Comments on Profile Post by LoveIsAllWeNeed

  1. LoveIsAllWeNeed
    I need to see my self-righteous and judging thoughts against women, leading to resentment and anger, transforming my natural arousal into greediness.
    Love is our natural way to release, Love is our true self, Love connects us all. Let's surrender to Love.
    Jun 28, 2020
  2. Roady
    The lust is destroying the love. I choose love over lust.
    Love is giving, while lust is only taking what's not mine.
    Jun 29, 2020
  3. LoveIsAllWeNeed
    @Roady So True. Lust is ego, separate thinking, I need you, I want you, you need to give it to me. Anger, frustration, pain is part of the ego. Peace, joy, connecting and giving is part of the light we truly are. Light is the only truth!
    Jun 29, 2020
  4. Roady
    Not rarely we need lust as a band aid for some inner pain.
    Same in relationships: We need "her attention" as a band aid. Troubles will follow soon...
    Jun 29, 2020