Higher motivation?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Sobriety Knight, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Hi. Have you noticed a higher motivation to do things on your streak? If so, what day are you on?
    I'm wondering because my motivation is pretty low right now. Had a wet dream last night so that might be the cause (or it's simply a flatline). But still, I'm really looking forward to want to do stuff again.
    Thanks, and stay strong.
    Noelle and Napav like this.
  2. Proceed

    Proceed Fapstronaut

    Yes.. After 55 days of no PMO I am starting to learn to channel the sexual urge to watch porn and masturbate into other urges, which are more productive. I have learned that I don't have to think about everything in terms of sex. This just keeps me motivated because there are other things in life that I am now taking a deeper look at now that I am not clogging up my brain with porn. BUT.. it HAS been a slow process for me. Which is why I am not giving up. Hope this helps
    Sobriety Knight likes this.
  3. Nice, I hope to get to the same point as you. Good to have an idea of how long it can take for it to get better in this regard. I haven't gotten that far before but think this is a slow process for me as well. Thanks for your answer!
    Proceed likes this.
  4. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    Having an addiction gets you stuck and fixated on the present. Your purpose in life becomes stuck on finding immediate rewards. Moving through an addiction means that you can shift your focus onto long term gains hence (I think) why your motivation to do things that are less immediately rewarding increases.

    Just keep focussing on the future - where you want to be and how you're going to get there.
    Proceed and Sobriety Knight like this.
  5. Good advice. I appreciate it!