Overcoming insecurity when flirting

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by vjbu, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut


    since I want to combine nf with an overall mental and physical improvement , I am looking for help and opinions regarding my insecurity problems.

    I am a male teenager and incredibly insecure when it comes to flirting with girls. I obsess over whether they like me or not, overthink it through and let it ruin my mood.

    For example, one day a girl I like talks to me, we make eye contact and other "positive stuff". I get excited, think only of that and feel happy. The next day though nothing happens, e.g. we do not chat, I constantly check her from distance to see if her feet are pointing at me, tell my friends to remind me of the chances that she likes me and I am desperate. I end up feeling shit and depressed (fap as well). I forget about it and after weeks the same pattern repeats itself.

    I am now already 2 months into my summer holidays and I do not think of her frequently. But since I am on a trip abroad I overthink a lot so she has a place in my mind and I can not distract myself with hobbies or excercise. I used to have a mindset of "I give no shit about girls" but now it has inexplicably vanished.

    I looked further into it and it dawned on me that I am terribly insecure and have very low self esteem. Some preliminary research online led me to unsatisfactory content as my issue is more personalized and related to interactions with the other gender.

    How can I stop obsessing over "signs" that a girl is into me and be cool about it?

    This is a major weakness of my personality and you can not imagine how I appreciate assistance.

    I am looking forward to your answers.

    Bukunmi likes this.
  2. I noticed you are talking about "her", so I guess you mean one special girl. And this means you put her on a pedestral. When you notice there is no interest from her, there is the next special girl.

    My advise would be:
    1. Flirt with everyone, even the 80 year old ladies. They will also appreciate you giving them a compliment, without having any sexual intention, which brings me to my next point.
    2. Don´t flirt with a sexual intention. This will put so much pressure on you that you overthink every small detail. And without that pressure of having to say or do the right things, so she will end up in your bed later on, you will fully enjoy the interaction with her. Don´t worry about her not liking you. If she didn´t, she would not be talking to you. She would find some lame ass excuse why she has to leave, and that is fine too. Because you won´t waste your time and energy talking to a girl who does not like you and spend more time with the ones you do. In this frame of mind, rejection is actually a good thing, because it spares you from mundane and painful interactions.
    sdkfme likes this.
  3. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    I never had sexual intentions, but it is hard not to glimpse rarely and furtively at those boobs. Nothing more than that though.

    I do not know if she approached me because she liked me or not. There is no point in boggling my mind anymore as she will be going to another school by September.

    However my insecurity leads me to just subconsciously want to make a girl like me so that my weak personality ensures that I am accepted by the other gender, rather than having sex with girls (not a priority at the moment).
  4. She does like you. Do you ever approach someone you don´t like? Hell no! :D

    But why do you want to be liked by everyone? People wo do not like you will sort themselves out. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself. Let me give you one example:
    You ask a girl about her favorite song. She tells you, but you hate that song.
    Then tell her exactly that.
    You don´t need to pretend to like everything she likes.
    You just have to stand up for yourself.
    Chances are she will appreciate you for not kissing her ass or trying to get into her pants.

    You don´t need to be friends with everyone. It´s good to have a few enemies.
    fapposian and Bukunmi like this.
  5. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    That last part is a weakness. I tend to avoid conflict and it is something I try to improve.

    We went to the same school for 3 years and we knew each other. I guess she may had seen me as a friend, but we never hung out together. Quite confusing, I know. But yeah, I need to focus on myself and be more of an "egoist".
    Properitas likes this.
  6. The word egoist has such a negative connotation in our society. There´s no such word for "going after what you want in life and don´t give a fuck what others think of you".
    Conflict is actually a good thing. When you have a conflict with someone, it means you´ve overstepped their boundaries. Now you know where they are, how far you can go.
    If you don´t know these boundaries, you will never know how much you can get from life.
    You could for example ask girls for small favors, like telling you the time, or giving you directions. Then ask them for bigger favors, like buying you a drink at the club. See how far you can go with this.

    Hell, I once asked a girl if she wants to have sex with me and she just said okay why not.
    Ask and you shall be given. And don´t be afraid to take what´s yours.
    Bukunmi likes this.
  7. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your help. Anything you said is so true. I got a hot one to massage me at a hotel on a school trip just by asking.

