Where to learn how to dress?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Genji, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Genji

    Genji Guest

    I'm trying to upgrade my wardrobe, anyone got suggestions?
    Xience likes this.
  2. Xience

    Xience Guest

    I was taught by parents when I was about 4 or 5. My babysitter sometimes helped I think until around 6? I received an upgrade when I found what clothing simply felt right and was on clearance sale.
    Estus and jest like this.
  3. señor

    señor Guest

    oooo that's a good question man

    when you're first getting into style it helps to have some fashion inspirations that will help you get your foot in the door, sort of like how musicians have favorites which inspires their music. right now my style is a weird mesh between david beckham and tyler the creator. what are yours?

    there are a lot of awesome resources you can use to get really good advice about your fashion sense. a lot of it depends on your frame and appearance -- not all styles look good on everyone so there's some trial and error here, and these will help you narrow it down


    those are two awesome subreddits that'll help you get started


    and thats probably one of the best YouTube channels I know for men's fashion

    people will talk about all the fashion rules you have to follow and whatever but tbh fashion is an art as much as anything else, some of the most stylish people I know break a lot of boundaries and it pays off, so don't be afraid to rock something unusual if you like it damn it

    as far as shopping goes, I'd recommend asos.com. they have a lot of cool/creative stuff you can't find anywhere else, but their real selling point is that a) it's pretty cheap compared to other trendy stuff and b) free returns yo. I buy almost all of my clothes on asos
  4. Genji

    Genji Guest

    This is ... rather unspecific.
  5. Genji

    Genji Guest

    Great answer, thank you very much!
  6. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

  7. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Bad joke pal.

    Check out this blog:


    The fashion on there is very expensive but very ethical in terms of using organic materials and fair labor practices.

    I shop at Macy's if I'm honest. I'm not proud of it but they constantly have super stylish clothes on clearance sale year round. Can't beat it.
  8. squilliam

    squilliam Fapstronaut

    Just discovered TJ Maxx. Not sure where you live, but that place is the bomb.
    Xience likes this.
  9. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Dude there's one by me but I find the clothing doesn't fit right, like there's a valid reason they sell it so cheap. It really was not made properly hence it didn't make it to the store it was supposed to.

    I'm telling you Macy's always has like 50-75% off sales and their shit is stellar.
  10. Genji

    Genji Guest

    Haha, I'm out of that phase, but thanks.
  11. Xience

    Xience Guest

    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  12. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Work out. If you look good, anything you wear makes you look good ... even when you don't wear anything, still look good LMAOOO
  13. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    This. Also, go into a retail store to buy your new clothes. Talk to the shop attendant. Tell them you want something that looks good and fits you well. Most of them will be willing to help because they want you to buy from them and not one of their competitors. If they don't help you, then walk down the road to one of their competitors.
  14. Israfeel

    Israfeel Fapstronaut

    Actually i was thinking to reward myself with style upgrade after the day 30 :)

    First of all search online stores. It's a better way to look different models and prices of things you want to buy, insted of randomly walking into stores and being manipulated by the seller :)

    Second search youtube with keywords like this:
    How to build your wardrobe - basic wardrobe essentials
    There is this youtuber named alfa m. That does good videos

    I wish you a great reboot and a perfect style :))
  15. I use this site: cladwellmen
  16. Israfeel

    Israfeel Fapstronaut

    Does it really help you?
    How good is it?
  17. Yeah, it's just one helping hand. You fill in your body measurements, color (eyes skin etc) and they will look which colors and clothing fits the best with your personal settings / measurements. For me it's a great tool.

    I also use pinterest a lot. When i don't know what to wear with my brown pants and black shoes i just fill in: men fashion black shoes brown pants and you have ton of inspiration. Youtube was also a good inspirator but deleted it because it was to distracting :p
    Israfeel likes this.
  18. Israfeel

    Israfeel Fapstronaut

    : )))
    Thanks a lot for the details. Specially about Pinterest, I'll look it up.
    Wish u a great reboot : )
    Rhododendro_ likes this.
  19. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    Jump from an airplane into land and then you will die, thus, they will cover and you won't need to exhaust yourself into learning how to dress.