As long as me and my ex-gf have sex we both cannot open for someone new, right?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. Hey dudes. Basically the thread-title is what i have to say, and i think i know the answer already. Still i appreciate your opinions and advice. Me and my ex-gf sleep sometimes together, which is very comforting and nice, because we are familiar with each other, and it is not just the sex but the cuddling and feeling comfortable with each other and all the rest of it. We had a break and did not see each other for a while after break-up, but now sometimes it just happens.

    The thing is: Can i truly be open to a potential new relationship when i have the option to have sex, familliar sex, nice sex, but sex, with my ex?

    One friend told me today "as long as you sleep with your ex you will not be open for someone new" .. i guess she is right.

    I really don't know what advice i hope for here because i know the answer. It is just not easy to let go. Funny thing is there was a big letting-go already, and exactly because i thought "it is not easy to let go", we (me and my ex) did not see each other for a while. And we both are looking for new persons and are dating other persons, and talking about it. Right now i don't know.
  2. ...and the relationship between us, the "being a couple", is def over. I feel deep compassion for her but i am not in love anymore.
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    You two are still a couple. For her to be your ex, she had to be the person you used to talk to, used to sleep with, used to...
    JustinX, Aiyoshi and Truthevadesme like this.
  4. By holding to your past things you don't have the place for the new things to come. It's an old age truth, which relate to nearly every aspect of life, not only to relationships.
  5. Physicist

    Physicist Fapstronaut

    no its open, you can dat someone else. There is no coupling going on here, many exes become friends with benefits.

    But when you date someone new and sleep with them, let your ex go, doesn't matter if you are still "dating" that new girl but let your ex go.

    Also would you mind letting me know how you set up your counter? Its great and it looks different than the ones used here before!
  6. Right, friends with benefits. And i am dating other women, but nothing serious going on so far. I just think that maybe as long as i "rely" on this "friends with benefits"-status for myself, i do not let other dates become serious, because i have this option. So to really open for sth new, maybe i have to stop this "benefits". Thanks for the answer.

    I give you description for the counter later, gotta go now.
  7. Physicist

    Physicist Fapstronaut

    I'll wait for it, thanks :)

    As long you have dates, its great!

    My advice to you in this situation would be to no longer see your ex then if you have other possible options. In a friends with benefits situation you really don't want to see the other side more than once a week otherwise it falls into "regular girl" vibe. And you don't want to do that.

    The side of the coin is, push to get intimate with your other dates, not push as in force them, but make dates, go out, and get some intimacy going because if shes there to see you again then its obvious she likes you. You are conflating that you need to give up this up first to get the other but it isn't necessary, but it helps you then do it!
  8. @Physicist

    Of course.. you have to copy this link in your signature

    or this

    you can change it after "?date=" then the time after the "T" after the date..
    ofter "&offset=" you can change the timezone, it is gst"+1" in this counter because i live in europe.

    You can also change the colors of frame, outline, fill with the parameters after "&fill=", "&stroke=" and "&text=" ..
    there is somewhere in the internet a list with the codes for different colors, it is some norm but i don't know right now where to find it.

    I think the credits for this counter go to @Vulture , thanks a lot.
    D . J . likes this.
  9. No_More_Lies

    No_More_Lies Fapstronaut

    Definitely a tough call. Ultimately your decision, but I would move on if I were in your shoes. As comfortable as it may be, it would make me feel quite awkward if I was trying to start a new relationship. If your looking at casual sex for now, then it's maybe a not bad option.
    Deleted Account likes this.