Women are too damn beautiful

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AkaHonestAbe, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. AkaHonestAbe

    AkaHonestAbe New Fapstronaut

    Two days in after a 12 and a 9 day streak. This time it's MUCH harder. I'm unbelievably horny ALL day. I'm constantly staring at female customers and just fantasizing about them. Not even my one female coworker, who is engaged and we are actually good friends, is safe from my imagination. I feel dirty, man. On the bright side, I've been focusing a lot more at work and being much more productive. But still, this horniness and constant sexualization is eating me up. It's taking every strategy I know just to keep it at bay (breathing exercises, focusing on the clock ticking,etc). Any advice? Anybody going through similar pains?
  2. loneuglywolf

    loneuglywolf Fapstronaut

    Yeah man..I continue and have been through this since I started going on nofap streaks. I don't really have an answer to your question but what I try and do is just acknowledge the thoughts enjoy them for a little bit and then re-focus on something else. What I am wondering is what do people on nofap do when they want to have sex? just say fuck it and bust? or do they control their ejaculation? I've been reading about in-ejaculation, basically sex w out orgasm and have tried some of the techniques on myself with some success but a lot of failing, meaning I bust and feel like shit about myself..not always though. I haven't tried any of this recently since I'm committed to shooting for a 300 day nofap streak..don't know whats going to happen but fuck it I'm committing to it. BUt ya man I feel you. What I do is use that urge to my advantage with women..I see how far I can push the interactions to see how interested they are and go from there. Its like I use that energy/urge to let them know how beautiful and sexy they are. Just drop the compliment in there casually with eye contact and it won't come off as creepy but if they do think its weird than fuck em. Second tatic is I just harness that energy into other stuff but its hard because girls/sex pop into my mind quite often, less so since starting this new streak. It comes and goes. Some days/weeks you'll want to fuck anything that moves, other times you realize you are not horny at all. I'm telling this to myself as well. Helps me stay the course!
  3. Leo3000

    Leo3000 Guest

    Fixation on the sex that's almost indiscriminate--where almost any woman will do--can be about something other than sex. Just like with other behavioral compulsions (eating, shopping, etc) there can be something else BEHIND the impulse that's really driving the boat.

    It can fall into one of two broad categories: trying to get something, or trying to avoid something.

    So in the moment when feeling consumed by the urge, you could try breathing and really taking a moment to ask yourself in that moment what that part of you wants so badly that it thinks having sex will give it? Do you want to feel strong? Desired? Loved? Connected? Something else? (Then the question is why do you NOT feel that way already, and start addressing that).

    Or conversely, try to notice if you're feeling something that you want to avoid, so sex was a preferred escape. Again the idea is to face it and then work to address it.

    Biology is part of it for most of us. But if it's really getting to you the level that it sounds like it is, then odds are good something else if feeding the desire. The more you can get it the more freedom you'll win yourself.

    Good luck.
    loneuglywolf likes this.
  4. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    The other thing is that a process of abstinence should allow you to 'overcome' your biology to the point where you are no longer controlled by the 'urge'. Your rational self is fighting back and looking to take charge of your irrational desires. This is what real freedom and self-determination consists of.

    After doing Nofap for a good solid year or two, I can now go out to bars and be hardly affected by the promiscuous types. I know them because I'm a social guy and I live in a small town. But I'll just say hello, have a chat, be a friend, and move on. I don't even find them attractive because I am now screening for quality and character [the remnant].

    Go Greek!
  5. FlatlineFred

    FlatlineFred Fapstronaut

    Trigger warning and trigger cure!

    Find a rubber band that fits on the opposite wrist of your "best" hand (so left if you are right handed)

    1) Tell yourself that you want to stop the self directed sex video imaginations you are having. (And mean it)

    2) every time your imagination creates a sex scene sceanero with the women you see, pull back the rubber band and let it go with a hard enough 'snap' that it stings.

    Keep repeating that for every new "imagination episode"

    Example - pretty female co-worker bends over to pick something up (your "sex movie thought = "I could pop my c*** into her a** right now if she was all oiled up and naked...")

    SNAP that rubber band hard!

    This is a simple trick to help you associate that sort of thought as something your body dislikes.

    I have been doing it and found it really works.

    The combination of no P watching, no PMO and the rubber band snap is really helping train myself.

    I see females more as people now and less as 'always available actresses' to be cast in my sex imagination videos.

    Give it a shot.

    You can do it privately, no one needs to see you doing it. (just as long as you snap it during or very soon after your 'sex movie' thoughts) You can have a BS excuse for why you are wearing a rubber band on your wrist ("it's to remind me to water my neighbors plants this week")

    Read up on it here.


    By the way, I haven't stopped noticing women are beutiful! (I will take that to the grave!) so you can definitely continue to enjoy looking at women!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
    loneuglywolf likes this.
  6. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I new twist on the old-fashioned 'hair shirts.'
  7. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Sexuality is your strongest urge, it's the root power of life. You cannot "suppress" it, but you can use it.

    Therefore, don't just focus on "avoiding". Focus on your goals and on activity. Focus on learning new skills. Learn self discipline. Maintain friends and human relationships. Do sports. Learn to relax. Sleep enough.

    Also, in sexuality, go away from "orgasm" as a goal. With a partner, you could also enjoy an erotic massage - take one, or give one ... this will relax you and give you a floating feeling, and it gives you a much broader experience than just masturbating or quick sex.
  8. CodyM

    CodyM Fapstronaut

    Not sure how this will go over on these forums, but in case it's not received well, please don't take it as being preachy - it's not meant that way at all. I realize not everyone around here is Christian.
    In response to the title of this thread, yes they certainly can be. Look at what's mentioned in the story of Noah's ark. Right before that flood came the Bible mentions that angels from heaven spent too much time looking at how beautiful women were and didn't keep their desires in check. They came down to earth specifically to fulfill those desires despite knowing that they'd be giving up immortality and a good standing with God, but they did it anyways. And they were perfect (albeit with free choice). So as imperfect men who were designed to want and mate with women, we have a big struggle to keep those urges in their proper place (whatever you deem that place to be). We just gotta keep trying.
  9. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    Hi man!

    I very much agree with you! Women are hot and beautiful and there's nothing wrong with admiring them. I understand that you have an ultra-high sexual drive and the way to deal with it is to marry if you are not married already. But if you have, then, I honestly am not liking you for fantasizing other than your partner. Ik it feels kinda boring being with same girl all the time but know that marriage purpose is not only to have sex and children But it's to consult her when in need, feeling down or even in your case being horny (lol, this sounds terrifying but there's a greater satisfaction sharing this with your partner.)

    Good luck man!