Year long nofap 'challenge'. 04/21/2017

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by maske, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    What's up Nofap!

    I've been on and off nofap for almost a year, I've managed to do twice the 90 days challenge in the last 10 months, but every time I reached 90 days, I would end up fapping a couple days later (I never reached 100 days). At that time I was happy I reached those 90 days, but I still couldn't grasp the idea of being away from fapping/porn for so long, that's why I always came back for it. Now I'm definitely starting to see it as a drug. I'm starting to understand that we as "addicts" will never be able to live with it, doing it once a week or once a month in a healthy way. It's pretty much like a recovering alcoholic who can't even smell the alcohol, because he knows that if he takes even a sip, there is no chance he will be able to control his impulses as someone who just drinks "socially".

    So, today I see that I simply shouldn't be allowed to get pleasure from porn/fapping anymore, since I can't do it in a healthy way. I managed to stay 90 days off, and binged for at least four days after that in a way that I wouldn't even recognize myself. That is clearly addiction, where it's so ingrained in my brain, that not even 90 days off (or years for that matter) will make those trigger/reward connections from porn/fap go away.

    So, it's time to step up. The idea is that I really need to remove it from my life. Stop with the 90 days challenges and really do it with the intent of not ever going back to it. I know it's harder, because having checkpoints and counting the days actually help to keep the momentum going. So I'll use this thread to document what I intend to be my first year of nofap. I'm sure it will be very hard, but I honestly believe I can do it.

    I'll probably won't come here daily, but I'll try to share my experiences and thoughts at least once a week.

    If you're only passing by and want to cheer on for motivation, or if you're up to the challenge and want to use this thread to also share your experiences for the next 365 days and motivate yourself, you're welcome and I'd be very happy to have as many people as possible on board.

    Thanks and I hope you all are doing fine!
    sparkywantsnoPMO and Den24 like this.
  2. Den24

    Den24 Fapstronaut

    Go for it! Because of the similar reasons, I started a journal which I intend to update daily until the end of 2017. Recommend you to the same as it helps to stay accountable and vigilant of every single day!
    Good luck, bro! Let the Force be with you!
    maske likes this.
  3. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    Awesome @Den24 I'll definitely check it out whenever possible. I just saw the first post and I think the idea of having very defined guidelines to follow is a very good move. Staying away from sugar/sweets is something I'd like to also address, and waking up early. I'll definitely try to insert these new objectives as I go.

    Thanks for the motivation! I really appreciate it. Cheers!
    Den24 likes this.