Almost 4 yrs

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Mr Achiever, May 30, 2017.

  1. Mr Achiever

    Mr Achiever Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone
    Been a lurker for years but thought I'd share some wisdom of what I've been through over the last 3 1/2 years. After a break up and been set free to do what I thought I wanted with other women I quickly found out I had absolutly no sex drive due to many years of watching online porn. After a visit to a sex counsiller I never EVER watched porn again and boy do you see results !! Though I have had many relapses as in looking at music videos and sexy tv series.
    I'm working on typing something up a bit more in depth.
    Stick at it as it's worth it.

    Heres a snippet of how I live my life now-
    No women on tv at all
    No female singers on music
    No newspapers that show celebs /women
    No music videos

    Latest venture is cold showers and no tv at all although I still use youtube but only male stuff,we'll see where it goes.
    LivinginRecovery and IamRick like this.
  2. Mr Achiever

    Mr Achiever Fapstronaut

    I would like to add to the above that from my experience you only really see solid results after maybe a year and the flatlines are a real roller coaster that you just have to wait out and not put pressure on yourself. After 3 years I still flatline if I browse some facebook or anything female related. The flatline can crop up days after so leaving you feeling like you're fine.
  3. Mariano

    Mariano Fapstronaut

    You are without almost 4 years without any relapse and PMO? And you still got flatlines? What are the effects with real women? Whats your real sex life? Is anything work? Im about 120 days without PMO but still lots of fantasizing flatlines not as hard as 3-4month ago. What was your story? How many years Pmoing?
  4. Mr Achiever

    Mr Achiever Fapstronaut

    Ok a few questions there and I'll try put some light on them. Firstly the moment I found out porn had killed my sex drive I needed no other motivation to stop porn. At the time (and still am) I was dating an absolutly stunning woman I met online but in the bedroom I just did'nt feel anything. Quitting porn and masterbation and all the other things I've stated sends your sex drive crazy but one slip up ,even just watching a youtube vid of Britney:) or a celeb magazine and the old addiction and it's side effects come back.
    Aslong as I stay clean of anything my sex drive and sex life is amazing now.

    I have relapsed a few times as in I went through a phase of watching exercise vids on youtube and looking at bikini pics but that shit will flatline you as will listening to you're favourite girlband on the radio.

    Not much of a typer but hopefully inspires somebody. Nofap works and in a big way so stick at it.
  5. IamRick

    IamRick Fapstronaut

    *Hulk Hogan Voice* Congratulations Brother!
    Mr Achiever likes this.