Virgin issue!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Jay Smith, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    This you can work with. Ending your virginity is a little harder than M'ing, but not much. It's easier if you are not easily disgusted or have some money. I would not recommend rushing into it. If you love and are committed to your partner, sex is a special part of a relationship. If not, a first time is likely going to leave you feeling like you wish you hadn't done it, and maybe next time will be better. Waiting and building relationship helps make it a special time. But that requires approaching girls.
    How do you approach guys?
    Girls aren't the same as guys, but breaking the ice is breaking the ice.
    When are you with girls?
    Work? Classes? Neighborhood? Mall?
    Take advantage of your opportunities. Compliments are good starters. An offer to help or a request for some help or information can also break the ice. Open ended questions are important, as is careful listening.
    Your desire to end your virginity may get in the way of your getting started. If you are really looking for an easy hole to fill, it will show, and you won't get far with anybody you would want to spend time with. If you started by looking for a friend, somebody you could enjoy spending time with, share experiences with, you would probably get off to a better start.
    When you go into flatline, it is a good time to visit with girls. You have no interest in sex, so you can talk to them and keep your cool.
    I waited until I was 27 and had found a great wife, and I have been so glad that I did. Never had any worries about diseases, or calling out the wrong name during O. She has no concerns about not measuring up to my old conquests and experiences. She knows she it the only one, we can discover and grow together clean.
    Stacy31 likes this.
  2. Stacy31

    Stacy31 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing, Jay, it is ALWAYS a good idea to talk about your experiences and how they are affecting you. You've gotten some good feedback already, but I would like to break some stuff down for you.

    In my opinion, the most important thing for you to understand right now is that a lot of what you're hearing about what it means to be a man, or a woman, or to have sex, or not have sex, is all based off of peoples ideas. NOT truths, just ideas. Gender and sexuality are both things that are constructed, i.e. they're not "natural", or "god-given", or "true", they're just concepts that societies have invented for specific purposes and given specific meanings to suite certain people.

    An example of what this means for you can be found down below:
    This is an awesome comment, as it illustrates one of those constructs, one of those myths about gender and sexuality that are so prevalent in our society. What it means to be a man, or a woman, or whatever gender you identify with is up to YOU. And, in fact, a lot of what you'll hear about what it means to be one or the other is very toxic. It is non-viable, as in, not actually able to exist in the real world, because it makes people unhappy, and unable to live the lives they want to lead. Maybe it works for some, but just because it does, doesn't mean that it should apply to everyone.

    I'd recommend talking with your teachers, or with a librarian, about reading up on gender roles and sexuality, and start doing some research!

    And, in addition to that, start talking with women!

    Because here's the thing: women are people, just like you, they just happen to have a couple different organs, and they have different experiences as they go through life, but that's it. There's all these ideas about how strange one gender is in relation to another, but that's mostly bullshit. The differences that matter are the differences of experience. That's what you need to pay attention to. And, just to clarify, when I say experience, I mean the events and interactions that someone lives through. And, the only real way to learn about those experiences, experiences which vary from person to person, is to talk to someone!

    So get out there and have some conversations! Learn some shit about another person! Sex is meaningless on its own, it depends on so much more to actually make a difference in someone's life. Just getting off with someone else's sex organ isn't going to do anything positive for you. But, sharing an experience with someone you like, or love, will.

    So, all that said, to sum up my major points one last time: don't let anyone else tell you what it means to be a man, woman, or to have sex. Don't let someone else's idea determine how you view the world. Instead, go experience things. Learn about things. Read (and not just fiction!). Have conversations. Take part in your community, and family, etc. Sex might be an experience, but it's one of many, and it's not something that will really matter if you neglect so many other types of experiences, such as getting to know another person almost as well as you know yourself.

    So hang in there! You've got your ENTIRE life ahead of you. Don't waste it on fantasies and myths about gender and sex. Instead, get out there, talk, learn, and examine your ideas so that you can determine exactly what you want to believe, and exactly how you want to live your life.
  3. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    What makes you think you need to not be a virgin?
    Are you expecting to sleep with girls before you approach them? These things progress, and yours is the perfect age to cut yourself some slack and really enjoy each stage of the progression. First learn how to approach girls, then learn how to be comfortable around them, then how to kiss them, then how to make out, then how to take off a bra, and maybe then have sex. All of these stages are a lot of fun to slow down and enjoy!

    So, if we start where you are:
    Where can you find out more about approaching women?
    What can you do to practice approaching women?
    What do women find attractive in men (qualities, not looks)?
    What kind of women do you find attractive? Why? What commonalities do you have with them?

    One of the best attitudes I can suggest is this: think of everything you do as practice. No failing, just learning from your mistakes. Falling on your ass can be a really big learning experience and can teach you how to do better. Keep failing forward, and keep practicing!

    -A 30 year old virgin.
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  4. wakeupboy

    wakeupboy Fapstronaut

    I am 21years old and still a virgin.Actually,I think i have to remain virginity before marriage.Maybe when i got my PHD i still a virgin.hhhhh
  5. Arun Prakash

    Arun Prakash New Fapstronaut

    so am I
    I'm 22 and still a virgin
    I don't want to rush into sex cos I don't want women to feel that I'm desperate
    so don't feel like you're alone here dude