just like a preprogrammed robot. Don't know what to do :(
    Aug 12, 2020
    vxlccm, R.I.I.P.E.R and Meisterkatze like this.
  2. R.I.I.P.E.R
    i also had the same addiction as you, waking up at midnight and wanking. But i developed a rule for myself that has worked for me many a times. The rule is whenever i wake up in the midnight i have to do a 100 pushups by listening to a motivational song. It might sound stupid, but i did that eventually i became so exhausted that i would literally fall asleep like a baby. So just do 100 pushups nothing less or more
    Aug 12, 2020
    S_Sirius likes this.
  3. R.I.I.P.E.R
    Just give it a try.. Let it take 30mins but it is a rule as you woke up.. Believe me next time you won't even wake up at midnight.. Lol
    Aug 12, 2020
    S_Sirius and vxlccm like this.
  4. IGY
    Good advice @R.I.I.P.E.R but not everyone can do 100 pushups man, hahaha! XD
    Aug 12, 2020
    S_Sirius, vxlccm and R.I.I.P.E.R like this.
  5. R.I.I.P.E.R
    Yeah sorry for being a little insensitive here i just said it with a flow :( .. Yeah @S_Sirius even you can do jumping jacks or evening something which is a little tiring which can divert your mind of the urges
    Aug 12, 2020
    S_Sirius and vxlccm like this.
  6. R.I.I.P.E.R
    *even and thank you @IGY for the advice
    Aug 12, 2020
    victormanuel and vxlccm like this.
  7. IGY
    You were not insensitive at all. I was just pulling your leg in a friendly joke my friend. <3
    Aug 12, 2020
    R.I.I.P.E.R and vxlccm like this.
  8. R.I.I.P.E.R
    Lol.. Hahaha
    Aug 13, 2020
    victormanuel likes this.