    However, what prevented me from asking the girl I forementioned out was that the school I go too is small and in a semi-urban and slightly isolated region. Therefore, in case things would not go as expected, gossip would travel fast hence making any social interaction uncomfortable.
  8. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    People talk anywhere.
  9. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    What do you mean
  10. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    So I need to get out of my confort zone more I guess
    Properitas likes this.
  11. Bro..

    You need to stop being so in your head and focusing so much on little body language cues. Things like understanding body language are useful if you've already completely mastered social interactions, but if you haven't, focusing on it is going to cause you more problems rather than help you - because body language is very nuanced, and so if you're not a good read of people, you'll misunderstand it completely, like this.

    For example you mentioned the feet pointing thing, and yet you clearly misunderstand it. You said you're checking if her feet are pointing at you.. from a distance. The body language cue you're thinking of is that people who like you more are more likely to point their legs/feet towards you in a conversation.. But they don't suddenly just start pointing your feet at someone you like when they're 20 metres away. :emoji_joy: - and even in a conversation, there are a million different occasions when someone's feet won't be pointing at you even though they like you. For example if someone is shy around you, their body language will change to more closely resemble that of someone who doesn't like you. If there are multiple people in a conversation, then guess what, someone can't point their legs at multiple people at once, so them not pointing their legs at you means very little there either.. plus, sometimes it's just more comfortable to sit a certain way.

    You need to stop thinking about and over-analysing these little details. Instead focus on holding a conversation.

    You said the next day "nothing happened". Why not? Why didn't you approach her and start a conversation? Were you just waiting for her to come up to you? If so, how do you know she wasn't waiting for you to do the same thing? You can't just be passive and wait for someone to come to you. You need to take an active role, initiate daily conversations/interactions with her, get to know her more, spend time with her outside of school etc.

    Also you're a teenager. I don't care how suave any of your friends look, they're all just as clueless in male-to-female interactions as you are. Everyone is at your age. None of you have enough experience yet. So you don't have to stress the fact that you're not a good flirt either. Unless the girl in question has been dating dudes in their mid 20s and 30s, she hasn't met anyone who isn't an inexperienced flirt yet. So, you're no worse off than any other guy from your school.

    Don't wait around for her to make all the moves, because that won't happen. Sure she might initiate a conversation once in a while - but there is enormous social pressure on her not to make the first move even if she's into you, because it's just accepted that the guy makes the first move. Whether or not you agree that things should be this way, it's how they are - and especially as teenagers, that social pressure is going to win 9 times out of 10, so it's very unlikely she'll take things any further unless you're the one to take action and take things further yourself.

    The way you get past insecurity is by becoming experienced. The way you get past inexperience is with practice. Try and interact with her as much as possible, and stop worrying about if it doesn't work out. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so you may as well push it, flirt, and take your shot.
  12. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Act stop thinking.
    JesusGreen likes this.
  13. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your posts guys. You have given me a whole new perspective to think off.

    I will try from now on to take my chances and... who knows?
  14. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    same here pal, same here. Don't worry...There's someone for everyone. Just use boogie2988 the youtuber he's like 500 lbs plus (making an effort to loose weight and that's motivational and i root for him) he is married and his wife is the prettiest women that has good morals i've seen on YouTube. so if he can get a pretty gal, im sure we can lol
  15. I was the same way when I was your age lol I believe she likes you bro be nice to her stay out of the friend zone ... Keep her interested most of all be your self ... Don't think about nailing her well you can just don't let it be your first mind ... Lay off the fapping that also causes problems if not now in the long run it will
  16. Looks and features are not everything some times women like personality and how I man carries himself
  17. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    That's how I like them, not shallow, and doesn't care about looks. That how I am, I find beauty in a womens personality easily.
  18. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    Since she is (sadly) changing school in September I have stopped getting bothered. I want to treat my insecurity and abstaining from PMO helps.

    As for looks, surely they are not everything, at least for women. I think that males judge more by looks and curves, but it really depends I guess
  19. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut

    Reminding myself that girls my age are similarly inexperienced as I am really makes things better