Working at a gas station

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 1, 2017.

  1. I used to be a cashier at my uncle's gas station. I'd sell things like cigarettes, groceries, gas, and lotto tickets. After a while I quit because I didn't feel moral about feeding people's habits and I had saved up enough money to live a couple years without work. Besides I wanted something better in my life and I figured that this would be a good time to quit and it was.

    One of the saddest people I've ever encountered in my life are cigarette smokers. I've had grown men beg me for one of the cheapest packs because it's really expensive where I live. Sometimes people would stand at the counter and contemplate buying a pack or not because they've been making such good progress trying to quit. Seeing people smoke who seem to be well off struck me the most and made me realize how shallow people are on he surface.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2017
  2. Evan K

    Evan K Fapstronaut

    Really it's their choice, but I totally get why you would feel that way too. I was thinking about this recently as well in a different way. Like I was thinking about people who sold products on their websites that they know don't work, but they sell them anyway. It made me think "I only want to sell what's good for people, even though I know they're going to buy them anyways."
  3. *rubs her chin * lol why are they shallow?
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  4. Maybe "hollow" would've been a better word. By shallow I meant that they have appear to have a good life with no worries and yet they still have this void that needs to filled with smoking. It's all a facade and I see right through it. I see right through you, bunny...
  5. Anyone offer you a bag of cheesesburgers for a fag?
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  6. No, but the closest thing to that was some slut willing to give me her number for a pack Marlboro's and I kindly declined her offer. Afterwards she called me a "fag".
    HopefulChristian and Livelihood like this.
  7. Did you tell her to cowgirl up and that you're not a cigarette?
  8. No, but my tone sorta implied that.
  9. Nice.

    Ps. Great Waldo101-esk thread.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. I've seen smokers pick up a discarded butt from the ground
    because they needed their fix so bad. Shocked me the 1st time, let me tell you.
    Also gross bruh
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. brruuuuuuuv
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  13. :emoji_angry::emoji_triumph:
    I gave up on @Livelihood but I still hold *you* to high moral standards!

    meanbean70 likes this.
  14. tell us then! spampamspam u r spamming me i am spamming u were a happy spamily with a great big spam and a spam from me to you.. wont you you admit you spam me too!
    *hides annd never comes out ever again lol
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  15. Bunny I LOVE this album. Please listen when you get the chance <3
    @Deadlihood & @Star Lord have shared a lot of their music with me. It's a great way to get close to someone *coughs*

    bunnyheartbeat likes this.
  16. Lol @OutsideTime share the Spamalot video wit her.
    bunnyheartbeat likes this.
  17. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    In Canada we have smokes made specially for the Native population, they are cheaper and tax-free. As such, they've become black market items because buying a bag of Native smokes is considerably cheaper than the trademarked smokes. Yeah, @Jewels, it is sad to see people even go through underground channels just to beat the price when legitimate ways of purchasing are available.

    fyi: smokes is the lingo here for cigarette

    I'll stick it on her profile. This is a good topic, I don't want to spam it ;)
  18. ooooh isawhatyoudidthere

  19. I'm not surprised that people in Canada are doing that. I actually knew a guy from Canada while I was working at the gas station who would buy a carton of Marlboro Red's once or twice a month. Where I live, a pack of Marlboro Red's can go anywhere from $10.50 to $10.85. I asked him one day why he bought so much and he told me that the price of cigarettes in America were significantly cheaper compared to Canada.

    I've actually met a few people who claim to "roll" their own cigarettes or even grow their own tobacco. However, they would tell me that it's no where near the same thing as something off the shelf. My guess is that it's because of the lack of chemicals in home grown tobacco or the quality of the cigarette tubes they're using.
    FYI: The word "smokes" is also used pretty commonly used here in America as well.

    Thanks for sharing @OutsideTime