how is first sex?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by tejas 47, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. tejas 47

    tejas 47 New Fapstronaut

    i just wanted to know,because iam stil a virgin
  2. 42Oh

    42Oh Guest

    It can be anything. Good, bad, indifferent. If you find the right person and you do it when u both feel ready, and you truly care about each other, it can be an experience that you remember and treasure all your life. If you do it just for the sake of doing it, if you don't really care about your partner, if you're drunk...then it wont be as special. If there's any force or coercion involved, it could haunt you for years.

    It will be as special as you make it. Find the right person, do it at the right time and don't take what isn't offered.
  3. Narèse

    Narèse New Fapstronaut

    Might go awkward but it doesn't matter, because gradually you will learn to appreciate it.
    tejas 47 likes this.
  4. HeadAche

    HeadAche Guest

    Quick on the draw, quick to unload and a real disappointment. :D
  5. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    Lol, i did it just for the sake of it. It was okay, but overall a disappointment. Maybe PMO was messing with me then... Still, i would of liked it more if a was more open with my gf back then.
    tejas 47 likes this.
  6. I agree it what you make it. It can be just a mechanical movement, a basic instinct or it can be two souls mending into one. Sex can be really beautiful and bonding. Now Im a virgin too but I want my first time to be special with someone I love.
    The Consigliere and tejas 47 like this.
  7. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

  8. AlexDHRO

    AlexDHRO Fapstronaut

    Nothing to write home about...
    tejas 47 likes this.
  9. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    In my case it was traumatic because of PIED. Moreover, other than me, the girl was quite "experienced" and it all went too quickly. I just played along, although I had feelings for her - I didn't know any better. Having sex with my last girlfriend was wonderful, though, at least when I hadn't masturbated within three or four days before.
    tejas 47 likes this.
  10. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    It was with my wife, and it was very good. With a little practice, it became great. Then came PMO. That did nothing positive for it.
  11. HeartSoulLifePassion

    HeartSoulLifePassion Fapstronaut

    Well I can tell you it's probably a hell of a lot better with a partner or someone you're comfortable with, a random hookup isn't the way to go. I wouldn't recommend it. A combination of anxiety and probably ED from pmo for me
  12. eric1812

    eric1812 New Fapstronaut

    It feels good, you ejaculate, back to reality. Pretty much like masturbation, lol.
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  13. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    It's usually not great if you are both virgins but you never forget your first
  14. Loizaman

    Loizaman Fapstronaut

    Mine was quite simple, couldnt get it up at first, once its up went in, unloaded like a flash grenade, not sure whether pmo made it worse or thats the way it should be but neither of us enjoyed it.
  15. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    It was kind of traumatic for me because I was not yet ready..
    We were not even in a relationship to do that . .
  16. Slothman

    Slothman Fapstronaut

    Well my first time was odd, met a girl in a party she was drunk we danced then she told me to go to her house, said "hell yeah" then we had sex i couldn't even orgasm maybe out of being nervous then she fell asleep and i spent hours contemplating existence.
  17. arrow26

    arrow26 Fapstronaut

    Can be great and something to remember for life, and can be awful, it depends on thousand things, but on first place depends on partner you choose.
  18. Pmo is in the past

    Pmo is in the past Fapstronaut

    The best feeling ever,but I had to think about porn to get the job done.
  19. I hooked up,with a promiscuous girl, had a night of fun and then the next week she moved onto the next guy So in retrospect it sucked ass. Would have preferred it to be with someone was deeply interested in me. God bless the easy girls though.
    pcmaster likes this.