I Have Overcome My ED - It's been 3 years..!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by JohnathanPC, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. JohnathanPC

    JohnathanPC Fapstronaut

    Hi, its awesome to read the success stories here. Congrats to all who have 'beaten' their ED. ED was a monster in my life that put me down and made my life a lot less enjoyable than before. And if you are anything like me, you know what its like.

    But I have overcome my ED and I have been in tip top shape sexually for the last three years.

    For me, the reasons for ED was more complicated than only masturbation and porn. It was for me a whole lifestyle issue. I often ate poorly, didnt exercise as I should have, stressed too much, slept too little etc.

    But I would say, that of all the steps I have taken to fix myself, the most important has been to leave junior to himself. To stop masturbating and to stop watching porn.

    I had my first encounter with erectile dysfunction when I was in my late 20's. It was so frustrating I pretty much lost all my energy in life. But I refused to just accept that I couldn't have a normal and natural sexlife.

    To deal with it, I first tried some herbal supplements, but it just didn't work. I then started researching my condition to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I tried lots of different things, but nothing worked.

    I then tried pharmaceutical drugs (v**gra, etc.) and it worked really well. But hated taking a pill every time I had sex. And my face got flushed, my vision got messed up and I got a stuffy nose. And after a while, the pills started having less effect. And then they stopped working. My body had built tolerance to them

    So I decided to make it my quest in life to find a way to overcome ED naturally and permanently. I experimented with all kinds of lifestyle changes (different diets, different exercise, sleeping more, spoke to doctors, had blood tests and testosterone measured, tried lots of different herbal supplements, etc.). I researched, read, investigated -- I wanted to find out exactly why I - a healthy young male should have to deal with this. And I found the answer in the end.

    Believe it or not, it did take me a little more than 10 years to figure all this out. Which is the unfortunate part, because the answer was actually quite simple and simply common sense.

    I wish that I had at hat time had / known about resources like this website. But I went at it the hard way: from scratch and with no help or guidance.

    To make a long story short, the solution was to be nice to my body. Without knowing, I was not particularly nice to my own body (and mind). I would overexpose myself to porn, I would not eat what I should, I would not exercise enough, I would get bad sleep, etc. As a result, my body was almost always out of balance in one way or another.

    And for me, one of the first functions to stop working when my body is out of balance is the ability to get erections / have sex.

    Only when I learned to listen to my body and give it what it needs, and also remove from it what it shouldn't have, was my body back in balance. And what happened then was remarkable. I was able to get hard and persistent erections again. I regained my libido. I was again able to have sex!

    I know first hand how frustrating it can be to deal with ED (and a low libido), and I think what I have learned could benefit lots of other men.

    There are probably many men out there who struggle with ED, but who simply don't know why, and who therefore don't know how to overcome this.

    To try to be of help, I have taken all my knowledge and all my major experiences and put it into a website. You are more than welcome to visit and learn from my experiences. The website is free to use for anyone. I dont think I am allowed to include a link with this post, but you find it if you search for Truelibido. Hope my experiences can be of help to some of you.
  2. Andreid

    Andreid Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Wow, great job! It's better that you found the problem that caused you ED later than never! I also had this issue and I might still have it since I didn't have the opportunity to have sex with somebody in a long time, but your post gave me a lot of hope. Thank you for sharing this, you are great!
    Disciplefive likes this.
  3. That is brilliant to hear! Well done, delighted someone has figured it all out. There is hope for me too.
  4. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "We all need an education in the obvious".
    Caped Crusader and herman88 like this.
  5. AscendRestore

    AscendRestore Fapstronaut

  6. I'm amazed by your story. Honestly sounds pretty generic and the "advertising" at the end seems rather suspicious. But hey, I'm glad you overcame your problem!
  7. JohnathanPC

    JohnathanPC Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the feedback guys - I seriously and candidly think that a lot of us can overcome our ED problems by living a more normal life.

    For instance, our brains were probably not designed to handle internet porn where you can get an endless stream of gorgeous and willing super hot ladies served in any thinkable situation. Twosome, threesome, old, young, white, black, Asian, fat, thin - anything you want. My experience is that this can produce so much dopamine that our brains gets overwhelmed and the reward system crashes.

    Also, I think stress is a major, major cause among many men out there. Our modern lives are simply filled with too many things on our minds and too much worrying and anxiety. Long gone are the days when we as primitive human beings would chill around the campfire, pluck each other's fur and not worry about a thing. Instead, many of us worry endlessly about what the boss thinks of our work, or about our finances.

    I have experienced myself, that back to the basics and being in balance works wonders, not just for ED, but also for staying healthy and not getting sick. After I changed my lifestyle, I have hardly gotten sick. The usual colds and flus don't come around as much anymore.

