Comments on Profile Post by MJ Warrior 93

  1. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Things worth achieving take every ounce of strength and sweat and tears... It's not fair, but I guess we don't have any excuse either.
    Mar 15, 2020
  2. MJ Warrior 93
    MJ Warrior 93
    I know that, but I've been planning for years to move out to be in the states. And yet I'm stuck on a shitty island where I grew up in! I hate my life here, man!
    Mar 15, 2020
  3. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Lolz and I would gladly move to a small island if I could. xD

    Anyway, if it's not happening today doesn't mean you can't get there tomorrow. So keep preparing and growing.
    Mar 15, 2020
  4. MJ Warrior 93
    MJ Warrior 93
    You would have to learn to speak spanish if you were to live here.. lol
    Mar 15, 2020