K9 protection kinda sucks. Is there anything better?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Namekian23, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I've installed K9 Protection like 2 years ago, and I would say it's all right. There was no way I could monitor myself, and since I took my porn addiction a little seriously, I allowed my own brother to give me access to certain websites. That way, I was restricted to any material related to porn. However, even this isn't enough. Even though the settings are set strictly to no porn/adult material/swimsuit, there are obviously other ways around the loop.

    My only other option was to manually block the specific websites that I was browsing, but every time I do, there's always another website that replaces it. There is anything more convenient and better than K9? I want the best protection possible, but the only thing I can think of is those premium protection plans where you have to pay an annual fee, and I don't want that. At the same time, I have no excuse for not restraining myself from these other websites; it's my responsibility to control my addiction, and clearly I didn't do that.
  2. CrushPornBeneathYourFeet

    CrushPornBeneathYourFeet Fapstronaut

  3. Do you use NoFap's Panic Button? That, with K-9 should help keep you off porn.
    LivinginRecovery and Namekian23 like this.
  4. QuietPanda

    QuietPanda Fapstronaut

    I tried using net nanny but I only found myself sitting four hours trying to find ways around it. Porn can be any material that causes arousal so before internet I was fapping to the JCPennys catalog. So you will never find the perfect porn blocker. Let's be honest if you want to look at porn you are going to look at porn. The best porn blocker is when we decide that we are not going to be that person we once were. I told myself that I am no longer the guy who isolates himself and faps all day. PMO has taken too much away from me and it makes me angry when I read about how it has ruined other peoples lives so I refuse to give up. Change yourself image because you are not that guy anymore and keep making them nofap gains.
  5. Yep. I remember K9 as a teen. I found ways around it and ways to turn it off. There were also alot of false positives which keep me from using a blocker. I now just have my browser set up so that nothing pops up on me on Reddit or whereever without me looking for it.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  6. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Uninstall your brower. Use this one instead: text browser
    Namekian23 likes this.
  7. That is so hilariously awesome I just might do that!
    Namekian23 and vulture175 like this.
  8. Mister_Chamomile

    Mister_Chamomile Fapstronaut

    I just installed a google chrome extension called porn blocker. just look that up
  9. Wise_Paragon

    Wise_Paragon Fapstronaut

    I use Qustodio as web protection. It actually works! Just make sure you set the right parameters so you dont block yourself out of anything you visit normally....besides porn!...I made a password which I've forgotten. It even has uninstall protection where you would need the password to uninstall it and its free for I think 1 computer. What's great about it is it extends to all browsers. So you can't just download another browser to get around it.
    As for my other devices the same is set there all password restricted with passwords I dont know and purposely forgotten.


    If that doesn't work and you want to be sure to block all the sites you can place this giant list of porn sites in your etc\hosts file so that they get rerouted as a backup for qustodio but you won't need it.
    Make sure you either copy the list into the etc folder with the name hosts replacing the old one or copy and paste the sites into the original file. Make sure you edit the hosts file with administrative privileges.
    Located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

    I've also added social media sites to the list like facebook and I believe some torrenting sites too so be mindful when using that list. If you're a user of those.

    The amount of sites on this list has had me dumbfounded. Its sad how much there is out there.You can try and search for sites but qustodio will block you. If you come across a link from another link which will bring you to porn qustodio will block you. The most I've seen are images with non-descriptive links but that's as far as you'll get. Hopefully this combo can help you and others the key for me is forgetting the password. Not I don't even try to search for anything on my computer.

    Any other questions or advice, I'll be happy to answer.

    Good Luck!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 6, 2017
    Namekian23 likes this.
  10. dointhisforfun

    dointhisforfun Fapstronaut

    Using the OurPact app to shut your phone down at night and at other times helps me. Along with that, you can strengthen K9 by making a random password instead of making one you'll remember.

    The truth, though, is that nothing beats person-to-person accountability. If you're not in any yet, I encourage you to join a group here on the website that you can check in with when things get tough.

    I've been in this for three years, got 10 months/30 days under my belt, and the Heirs of the Sun group is what got me there. Feel free to join the group and the live Telegram chat if you feel that you need to! You'll get a greeter to add you to the Telegram network and show you the ropes. I think that person would be LS THX right now. Tell them I sent you, if you decide that we're right for you!

