Lonely as fuck, feel depressed

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by care4ameatball, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. care4ameatball

    care4ameatball Fapstronaut

    hi everyone. I recently got out of a year long plus relationship for multiple reasons. Point is that I've been single for a couple of weeks and I'm really missing her but she'll never take me back. I just want a girl to love so bad rn and I've been legitmately depressed. I can't think straight. I hate this feeling. I've been talking to other girls trying to fill the void that she left behind but I don't know how to get over this healthily. I just want to sleep all day and I have absolutely no motivation. I hate feeling like I need a female to love me to feel like I'm worth anything, it fucking sucks :(
    Potato93 likes this.
  2. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Stop putting women on a pedestal and making them your source of self worth. Nut up and man up.
  3. You don't know that really. Unless you did something awful like run over her dog in your car. Maybe she wanted some space and will see things differently later on. Also, why do you feel so needy. There is a lot more to life than having a girlfriend. It is not a magic wand that will make you instantly happy. Taking the NoFap challenge would make a difference though! :)
  4. Loizaman

    Loizaman Fapstronaut

    What I would say is this is a perfect opportunity to do something you always wanted like getting ripped, marathin training, learning a language or travel somewhere. Your self esteem comes from who you are, not who youre with, she left a void fill it with something constructive even for a while.
    My experience with women is that the ones I am genuinely not interested in chase me, the ones I tried to be my best for didnt even give me a chance. The trick is just act oblivious to all of them. I think the reasoning is subconsciously if a man is needy then he cannot provide for their needs which is the main reason why women want to be with men. Not necessarily material needs, mostly listening to them and acknowledging their problems, so if we as men are needy then we are sucked up in our own needs and it turns women off.
  5. Cyan

    Cyan Fapstronaut

    I feel you, a breakup is always harsh, especially if you are a invested guy and thought more of it.
    My advice for you is to find something that distracts you so you can deal with this is a healthy fashion, it is important that you think about the breakup and go through it so you can personally reach the point where you have finished with it and can go on.

    I dont know about your hobbies or lifestyle, but people above have already suggested using the free time to commit to sport, you can also find all kinds of hobbies and distractions that will help you, just try not to not have too much free time in which you loathe about it. Another thing are your closest friends, they too can be a great help to give advice and be people to talk to during the time of grief.

    I wish you good luck moving on!
  6. luskos

    luskos Fapstronaut

    Hate the bitch to the point it's 50% love left, and 50% hate accumulated.When i was 25 years old i still had crush on my first love.You don't wanna know how old i was when i met her.Let's say i was still wetting my bed.She is still my best female friend, but i feel pretty well with that now.Aim for the golden middle!

    My score with depressions is pretty high.Last week i felt so depressed that i opened the hub watched few videos with pants down.Fell a sleep.There was no motivation even for this!

    Buddha said that desire gives birth to suffering.Stop the desire.Stop the suffering!To end your depression stay physical, go for a walk or hit the gym.Find a bench in the park and read a book in a good sunny day.Plan a vacation to the finest detail but never go, it will entertain your mind.Spend few days with your best friend.Get the house clean and tidy.Or at least your own room.More shit you do and think about faster you get out of it!
    Buddhabro likes this.
  7. I was in deep depression and suffered from mental illness just like you. My advice is to talk to a therapist about your problems, go to your local clinic to get prescribed with antidepressants if you want and go out to nightclub and mingle with the ladies. Don't guarantee that your depression would go away overnight, it takes motivation and good attitude.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  8. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

    You need to keep up with self improvement. Think of the reason why you broke up with your gf, maybe she became less attracted to you? Then there is simply more reason for you to try to improve your overall self. I mean people are attracted to you only when you have that good vibe, or else it maybe superficial. So keep up the work to getting better even if that's sleeping better, working out no fapping. You can start with the small things and the big things will take care of themselves.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  9. Eye have the weirdest boner, seriously though. Only the head is erect, looks like a mushroom.
  10. This is not you, it's your lust that wants her.
    Start this reboot journey & you'll know what true love means!!
  11. Heptapod89Fr

    Heptapod89Fr Fapstronaut

    Hi care4ameatball, this is Morpheus lol :emoji_dark_sunglasses:

    It seems that you can't love yourself if a woman does't. That's a problem. I used to have the same but I'm starting to go better.

    One solution is to say to yourself in the mirror : "I love you". You have to believe in it. At the beginning it may be hard, but it will get better with the time. I personnaly saw improvement in my life, little by little.

    #luskos : I don't agree with you about desire : if our friend care4ameatball stops his desire, he will go worse. Desire is very important, it is what leads us in life, it is our vital energy.

    #dangbang66 : I think that antidepressants are very dangerous. But it's a good idea to find a professionnal to whom you can talk with trust. I agree that it takes motivation and good attitude. And it all starts with think positive, but sometimes, alone, we are too weak to think positive or we don't know where to start. This is why we need to help each other.

    I wish you all a great day, and remember that the hour before dawn always seems to be the darkest. But then comes the sun :emoji_sun_with_face: