A bit of motivation for guys struggling.

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, May 11, 2017.

  1. It was last year May, I had a girlfriend for two weeks. I wanted to have sex with her. I couldn't get erected, I felt incredibly sad afterwards. (I looked porn that day, and was devistated I coudn't stop the pmo addiction)

    Now a year later,
    I've got a gf for a month. Had multiple times sex with her. No sign of PIED.

    It was a loooooooong way, but you can do it.

    Quit Porn.
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How long did you abstain from porn?
  3. I'm 43 days without, but I have been months without it. Trust me it's the root to pied. quit porn
    ErikJS, DBug, franco216 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Jchobez

    Jchobez New Fapstronaut

    3 days in ... I have to make this work . I already have more spring in my step. Temptation is huge , on the 90 day challenge.
    ErikJS and DBug like this.
  5. Tommy_0113

    Tommy_0113 Fapstronaut

    How strong were your erections at the start and how strong are they now?
  6. McBuster

    McBuster Fapstronaut

    I second what Larry said!

    I haven't had much PIED or ED issues, but have suffered from DE for years. I've been off PMO for 32 days and made amazing love to my wife last night with no sign of DE. I cannot express the importance of this enough, but when you get there, you will know, whether it's PIED, ED, DE or other PM induced issues. Stay strong and stick to the plan, you will be rewarded at the end and it will be more than worth it.
  7. dico888

    dico888 Fapstronaut

    Good to hear this, and also McBuster, good to hear your story! I'm also on day 33, but still afraid to rewire a bit. Bit anxious it might not be enough, so I'm aiming for the hard-90! Then I'm confident enough to try it :)

    In the beginning I was very skeptical, but I am seeing so much improvements! I can get 80% erections on command, and on some occasions 100%. This one time I even got it to 120% it felt.. but I was aroused all day that day.

    Still have some performance anxiety to work on, but one thing at a time :)
    If anyone has some tips for PA, hit me up! :D
    DBug likes this.
  8. Mr.DGMC123

    Mr.DGMC123 Fapstronaut

    on my 4th day..targeting first 30 day then 60 then 90..need to focus.
    ErikJS likes this.
  9. ErikJS

    ErikJS Fapstronaut

    great shares. inspirational. on day 11. thanks for the hope.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. But was the reward not satisfying enough? I see you've relapsed since then. What made you relapse although you could have sex without any PIED?
  11. I used PMO as an escape for my emotions.
  12. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

  13. 19Athlete99

    19Athlete99 Fapstronaut

    Currently on day 35, when do you start noticing improvements with pied?
  14. At around day 50 - 70. It's all about confidence and patience.
  15. Hey pal, I'm currently rebooting and have PIED as well. It ranges from a month up to years actually. It depends on the severity of the addiction. But improvements will definitely happen within 2-3 months. How old are you and how long have you been watching porn?

    As for me I started young and I 'm 21 so I grew up wiring my adolescent brain to PMO. Don't expect to take less time than the amount of time you spent lookig at porn (as a guideline) but it's bound to recover faster than that! :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. 19Athlete99

    19Athlete99 Fapstronaut

    I'm 18 and started when I was 12.. didn't notice I had pied until last year but it hasn't been consistent. This sounds weird but sometimes I get hard with some girls sometimes i don't it's always changing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. AtlasR2D2

    AtlasR2D2 Guest

    This is encouraging. I find my confidence hit massively by it. PIED coupled with performance anxiety as a result of the PIED creating a negative feedback loop. I am determined to stay the course with nofap to re-wire as you guys have.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. I don't get notified if someone replies..

    So I'm 72 days pmo free. No sign of PIED. I do know if I watch porn again this will come back.

    My erection is very strong and I get turned on by real woman.

    glad this encourages someone.