Feeling stuck on porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Petros Santos, May 2, 2017.

  1. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I'm 21 years old. I'm addicted to porn since 14. I feel really lost. I just cant stop this. I'm trying to stop since 2 years ago, and it seems impossible. I'm addicted to facebook and instagram pictures also. What do you do when the cravings come?
    As I'm newbie here, what do you suggest to do? Is there plan that I can follow?

    Last edited: May 2, 2017
    LumberSpartan likes this.
  2. I made sure to get rid of all triggers, such as videos, pictures stored in my computer and phone. I unsubscribed from every Facebook page that had porn-like images and videos. I closed my Instagram account. I deleted all history and bookmark pornographic websites after deleting every account I had. After I made sure all triggers were gone the temptation was harder to access. It's true that I could simply type into the google search bar a porn website and do it, but I had to exercise restraint, and at first it was hard because of the withdrawals, so I kept busy and away from computer, and I put my phone down a lot.

    You just have to make sure to not have easy access to porn and have a strong resolve to not do PMO. It won't be easy but it's not impossible. It's time you take control back to your life and stop letting porn control it for you.
  3. @Petros Santos

    Hello Mate,

    you need to decide what kind of man do you want to be.

    I am 35 now. I know a lot about Fapping and a lot about failure. Most people are using it as some kind of release.

    Stress, Abusive relationships whatever.

    So If I would be 21 again, I would make a code.

    You figure out, who you want to be and how you want to be treated. In doing that, you can remove the reason for fapping.

    Make a list. Figure a way how to achieve those things and don't play a victim. That is the ultimate failure.

    If you relapse, well don't be beaten about it. Relapses happen.

    Keep yourself to high standard.

    I get that I may sound like an old guy but those are the lessons I have learned.

    One more thing, If you make a goal. Put a deadline on it. Time goes fast and goals without a deadline are just dreams.


    Regarding NoFap: I use regular K9 for normal situations. + SelfControl.app (with Whitelisting NoFap) for high urge moments.

    It would definitely help if I would spend more time offline.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
  4. Burnviper

    Burnviper New Fapstronaut

    I was watching porn my entire life now i got two weeks without watching it and its making me way attractive to girl and more happy if i was you i will think about goals in that you want to succeed in life and workout to you will have less stress
  5. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    You need to deny yourself all pornographic content. Get a good porn blocker for both computer and smart phone if you haven't already. Make long passwords and give them to a friend. I'd suggest K9 for pc on an alternative e-mail adress with a long password that you give to a friend.
  6. Fightthedevil

    Fightthedevil Fapstronaut

    First Of Install The Nofap emergency app,whenever an urge comes open it and select emergency or any other option,it will help you.Secondly start replacing your old habit with new one.You Watched porn from say 9 to 10 start working out from 9 to 10 instead.Third,get this out of your mindset that it is impossible,it is possible the difference is only in your thinking.fourth,fuck social media,social has made us a society of stalkers and losers.We can't communicate without fucking emojis,it's been 102 days since i used any of this fuking dumb facebook or instagram.Go out in the real world,texting won't get you anywhere,communicate face to face.fifth,listen to music take out 30 minutes out of your day alone with your headphones and listen to your favourite music,sing out loud,dance or whatever it will make you feel better.I Suggest twenty one pilots every damn song,you will cry,you will laugh and more hundreds of emotions while listening to em.

    Stop being sorry for yourself,at any point of your life you have the power to say NO THIS IS NOT HOW MY STORY ENDS.I Was Depressed like you but nofap has given me,all of us,a little hope.This Fuking Porn industry is destroying our lives and if you really want to ban porn on your phone check out the post on my signature and use COLD TURKEY for pc,i am here if you need an accountability partner.Good Luck Brother.
  7. Activate

    Activate Fapstronaut

    heres a good reason:
    if you stop pmo you will get more real girls. you will definetely affect your attractability if you keep going with porn over the next couple of years.
  8. Dataper

    Dataper Fapstronaut

    Hello there I'm 22 years old, Virgin, I've been watching porn since I was 10 years old(Not joking) it was horrible addiction I will watch Porn for 10 hrs straight allot of times I would stay home to watch Porn I could be out with the family and was thinking about Porn and who I was going to watch, I was more attractive to pron stars then Actual girls my age, So now its,been 2 days without porn and no fab I thought I would never make it this far, my goal is to reach 4 days, 30 days,360 days , When ever I get the crave to watch Porn I just go on the fourms and read that helps allot,DEDICATION,HEART, stay strong brother Take control now.
  9. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    Hi everyones, thanks very much for your adivices. I will do whathever it takes to get out of this. I already installed self control in my computer, and now I cant get access to facebook, instagram, you tube and porn sites. I'm using a different browser without porn. I never had a girlfriend and mybe it's because of porn, because when I'm using, I feel worst, with low self-stem and low confidence, but my main goal is interact with people, take care of my friends and colleges, help somebody,... . I already registered in an animation course to work in the summer with kids. Today I had a relapse, but hopefully I found this application and I think that it gonna help me, but I have to stay strong when I look to a girl. I have to purify my view as god say. and try not to look to girls as objects. I feel that I didn't do nothing and this is just talking, but I will do my best to stay away of porn and masturbation.
    I saw this video today and that gave me a lot of motivation. I found this today:
