Comments on Profile Post by Krillin1993

  1. Fallacious D
    Fallacious D
    Nonsense. You know that you cannot quit.
    Aug 3, 2020
  2. she-dernatinus
    Don't feel anxious right now. You have gone far enough and still can do better.
    Aug 3, 2020
  3. she-dernatinus
    There are members in here who currently suffer in both confusion and sadness.
    Aug 3, 2020
  4. Starman123
    There is hope bro. There is hope. I was in your state 4months ago. First of all you need to sit down with yourself and ask yourself questions like why am i really doing this? What are the reasons? Do i want to stop it really? If yes, why?
    Aug 3, 2020
  5. Starman123
    Write these down. And find solutions. You need to be present with yourself. PMO is totally the opposite. You're not at all present with yourself. Think about it: are you thinking about the potential negative effects you're facing, the dangerous brain changes that's occuring, all of that when you're busy PMOing? No. You're not. You need to sit down and spend time with yourself.
    Aug 3, 2020
  6. Starman123
    Create a whole list as to why you want to quit, rather why you need to quit. i.e apart of the common reasons of quitting, what are your personal reasons? Ask yourself and write it down, form a plan and follow it!
    Aug 3, 2020
  7. Starman123
    You need to have a burning desire to quit or at least a desire to quit. You need to stay positive and believe that you're recovering. It's absolutely useless to talk negative to yourself trust me. It gets the better of you.
    Aug 3, 2020
    One Eyed Owl, Krillin1993 and Roady like this.
  8. Starman123
    Remember this: Negative and Positive self talks must be in balance. There must be enough negative self talks to make you realize what you're going through. There must be enough positive self talks to motivate you and make you believe that you're recovering. Cause that's the point ryt? You need to "believe" that you can quit to be able to actually quit. Simple.
    Aug 3, 2020
  9. Krillin1993
    she-dernatinus....I guess I have to restart again. There is definetly progress on the emotional level. I find out that I can detach myself from unnatural acts abit better than before. I am not that sad being alone like before. I think I will write a thread about my progress.
    Aug 4, 2020
  10. Krillin1993
    FellatiousD I will restart I know that....but your nickname, isn't very promising to take you serious. :D lol
    Aug 4, 2020
  11. Krillin1993
    Starman123 My main problem is not why I have to stop watching porn, my problem is how to overcome the crisis phase between 14th and 30th day. 2 weeks gone well, easy without any difficulties but then 15 th day hit me really hard. Maybe I have to be more busy or meditate longer. I am not even interested in relationships anymore cause at the end of the day nobody will love me and I know that already.
    Aug 4, 2020
  12. Starman123
    Krillin1993 If that's the case, practice distraction. I know it sounds stupid. But, think about it. During the "crisis phase" that you're having, during those days, are those days entirely filled with urges? No right? They only come at different times of the day.
    Aug 4, 2020
  13. Starman123
    So during those times of the day, distract yourself. I myself have written stuff that i would do when i get extreme urges.
    Aug 4, 2020
  14. Starman123
    Bcoz urges last a maximum of 30 minutes in my experience.
    Aug 4, 2020
  15. Starman123
    Now obviously you don't have to keep on distracting yourself. You will eventually get used to urges once you pass 100 days.
    Aug 4, 2020
  16. she-dernatinus
    I am glad you are able to detach yourself from unnatural acts better than before. It makes sense if you look upon it this way; the more you watch a content, the more 'normal' it seems to your brain. The opposite is true as well. I hope you will be able to progress more on this particular issue.
    Aug 4, 2020
  17. she-dernatinus
    Don't feel hopeless about your situation right now, surely you can get through this 14-30 th day period. And you need to be patient, even though you have a good reason to avoid relationships atm there must be light at the end of the tunnel.
    Aug 4, 2020