    If not, there are plenty other groups for you to check out.
    Namekian23 and Wise_Paragon like this.
  11. Tesslynne

    Tesslynne Guest

    I used Website Blocker and Cold Turkey. The bad news is they didn't block ALL the sites I wanted but the good news is they (I don't know which one) now block the worst site that I used to go on. But on my phone it was trickier. I turned restrictions on, but I'm glad I
    remembered my password, because now it tries to block things that aren't even sexual! But, as I used to mostly go on that blocked site on
    my PC rather than my phone, it seems to be enough.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  12. LivinginRecovery

    LivinginRecovery Fapstronaut

    Beautifully written. I agree. If I want to find erotic imagery I can find it in a Google search or as you say go to catalogue sites or even Amazon and look at the female models there. I use the default adult filter from my ISP but I have thrown away the password so I can no longer access it. As well as blocking the usual sites it also blocks all social media and a series of URL's that I used to use to access imagery, all legal and none which could even be termed vaguely pornographic but which I used for the same purposes. I tried K9 but it just kept giving my computer blue screens and Cold Turkey doesn't work at all. There are go rounds with the protection I have but that will always be the case. I don't want to do this anymore. Sitting in my own sweat and semen just to get a momentary high. No thanks.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  13. Conflicting beliefs in the brain
    If you think that green tea is healthy and good then you drank it then probably you won't experience any bad moods but in fact you might feel good.

    Now if a part of you , even if it was a little part, believed that a certain habit is bad then each time you do that habit your mood will get negatively affected.

    If like most people, you think that there is something wrong with porn and masturbation, then each time you do those habits serious emotional changes will take place inside your mind and you could end up with a totally ruined mood.

    The problem with dopamine withdrawal
    No i am not talking about the withdrawal symptoms a person gets when he stops a habit but i am taking about the withdrawal of the happiness and the excitement you feel right after masturbating.

    When a person attempts to masturbate by watching porn a very large amount of dopamine is release in his brain. As i said in my previous articles dopamine is a chemical that makes a person feel good and it's also produced when a person consumes drugs.

    Now as soon as a person masturbates another chemicals are produced that counter the effect of dopamine and that suppress it completely. This is why almost all males lose sexual desire completely after having sex or masturbating. See also

    Now when dopamine suddenly losses its effect the only remaining things felt by the person are the horrible emotions resulting from the part in his brain that thinks that this habit is bad.

    In other words the 90% of your brain that liked this habit suddenly got silenced and the rational voice of the 10% that hated it became so loud that it ruined your mood. See

    How masturbation ruins your mood
    After masturbation , and depending the degree with which you think the habit is bad, the following might happen:

    • 1) Loss of self esteem: i said that each time you fail to break a habit that you hate your self esteem goes a bit lower. After all your brain will realise that you are a weak and helpless person and so your self esteem will go lower as a result
    • 2) Inferiority: Yes masturbation can make you feel inferior. After all one of the major causes of the feelings of inferiority is shame. And because so many people think that masturbation and porn addiction are shameful they feel inferior every time they masturbate or watch porn
    • 3) Social anxiety: Masturbation doesn't cause social anxiety directly but it causes it indirectly. When you feel that you are helpless, when your self esteem goes low and when you feel inferior you will certainly experience social anxiety around people.
    • 4) Depression: Depression happens when your mind realizes that you are dealing with a problem that has no possible soloution. Each time you masturbate or watch porn you are signaling your brain to get depressed as you are telling it that there is no hope for recovery from those habits.
    Tesslynne likes this.
  14. Tesslynne

    Tesslynne Guest

    Thoughts on this and my experiences:

    How masturbation ruins your mood
    After masturbation , and depending the degree with which you think the habit is bad, the following might happen:

    • 1) Loss of self esteem: i said that each time you fail to break a habit that you hate your self esteem goes a bit lower. After all your brain will realise that you are a weak and helpless person and so your self esteem will go lower as a result
    I seem to have worse self esteem when I relapse than when I am on a streak. I think for me it's mostly because of the things I get off to, in fact, I think for some of us the things we use are quite toxic for our psyche and our self esteem. And cognitive dissonance and all that.

    • 2) Inferiority: Yes masturbation can make you feel inferior. After all one of the major causes of the feelings of inferiority is shame. And because so many people think that masturbation and porn addiction are shameful they feel inferior every time they masturbate or watch porn
    Definitely have more of an inferiority complex when I am doing it. Again, could be the source material. I guess also the time wasted on it, and not spent on other, possibly self-esteem building goals.

