New To NoFap!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ARizen990, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. ARizen990

    ARizen990 Fapstronaut

    Salubrious Greetings to all. As the title suggests I am new to NoFap Forums, and damn I want to get rid of this bloody addiction which has been tainting my dreams for so long. I'm a 19 yr (almost 20) old boy who has discovered pornography waaaaay too prematurely than one is supposed to (if such thing exists). However, my first contact to this addictive material was NOT intencional but an accident, which led my curiosity to take the better hand of me (literally :emoji_laughing:) in the years to come . Since then I have been feeding this urge to PMO every-single-bloody-day, and digging for more bizarre content in the depths of the Internet to satisfy this monster. Well, no more! I officially began NoFap and I'm following a 5 days streak now (almost a week! Yay!). I've been reading posts for inspiration, motivation, information... anything about NoFap itself and other Fapstronauts stories, while resisting the urge to relapse... God.. What a pain.. But I know it will be worth the sacrifice!
    I hope I can be become part of the community and meet new people, share stories and have fun while slowly regenerating all what this addiction has damaged. :emoji_grin:
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    ARizen990 likes this.
  3. ARizen990

    ARizen990 Fapstronaut

    Hey there, D.J.
    Well, probably the most important of all is to try and avoid any contact with pornographic content by taking a distance from the Internet or Television, but I know that it's not 100% safe. So I'll occupy my mind with a task or an hobby that can distract me like reading a book, working, studying (Jeez. Even collecting seashells seems like a good idea HAHAH)... anything at all. It has worked so far. :p
    D . J . likes this.
  4. Good idea. Keep your focus on what your really want. You want true happiness - free from addiction. Go for it! You have all the strength to do it.
    Distraction. How do I make a wooden stick smaller without breaking it? Put a much bigger stick next to it. In my life this "bigger stick" was discovering my own heart. So it was easy for me to set the right priorities. Hope this will happen to you also. Go, ARizen990!
    ARizen990 likes this.
  5. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    ARizen990 likes this.
  6. ARizen990

    ARizen990 Fapstronaut

    Such wise words, Marcel. Thank you very much! Every single bit of motivation is always welcome.

    Thank you for sharing some tips, D.J. I appreciate it. ^^
    D . J . and Marcel0404 like this.
  7. Dougie G

    Dougie G Fapstronaut

    I'm at a similar stage to you in rebooting. Although I've relapsed before, I'm determined to ensure that I remain stubborn and don't cave to my urges this time.

    It is extremely difficult and like you, my pornography viewing started out relatively naively and developed into this huge monster! Going from site to site looking for the next high/arousal. Ultimately this really impacted me and led to issues with ED and the breakdown of lots of relationships with girls I was really into at the time.

    I've plummeted to real depths, thinking that I'd never have another healthy relationship, never get married or have kids etc. But this community has helped me to see the light, and seeing people on here who have overcome their addictions by abstaining from porn gives me huge motivation. I hope you can find the same and start to remove yourself completely from the porn machine too!

    Best of luck and let me know how you get on with your progress!

    ARizen990 likes this.
  8. ARizen990

    ARizen990 Fapstronaut

    Hey there, Doug. Well spoken (typed)! We've got a long journey ahead of us to make sure this lustful parasite dies for good, yet we must not succumb to it. This thing has led me to total seclusion, inside my little PMOing' outworldly dimension, away from any relationship with girls for a long time. NoFap shall bring light in the end of our tunnels IF our wills are strong enough to persist, and not to give up. Thank you for your kind words. Wish you the best of luck as well. :D
    D . J . and Dougie G like this.
  9. Dougie G

    Dougie G Fapstronaut

    Very well said (your grasp of English is excellent too). Really appreciate your wise words. I know we can do this! As you say we have to kill this lustful parasite, and kill it good! Catch up with you soon
    ARizen990 likes this.
  10. ARizen990

    ARizen990 Fapstronaut

    Really? You think so? Oh, I'm trying pretty hard to compose an "attractive" post heheh. I'm not used to post on Forums, mostly reading and following debates. But I appreciate your kind comment. Indeed we can! To achieve Victory we must pay a certain cost, but defeat will always be more tempting since it is for free. Sure thing! ^^
    D . J . likes this.