Finally doing this

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Caveman, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Caveman

    Caveman Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I am 21 years old and have been trying to cut down on PMO for almost a year, but only now am I committing to stopping. For a long time, PMO was the focal point of my life.

    I started masturbating relatively late, only about a month before I turned 14. I didn't start looking at porn until a few months after that.

    I was a loner for most of my life. I was cripplingly shy throughout all of high school. It got to the point that councillors were calling me out of class to talk with me on a regular basis. One suggested that I may have AvPD.

    I am drug and alcohol free and have been for all of my life. I didn't used to play any sports, and my only real hobby was video games. This, combined with a complete lack of social life, meant that my only consistent source of pleasure was PMO. I was regularly masturbating 3-4 times a day, sometimes more, as well as spending hours looking at porn.

    After high school I began to try to improve my social skills. I stopped playing video games as frequently and began developing other hobbies. The only result that I had was that I became comfortable making small talk. I was still unable to cultivate any sort of social life. PMO remained my primary source of joy.

    Though I was dependant on PMO, I had been yearning for a real sexual interaction for a long time. As of the age of 16, the desire for sex had consumed me. My inability to satisfy this made me feel very depressed, and did so for a long time.

    Last year I got frustrated enough that I made a commitment to myself to fix my life. My main motivation being to start having real sexual experiences. I cut out video games and TV almost entirely (my streaks without them are counted in months). I started using the time that I saved there to work on myself in many ways, all of which were driven by trying to become a more attractive man.

    I discovered NoFap and read about it. I am an atheist and I have absolutely no moral objection to PMO, and I never have had any, but in reading articles on porn and masturbation addiction, I realized that my addiction may be having negative effects on me. I decided that I did not want to stop PMO completely. I didn't think that I had the willpower to stop completely, but I decided that I would try to cut down on it.

    Last August, for the first time in my life, I walked up to a girl who was a complete stranger and started a conversation (and, as I did it, my left leg was actually shaking with fear). Nothing came of this interaction, but I realized that nothing bad had happened either. I had enjoyed talking with her, even though it didn't lead to anything else. As a result, I started approaching girls pretty regularly. My social skills improved significantly and, ironically, I developed a fairly large social circle of guys. Going out more made me less dependant on PMO than I had been in the past. I eventually got to the point that I could consistently go four days without PMO, but I would always masturbate on day five.

    At the end of June, I kissed a girl for the first time in my life, though it was in a nightclub and things didn't go any farther. Regardless, this gave me a major confidence boost. Two nights later, I went out with some friends. I had not masturbated in four days, and was on day five. I realized that going out would make it easier to go one more day without masturbating, so I challenged myself to go a fifth day. While we were out, I struck up a conversation with a girl and we talked for a while. My friends wanted to leave so I asked for her number, and she gave it to me (another first). I got to a seventh day without PMO. I thought that I may have a chance of finally getting a real sexual interaction, so I refrained from masturbating. This was very difficult, but I had the motivation. I had tried to set something up for Friday, but in the end she cancelled. So, on Friday, day nine, I masturbated (without porn).

    I began thinking afterwards and realized that this was the longest that I had gone without masturbating since I was 14. I had thought that lasting that long was impossible for me. That night, I set my new goal to a week at a time without masturbating. The next night, however, I went out and got the phone numbers of four different girls. When I got home, I decided to change my goal. Instead of trying to last a week without PMO, I made the goal that my next orgasm would be with a girl, regardless of how long that takes.

    I am currently on day seven and have already noticed some effects. I notice that I have a lot more energy and that I have a lot more focus. I have also noticed that I am prone to mood swings. I will go back and forth between feeling great and feeling terrible regularly throughout the day. I will continue to post on this forum as updates come.

    Thanks for the read,
  2. Once&4ALL

    Once&4ALL Fapstronaut

    WELCOME Caveman, awesome post. Read & share here - we're all here for pretty much the same reason, and are here to support one another. Keep posting, grab a counter...Let's Win This PMO Battle!
  3. Snwboarderz

    Snwboarderz Fapstronaut

    Your post is incredible. Much wisdom has been absorbed through your experiences, it is evident. Also, it is entertaining to read your chronicles - you're a pretty good writer.
    Check out my intro post (it's right above yours) since I also just joined. Our stories are fairly similar.
    The energy and focus you are feeling is due to increased testosterone. You will also feel more aggressive. The mood change is also a result of that but you will be able to harness the power of this beast (i.e. The inner you) as time goes on without fapping.
    Best of luck, or better yet, best of focus. And may you gain all the superpowers.
  4. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    Hey there! Start a journal in the journal section of the forums. It is a great tool to keep up with your progress and when you need some more "umph" it will give you motivation to continue on the journey. :)