    • 3) Social anxiety: Masturbation doesn't cause social anxiety directly but it causes it indirectly. When you feel that you are helpless, when your self esteem goes low and when you feel inferior you will certainly experience social anxiety around people.
    I don't know if any studies have been done, but anecdotally from what many others have said here, plus from my own experiences, there really does seem to be some kind of link between porn/subs and masturbation and social anxiety. I don't know what the link is, and i even considered at one point, maybe people become masturbation addicts BECAUSE they have social anxiety, not the other way around, but if so, then we wouldn't see the increase in social confidence some people seem to have from NoFap streaks. I guess another factor is again time spent on it, rather than on spending time with people, but I feel like it's more than that.

    • 4) Depression: Depression happens when your mind realizes that you are dealing with a problem that has no possible soloution. Each time you masturbate or watch porn you are signaling your brain to get depressed as you are telling it that there is no hope for recovery from those habits.
    Can't relate as much to this, though I think I may have been through mild depression before for sure. Also, we would masturbate, rather than deal with harsh emotions, so we didn't learn how to handle them better!

    Very interesting points!
  15. How long can you abstain from masturbation

    False beliefs about masturbation
    For how long can a person abstain from sex and masturbation?
    So many people who try to quit porn and masturbation usually ask that question. Now before answering that question we need to examine the belief or the set of beliefs that led to that question in the first place.

    Most people who ask that question have few false beliefs about their bodies such as:

    • 1) Sexual frustration builds up day by day
    • 2) Sexual force needs to be released
    • 3) If i don't masturbate my sexual frustration will increase
    of course additional beliefs can lead to the same question but in most cases those beliefs will be very similar to the ones above.

    I spoke previously in many of my articles and i explained that they can be the number one reason a person can't break a certain habit.

    The society, the people around you, your friends and even some internet articles might have mistakenly convinced you that sexual force is stored in some kind of a gauge and that this gauge must be emptied when it gets full.

    This is not just a false belief but its actually the opposite of what happens in real life.i explained how masturbation can actually increase your sexual frustration as it can motivate you to have real sex where as you don't have a chance.

    Sexual desire goes up and down
    Try to record your sexual desire on any given day and give it a number from 1 to 10 based on the strength of the desire. Now keep doing this for days without watching porn or masturbating and you will realize that your sexual desire fluctuates widely.

    On one day you might find your desire level 9 or 10 then on another day you might find it 1 or 2.
    Do you know what does this mean?

    It means that there is no gauge that gets filled but it's more of different states that you go through on different days.

    i said that once you masturbate or watch porn you create a strong association in your brain between porn and pleasure and as a result you will feel more like doing those bad habits.

    In other words masturbation is the thing that causes the real frustration and not abstaining. There are so many people who abstained for years with no problems at all but the reason this urban myth about sexual frustration is so popular is that those people are the minority.

    You can go as long as you want
    Your body knows exactly what's right for you and this is why it regulates your body chemicals when you go to sleep. When your body realizes that you need to get rid of some sexual energy it will use dreams or wet dreams to regulate the matter without your intervention.

    In other words your body was designed to have no problems with long term abstinence and the reason you find it very hard to quit are the wrong set of beliefs you acquired about that matter.

    In short you can go on for years and years without doing any sexual activity and you will be perfectly healthy.
  16. Tesslynne

    Tesslynne Guest

    I'm legitimately terrified - yes TERRIFIED - about this one thing though.....
    I'm not at that age yet, but I've heard about women going through menopause and LOSING their sex drives and their men running off into the sunset with another women from sheer sexual frustration. I am absolutely fricken TERRIFIED that this is going to happen to me. That I will FINALLY get a boyfriend again, get menopause, sex drive DIES, and he runs off into the sunset with another woman. And, like a zillion articles talk about this - Do you know how much I would LOVE to read about a woman going through menopause and she DOESN'T lose her sex drive? Like, is it inevitable or ARE their exceptions? Cos I don't want this to happen to me. EVER. I would rather have my sex drive too high than too low. ANY day. And a lot of the articles say, the way around this is for a woman to masturbate to increase her sexual desire again. So, I'm actually scared to not masturbate again and then THAT all happens. After all this time waiting for him, I DON'T want this to happen to me. And it also makes me feel more desperate to meet someone NOW, rather than say 5-10 years from now, cos I feel like i have a better chance of it lasting if I meet him now. Because of THIS.