An addict always finds a way

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rappinuc, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. rappinuc

    rappinuc New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone I am new to NoFap so I really don't know the jargon. Anyways, I have been "clean" for about 5 months now. I have deleted almost every picture using app on my phone including Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. I installed K9 on my laptop and it has worked great, (almost too great seeing as I can't even access YouTube). I asked my friend to set the security controls on my iPhone. That has worked up until recently. I have recently discovered that you can look up sexual images on Google images that somehow bypass the security controls. All I have done is look at the images, nothing else, which has been going on for two weeks now. I have come so far in 5 months and now because of my addiction I have found a way to ruin it all. Can you guys give me any advice or tips as a way to stay strong or even ways you browse images searches without relapsing.
  2. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    Did you intentionally look at the images?
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Sure, I'm well-versed with the ol' "Google Images" loophole.

    If your iPhone is the problem, first make sure you have the apps that you really need (and that you don't have any apps that are going to be excessively triggering for you).

    Then, watch the first link in my signature, and you'll see a video on how to lock down your iPhone 100%. You won't be able to access the internet at all with your phone. It's awesome, and it's a big part of the reason I've got 5 days clean right now. I was so stoked when I figured it out that I actually made the video myself (it's my voice you hear doing all the narration).

    Obviously you'll need your friend to punch in the code to get you back into your settings.

    You'll definitely want to disable Safari and the App Store. When you said you were able to look up sexual images on Google Images, I was like, "why is he even able to get on the internet with his phone?" That should be disabled ASAP.

    Let me know if this helps!
  4. lp123

    lp123 Fapstronaut

    my loophole has been youtube. trying to find a way to stay strong.
  5. Slowandsteady

    Slowandsteady Fapstronaut

    Rappinuc, something interesting is going on here and I don't know if you realize it. The craving is within you - within all of us, really - and no software or rule book is going to keep you from giving in if you let it happen. When push comes to shove, you don't even need porn to relapse, your dick is literally within arm's reach.
    Sit down with yourself, maybe get a cup of tea. Think about what you're doing. Is this what you really want? Or did it just "happen" when you weren't fully conscious of your actions? No need to worry or panic, but please give it a good deal of thought and come up with a decision on how you want to deal with this.
    Don't fight yourself over it, it gets you nowhere and leaves you exhausted. Be mindful
    of what you're doing the next time, and every time you use Google.

    That being said, 5 months is truly remarkable, certainly way more than I've ever done. Notice how the thought "I've ruined it" is put there by your unconscious to undermine your resolve? It wants you to believe in it. "After all, what does it matter whether I fap or not if I've failed anyway?"
    We all fall for that kind of crap or mind gives us sometimes, but we stand a better chance if we recognize it for what it is: A thought born out of craving, not a true expression of your conscious self.

    Good luck and best wishes :)
    PedroCalrissian and Smartboyj like this.
  6. Golliwog said it well, this is a heart issue, not a loophole issue.

    I say that coming from ten years of having virtually every form of accountability software. Trust me when I say there is ALWAYS a loophole.

    Google and Bing images are one of those massive loopholes, which is why it's important to also focus on our will to overcome (cold showers, snap bands, fasting, and prayer all work for me).

    I'm not bashing accountability software, I'm simply saying don't try and rely on it 100% because its only part of the solution. Sometimes you'll simply have to stand and fight.
  7. rappinuc

    rappinuc New Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone for your support. I am just going to have to use my own will to get past this "loophole".