is there any way out.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by turtlepants007, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. turtlepants007

    turtlepants007 Fapstronaut

    Feeling hopeless. I just pmo d for about 3 hours straight. I cryed and cryed and it felt ok to let my tears fall down. Can a person at home actually get porn out of their lives. I want porn to stop. :(
  2. Rewired

    Rewired Fapstronaut

    Just keep trying turtlepants. Crying and sadness is your body's way of telling you it's time to let go of something that just isn't working in your life anymore. Maybe you've got other stuff going that you need to let go of, maybe it's just the PMO habit. Have you tried reading some of the success stories on here? It doesn't happen easily. Try to take the disappointment in your stride, you're only human, keep at it.
  3. monke

    monke Fapstronaut

  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I find this cleric quite disturbing! He seems inappropriately angry and starts shouting at the audience. As a man of God, he uses no scriptures to qualify or explain his views. Finally, he trivialises and laughs in the face of something which causes people real distress. He seems more interested in the sound of his own voice and strutting to and fro in his 'superhero cloak'. I find no comfort or inspiration or Godliness in his pontification :(
  5. monke

    monke Fapstronaut

    @IGY from your post i assume you didn't watch the video till the end. He is just pissed of bullshit media and society serves us today. Loneliness is human feeling. God isn't so high on sky he was here on earth and he was lonely on cross in terrible agony when he said ''My God why did you leave me ?!''.
  6. hellfire2

    hellfire2 Fapstronaut

    Hey man I felt like that too. . You need to start meditation. . Start 10 min a day. Breathing one is best. Then exercise every day I just read this book the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. Very very good I've been struggling with porn addiction for 4 years now and I have read and tried alot.. this book is going to help. . Now accept your situation and take the appropriate steps to pull yourself out of this addiction.
  7. turtlepants007

    turtlepants007 Fapstronaut

    I just hope its not to late for me. Can I still be forgiven. I do bad and I do Good. If I do both I surely can't go to heaven. I used to meditate, but I quit recently. Maybe I should start again. :) thanks for all the helpful advice and loving support.
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    If you have our loving support how much more so from the Father of tender mercies. You are already forgiven! <3
  9. hellfire2

    hellfire2 Fapstronaut

    Firstly God forgives all. If your Christian then he died on the cross to take away our sins. The other thing if your atheist you have to remember this is not your fault. It's is natural to be curious about intimacy. Of course porn is going make you feel good. . When you first looked at it when you don't know real intimacy. but now as an adult you know that it's not real intimacy but your addicted.

    The guilt is feeding your addiction you need start feeling good about yourself if you have any chance of fighting this.

    so stop blaming yourself or anyone else it's just how things are. Accept your situation and learn how to improve your happiness so you can move forward. It's never too late trust me.
  10. jaypee

    jaypee New Fapstronaut

    Hey turtlepants. The fact that you've recognised that porn isn't right puts you in a pretty elite club. We are the 1%! Try getting outside, put up barriers (physically hide your computer, or use an internet blocker like k9). Then try again. Stop beating yourself up, you're clearly a good person who wants to make a positive change in his life. How many people can say that? Not a lot i think. Be proud of yourself and push on. From my experience past day 10 it gets much easier. If you want an accountability partner, PM me.
  11. If we're talking about Christianity, then you are already forgiven. Going to heaven is not based on your sins. It's about the Grace of God, nothing else. Grace means unmerited favour. Christ already paid the price. Salvation has no conditions tied to it.