Porn is a dangerous addiction!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Hey everybody! My name is Nick. I'm not different than you are, just another porn-addicted man. Maybe the only exception is that I'm a bit more hooked than some other guys.

    It's not the first time I've stopped porn and masturbation altogether. I've managed to stay "clean" for 115 days. That was a big accomplishment. My longest streak ever. Not sure if I'm going to reach this number again though. Some things are very hard to do for a second time.

    Those months were the best, in years. I felt energetic, better for myself, I even began visioning the future of my life positively. Of course, there have been ups and downs, but in general it was a hell of a good period of time. Unfortunately, I relapsed and then all the strain I've made, was ruined. I didn't feel good about it. And since March '16, I'm fapping almost everyday.

    The moment when I realized that I was truly addicted, wasn't that long ago, maybe a year and a half. There were days I was in a bad mood, and nothing could change it, but porn. When I was thinking that I would return home, open my computer and "dive" into pornsites, it made me cheerful. For real. That was when I understood that porn is an addiction, a serious one, and must be considered as such.

    Yesterday was a day like those. I wasn't feeling well, and the only thing I wanted to do was to fap. That was a big fail, I regret it, but the need was too strong. :-(

    Porn has fucked up my life. And I'm just 24.

    We must win this!
  2. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    welcome back. Maybe start a journal in one of the "Reboot Log" sections. It really helped me to remember my reasons for doing this and survive through the urges.

    114 days is a great achievement! Get back to this man, you can do it! Your life is still in front of you!

    Whats also important to know and to not get demotivated, if you relapse 1 time after a long streak, you haven't lost all the progress. Just give yourself a couple of days to recover.


    Nikolai likes this.
  3. Reading this makes me sad bro. Hang in there. You are stronger PMO isn't worth it. It just isn't worth it.
    Syx19, Gionel, Champ39 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Thank you for your replies! I really appreciate them. PMO isn't worth it, that's for sure man, I second that.

    I do want to star a journal, but I don't know, will people read it? I took a look at the log section of the forums and there are hundreds, if not a thousand, of threads there.
  5. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    I think more important if people read it, is that you can note down your progress and maybe important insights on your addiction and yourself you gained on this journey. For me it's easier to stay focused and fight through urges, when I'm writing this down daily. Of course you can also do this also on some sheet of paper or whatever. But here maybe people will reach out, which motivates even more.
    Nikolai likes this.
  6. yeah, you're probably right. :)
  7. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut


    There's no reason you should get to beyond 114 days. The only barriers to doing it are the one's you put in front of yourself - if you start out expecting to fail then you will fail. The most successful people are the one's who visualise success. Remember how you felt last time when you were on NoFap, remember how terrible you felt when you relapsed and think about how much worse your life is now. If you can, reflect on why you relapsed last time and work out ahead of time what you'll do next time that arises (the people that successfully break habits plan out every detail of how they will avoid relapsing). You've already identified that you use porn when you're a bad mood so you need to work out things that will replace porn - porn simply isn't an option anymore.
    Nikolai, vibemaker and Gionel like this.
  8. skeptical

    skeptical Fapstronaut

    Doing it again is a hard thing but if you remember the days of how you could feel, you can turn it into motivation instead of an obstacle

    goodluck on your journey, id definitely check your journal once in a while if you would make one, even if people don't comment all the time, we read :)
    Nikolai likes this.
  9. Thank you all for your advices, it means a lot. As it turns out, becoming a member of nofap was a right move. I'll make a journal, probably today. I just want people to read my thoughts, they don't have to comment all the time of course hehe. But still, there are so many journals there, mine will be like a little fish into the ocean!
    skeptical likes this.
  10. Alisa

    Alisa Fapstronaut

    It's nice to have the knowledge that you have gone 115 days in the past, but be careful about comparing where you are today with that time. In doing so, you're just setting yourself up to feel like anything you do right now is no good, compared to what you did during your 115-day streak.

    Remember to live in the moment. That means facing the absolute raw feelings and emotions that come up at any given point, and making a conscious decision about what to do in that moment.

    Also, try giving yourself a plan for success: 1) Acknowledge your triggers, 2) Govern yourself in such a way that you steer clear of those triggers (to the best of your abilities), 3) Fill your days with things that you enjoy, and 4) Get an accountability partner (there are lots of willing partners on this site!).

    Lastly, remember to love yourself. You deserve the best life possible, so keep fighting for it.

    Best of luck to you!
    Nikolai and vibemaker like this.