
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Francis of Assissi, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Hello Everyone,

    I'm new. I discovered NoFap on Facebook. It's embarrassing to admit it, but I have a problem with porn and masturbation. I've been a chronic masturbater my whole adult life, but hey no problem, I can stop whenever I want...right? Well, it turns out I can't. I can go a few days without P & M, but eventually end up right back at it.

    It's become more of a problem for me since I became a Catholic a couple years ago. It's pretty much my sole reason for going to Confession. It is also affecting my relationship with my wife. And I hate myself for it.

    Like all of you, I really want to stop; and hope we can help one another.
    D . J . likes this.
  2. Lumiltis

    Lumiltis Fapstronaut

    I believe in you. No need to be embarassed about your addiction, this is a place to discuss it and you defenitely aren't alone in this situation.

    Things would probably go much better with your wife if you didn't masturbate because your sexual urges escape by masturbation and not a sexual activity. Im no expert myself but it honestly only happens in your brain. Ultimately, it's only yourself stopping yourself from quitting this addiction. Feel free to talk about it on the forums whenever you want, or instead of masturbating, find another activity that is worth your time, read a book, go for a run, just to release yourself from this urge.

    Wish you the best of luck man. You can do this.
    D . J . and Francis of Assissi like this.
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    Francis of Assissi likes this.
  4. Just being here is a great help, knowing that I am not alone, and that I have somewhere to turn when tempted. Other than that, I have no strategy. I resisted temptation yesterday by using the panic button.

    "What are you supposed to be doing right now? Go do it!"

    So, I turned off my computer, and did what I needed to do.

    Does anyone reading this have any strategies they would like to share?
    D . J . likes this.
  5. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Francis of Assissi likes this.
  6. Neopoko

    Neopoko Fapstronaut

    Hi Francis,

    Thank you for being honest about your situation. I'd like to help. Your biggest issue is you're blind and you haven't learned how to see the body correctly. When this happens, porn will become just an annoying mosquito. Please go to freedom dash coaching dot net and shoot me an e-mail.