Anyone have tips on agression?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Secularstruggler, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Secularstruggler

    Secularstruggler Fapstronaut

    Sometimes i start to do well on a streak but i then become agressive. I've had disciplinarys at work because of complaints of agression but want to carry on with nofap. Any advice on keeping calm?
  2. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    I'd say ride it out man you'll get less aggressive the further you get into your journey. I know for me I'm not as aggressive as I once was while using pmo.

    With that said depending on the type of work you do will depend on what options you have. At work for me personally I have a stress ball I squeeze the shit out of when I'm feeling irritated and aggressive it calms me down. Other times I calm my self down by meditating for a few moments. Long enough to dispel those aggressive thoughts and feelings and move on.

    This works for me

    Good luck!
    vyndaloo and plant goodness like this.
  3. Idaho man

    Idaho man Fapstronaut

    I know this is going to sound a little new agey, but I just started to meditate. It has helped calm my mind and allow for the frontal cortex(logic part of the brain) become stronger than the Limbic (premitive part of the brain). This has helped me calm down. Not a cure all, but it may help.
  4. petite_mort

    petite_mort Fapstronaut

    I believe it's a good sign of recovery, as it clearly indicates a change in your body. It might get rowdy at times, but in my opinion it can't be worse than PMO lethargy. The best thing to do is to redirect your agression once you're conscious of it : it can help you speed up the process as it leads to decisive action, but remember that the keyword here is consciousness. Provided you don't rush things, it could even be enjoyable.
    plant goodness likes this.
  5. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Aggression is caused by the excessive energy you are getting from nofap. I would say start working out as hard as possible everyday. This works best to channel the excess energy. Meditation right after working out would have some great effects too.
    vyndaloo and plant goodness like this.
  6. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Buddy this is 2017.

    Ain't nothin 'New Agey' about meditation man. It's being studied in mind labs around the world by leading scientists rampantly.
    Deleted Account and Awakening123 like this.
  7. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Nothin is as bad as the little death am I right bro?
  8. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    This is going to sound cornier than the soles of my dead grampa's feet may he RIP, but try watching a nature video while taking deep breaths the entire time.

    Like this:

    Or better yet go for a walk in a park that has a path of some kind through pure nature.

    Science backs it up, it's completely secular.
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Find your local Krav Maga gym and try out their free class. :)
    plant goodness likes this.
  10. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    What kinds of things are you frustrated with?
  11. petite_mort

    petite_mort Fapstronaut

    You bet you are !
    plant goodness likes this.
  12. plant goodness

    plant goodness Fapstronaut

    Well I mean at least when it comes to killing ourselves...
  13. You could do what Abraham Lincoln did. When you're angry at someone write the person a letter expressing all your anger towards them in the bluntest terms possible but don't give them the letter. After writing these letters Lincoln would put it in his draw. You could do that or burn letter or throw it away. Doing this might be a healthy way to get rid of your aggression.
  14. Discípulo

    Discípulo Fapstronaut

    What i do with that excess of testosterone is running for half an hour at maximum speed possible, do some calisthenics and then some meditation focusing on my breath. That combo leaves me like a feather stuffed with steel, strong and wild, yet centered and pacific. I hope that helps!
  15. rivct10145

    rivct10145 Fapstronaut

    i get the anger thing, mine comes out as a combination between restlessness too. Not really sure as to what to do but my suggestion would be to ride it out and maybe use it as a learning tool when/if it comes up in the future it can be something you look back on see that you were able to get through that situation without using....again im not too expierienced so take this with a grain of salt
    petite_mort likes this.
  16. I wouldn't really call meditation new-agey. Meditation is only spiritual or whatever if you want to make it spiritual. First and foremost, it's an exercise for the mind. It's no more new age than lifting weights is - that's my opinion anyway.

    Everyone should be meditating. It's hands down the single healthiest habit I've adopted. NoFap was great, healthy eating was great, exercise was great.. but none of these things came even remotely close to giving me as much benefit as meditation has. If I had a choice between ditch meditation but do all the others, or ditch all the others but meditate, I would choose the latter every time, easily.
  17. Pepper M.

    Pepper M. Fapstronaut

    I have two strategies depending on the situation. The first one is tough. It is to be used when you get angry or frustrated at another person because they said or did something to you that makes you upset and you don't understand why they did. You just have to take a deep breath and think of them as a child - an innocent person with probably not bad intentions who made a mistake or is socially awkward and blurted out something hurtful by accident. Don't immediately put all the blame on them and try to understand where they are coming from by picturing them as coming from a place of innocence.

    Number two is easier. Can be used with anger at other people or if you are just mad at yourself or a situation - just walk away. Physically get away from the place/person where your anger is building and then let it diffuse by distracting yourself. Best of luck.
    petite_mort likes this.
  18. petite_mort

    petite_mort Fapstronaut

    Pretty correct. Having some experience, I can assert it's definitely a good way to look at it. Remember that the ultimate goal is not only to get rid of the addiction, but also to regain consciousness.
  19. petite_mort

    petite_mort Fapstronaut

    Yes. Seemingly it takes balls to do that, especially if the place/person is close to you, but at the end the benefits are substantial and there's nothing easier.
    Pepper M. likes this.