    Btw, wanted to mention one fun experiment I did: About a year ago, I went 100 days without having an orgasm. I would have sex during this time, but not let myself climax. Towards the end of the period, I had so much energy I hardly knew what to do with myself. I was super sexually charged, alert, responsive, happy, efficient at what I did - it was amazing. And on day 100, it was one memorable firework.. I might do it again and write up my experiences week by week. If you're up for a fun challenge - I'd recommend this to anyone.

    And one more fun thing. I have learned so much about home remedies and supplements while I tried to figure out this ED problem. Some simple remedies can be amazing. You wouldn't think that kiwi and garlic could do much for you, would you? But if you want to try something fun, you can try this: put two-three cloves of garlic and two kiwis in a blender, blend it up, drink the mixture about an hour before sex and see if you feel any different :)

    For me, this has made sex a more intense experience..
    al92 and Strength And Light like this.
  8. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Do you include the skin of the kiwis?
  9. JohnathanPC

    JohnathanPC Fapstronaut

    Yes I do. I normally get organic kiwis so I dont have to worry much about toxins on the surface. I wash the kiwis, cut out the hard end of it, and then blend it. Btw, this mix does not taste particularly good as the garlics are quite intense. So I just blend it until its more or less a liquid and then drink it. Fantastic stuff btw :)
  10. DarkKnightFights

    DarkKnightFights Fapstronaut

    isn't a bad idea to eat garlic before sex, I mean it smells very bad o_Oo_O
  11. JohnathanPC

    JohnathanPC Fapstronaut

    Haha, yes it can give a pretty interesting breath. But if you swallow it instead of chewing it, the bad breath is normally fine (just no burping please..) :)
  12. Agitated.Critter

    Agitated.Critter Fapstronaut

    Might be an idea to prune naked tiddies and maybe even suggestive imagery if you want your website to be of great use to people abstaining from porn? Idunno, I ejected from the website after I noticed the tiddies.
  13. Caped Crusader

    Caped Crusader Fapstronaut

    I had a similar experience dealing with ED and DE (delayed ejaculation).

    At first, I thought that age might be a factor. I had my T levels checked, my wife wanted to know why I had lost my interest in sex with her, and our family physician made it a point to ask at my annual physical.

    Then, I stumbled upon this site and discovered that my regular diet of porn and masturbation had EVERYTHING to do with my erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation.

    I did a 30 day reboot and my libido and sexual prowess returned with a vengeance. I went from being limp or semi limp when trying to have sex with my bride to rock hard erections and the ability to climax easily.

    My wife know says that I have the sex drive of a 19 year old male and I am in my early 50's. I have maintained a healthy diet over the years, walk several miles a week, lift weights, and swim twice a week.

    Having mutually satisfying sex with my wife is way better than "taking matters into my own hands." It has created a stronger physical and emotional bond between us.

    So, I want to encourage any men reading my post that you, too, can break the addictive cycle of PMO and it's hazardous effects.

    I feel like a new man and the sexual creature that I was created to be.
  14. NoMoe

    NoMoe Fapstronaut

    The guy owning the site also runs an exactly same looking dating jungle org site, and the company behind that is called Affil Fred, and another of the companies is in the "web portals" business.

    I'd guess once you sign up to one or any of his sites, it's rip email. :D
  15. This post is really helping to inspire me to keep on with my plan!
  16. JohnathanPC

    JohnathanPC Fapstronaut

    Regarding nudity on the website - you have a good point. I wanted to add images to help illustrate the various points, but I see how this can work against its intended purpose. I will consider changing this - thanks for your feedback!
    Agitated.Critter likes this.
  17. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    Just in 30 days you were fine?
    Im 52 days into reboot, and I still can't figure out my way out of withdrawal symptoms .
    How did you reboot so quickly?
  18. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    It's great to hear that your ED got fixed. Right now I am experiencing ED and I sure hope that it gets fixed as well. How long after you stopped watching porn did it take before you started having hard erections?
  19. Contragulations! And thanks, I really needed to read that. I have the same problem you had, and its origin is also the same.
  20. Caped Crusader

    Caped Crusader Fapstronaut

    My reboot took place in April of 2016 and lasted 30 days.

    My wife was on board with this process. I had absolutely no porn and jacking off during this time.

    I began to re initiate sex with my wife very slowly. Lots of snuggling fully clothed. Then snuggling nude with no sex for a few days.

    Then regular sex. Slowly getting back into the groove really helped me with my confidence level. Especially snuggling while fully dressed. I didn't need to worry whether I was hard or not.

    Once sex started again, I was hard as a rock and I have performed well per my wife.

    My brain needed to rewire and my penis needed to regain its sensitivity.

    Time is your best friend in the healing process.