On and off flatlines

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Papasmurf22, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Papasmurf22

    Papasmurf22 Fapstronaut

    Hey brothers.. quick question here, been on my longest streak of no pmo and I'm close to reaching my second month now, is it normal to have flatlines one week than the next week feel great and very flirtatious and confident than the week after that have no interest in females at all. This has been going on this whole month now and I've been on the flatline more often than the feeling of "superpowers".I wouldn't even consider it superpowers yet. I would say I was real confident and flirtatious but that's all gone now and it only lasted about 3 days... and now out of nowhere back to flatline
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  2. I currently share the same situation as you. I wonder too. I had a good 6 days with a flatline then 3 more days after I am hella horny. I wonder too....
    Papasmurf22 likes this.
  3. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I think the topic "flatline" is really a grey spot yet cause everyone is experiencing differently, some think they are on flatline while they have other reasons why they feel as they feel. Some have 1 flatline and go for months feeling amazing, some experience something differently.

    One's for sure, if we want these hercules powers, we have to keep the days rolling, no matter how we feel and for how long feel that way :S
    Papasmurf22 likes this.
  4. Papasmurf22

    Papasmurf22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother. Where are you currently on this journey
    Steve Sancteria likes this.
  5. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    We all experience the process differently. I never flatlined during my first reboot. I was incredibly horny all 26 days.
  6. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    On day 23, the last couple of days where not as good as some past days on my journey, but that's not an excuse to go for the great things every single day, all my days YET ended up being great, not a single bad day since I've started to practice my mindset each day.

    For myself it's proof for something I already know, the state of your mind decides if you feel good or bad, your focus decides in which state of mind we are and what we focus depends on what we think is important right now.
    However, there are smart ways to tell your brain to focus the good things and blend the bad crap out, ways to value good things way more than bad things.

    I had enough reasons the last 3 days to feel miserable, like life makes no sense and all this because my stupid neighbor is loud even in the middle of the night.
    But yet I've felt great cause that's what I am focusing all day long.
    There are times that feel worse than others, but if you manage to add value to your life, no matter how small it is, you win something instead of losing the day.
  7. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    My longest streak so far was 77 days

    I flatlined around day 25-35 then again 50-55 then again 70-77 when i relapsed

    The periods in between i was feeling progressivley better and better, between 55-70 i felt INCREDIBLE but that last flatline was killer and i sadly crumbled.

    So in my experience at least yes it's very normal, recovery isn't linear but it's on an upward curve you just have to knuckle down and endure the flatlines.

    in enduring grow stronger.
    Papasmurf22 likes this.
  8. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    The process is different for everyone. I have read many posts and what I have found is that there two types of people. Some have alternating periods of feeling great and having different kind of symptoms like having no libido etc. For other people it is a continuous period of feeling low. I have read about similar experiences as yours many times. So I guess it is "normal".
  9. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I always think like, if we end up in our old behaviors, we gonna flatline every single day, so it's still a fair trade if we have some days that aren't "that great" but recieve days that come close to the best of our life
    Fishsammich likes this.
  10. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    This is 100% true

    Flatlines coming off tge good periods feel bad and you may feel that its as bad as after a relapse.

    It isn't.

    You have to mentally prepare for the flatline. Know it's temporary (even if its a long one for a few weeks) and know its happening for a reason

    How much better to know "i feel depressed etc because my brain is healing and upgrading" vs feeling that way for no reason at all
  11. Cafax Xafac

    Cafax Xafac Fapstronaut

    Don't ever give up. Please. Because I don't want to see anybody feeling the way I'm feeling right now. I relapsed moments ago and it sucks. You're going good bro. Remember flatlines are coming from old 'you' and U gotta defeat that.
    Anyway whose with me? Day 0 here
  12. BeanBurrito

    BeanBurrito Fapstronaut

    Flatlines can last a while, man. I speak from experience.

    Just hang in there and know that it's part of the process that we have to go through right now.

    You gotta have some patience on this journey and know that it can really suck sometimes.

    It's not permanent though just keep fighting.