Nearly 130 Days PMO Free--Status and Takeaway

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Rodrigov600, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, it's your man Rodrigo back in posting to show the newer members what it's like to be in paradise.

    First let's kick off with my current state on these nearly 130 days:

    Mood: Super Confident, Some normal anxiety as I'm overworking myself but I'm focused on my mission and purpose.

    Had three wet dreams total so far, All within a few weeks but then stopped after Day 110+.

    Last PMO Date: 03/26/2017

    Strategies to combat urges/supplement my inner self:
    -Cold showers
    -Reading self help books and articles
    -Changing my outlook to be more positive
    -Improving Bad Computer Posture with Posture Brace
    -Adding one more hour of sleep:Total of 8 hours now (Massive difference)
    -Using meditational techniques with the app Headspace

    Name's Rodrigo and I've come a very long way. I used to fap from the age of 13 and on, and unfortunately I've had all that time lost to a complacent self.

    That is no longer the case. I refuse to let myself be a slave to porn and jacking off. I was brought to this earth to penetrate women and live a higher standard of life and I refuse to let anything get in the way of my mission.

    I finally grew a pair and have stood up for myself. I shed tears on the way, I shed hope, I shed myself. I feel like a superior being, something about this new lifestyle makes me feel alot lighter and easier to interact with. But it took me calling my own bullshit and destroying all the limiting beliefs that held me back.

    You control your own destiny and your own choices. You let people walk all over you, even girls. Not anymore. I march to the beat of my own drum and noone is stopping this drummer. Follow me or don't I'm headed to where I want.

    Best of luck to you and your mission. Don't let the world sink you. Sink the world with your badassness.
  2. seekingabetterlife

    seekingabetterlife Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your success here!! Anything over 100 days is absolutely amazing!!!

    Two things I had questions about:

    1. What posture brace are you using? I've seen some on Amazon but not sure which one really works best.

    2. Any tips for going to bed earlier?? I still struggle with staying up late. Sucks. I'm actually typing this right now when I should be sleeping :/

    Thanks and keep going down the road without PMO!! Your life is worth it.
    Rodrigov600 likes this.
  3. LOL. Thats some funny life purpose. Good luck on that !
  4. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    1. Well I'm currently using the COMFYMED Posture Corrector, and at first it was super uncomfortable but over time your back does indeed get used to the new position. You also should wear it when doing your everyday tasks so you can adjust your seats (like in a car for example).

    2.Sometimes I listen to anxiety-relief music from youtube, other times I just put myself to sleep in a comfortable way with a heavy blanket. Sometimes I just imagine myself in a movie-like scene and my mind takes off on it's own. But most importantly is consistency. Training your brain that self-repair mode starts at xx:xx and no later than that.
    seekingabetterlife and onmyway like this.
  5. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    It's working, and well hey everyone has a different goal/life purpose. I want to be badass, so badass I will be.
    She Got Stronger likes this.
  6. Good luck with that...
    Rodrigov600 likes this.
  7. 'I was sent to penetrate women'.
    That's kinda funny :)
    But hey good for you and congratulations on 130 days!!
    Rodrigov600 likes this.
  8. Don_Makaveli

    Don_Makaveli New Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the wonderful feat Rodrigo, but do you think it also has led to some physical changes as well, like a deeper voice(rad it on the internet) or any other difference other than the confidence that you now have?
    Rodrigov600 and pukernast17 like this.
  9. PrioritySystem

    PrioritySystem Fapstronaut

    Are you still having cravings? If so, how often and how intense?
    Rodrigov600 likes this.
  10. SRAddict

    SRAddict Fapstronaut

    Thats so amazing man.. Congratz on the progress so far.. Wish me best of luck too.
    Rodrigov600 likes this.
  11. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Yes most definitely, not too much but it is an improvement from what I lacked. Everything like confidence and the deep voice comes naturally, you don't change anything you just are. That in my opinion is the true essence of the man, and to this day (Day 149) I am still improving day by day. So it's not an on and off switch, but as the days go by those benefits become bolder and more clear.
  12. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Yes so based on my recordings, I had three wet dreams weeks prior to achieving the milestone. After that cravings got intense for a bit but usually were temporary and intermittent.

    Lately (Past 7 days) I've had massive urges, but they only happen about twice a day and for a split moment. It's not as intense and prolonged compared to when I was on my first couple weeks and even then I still had that little devil on my shoulder trying to make me relapse.

    Nowadays I just distract myself easily and move on with my day. Fun fact, I even forget to tally a day in my notes and am finding myself returning two or three days later to tally the days.

    It definitely gets lighter and better, but in my opinion the brain is not FULLY 100% rebooted. I want to play it safe and keep going until I completely look at porn like I look at any other item out there for consumption and not an urge or compulsion.
  13. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    Nah bro, I believe you don't need the luck as you'll storm through PMO like nothing. The fact that you even began means you're capable of beating PMO. You got this, it's in the bag.
  14. Rodrigov600

    Rodrigov600 Fapstronaut

    What's your current progress atm?