Thoughts on Zanax going through flatline

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ZenPool, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    the word X A N A X is banned from this website so thats why im spelling it zanax

    Hey everyone, I've been getting so much positive help on here and its been a great help. Lately I've been suffering through pretty extreme anxiety mixed with moderate depression. Its starting to cause symptoms on my physical body such as very high tension, low energy, IBS, and low motivation. I haven't had much libido lately and I'm pretty sure im in a flatline. Last night was very overwhelming for me so I took .5mg of Zanax and it did the trick. for the rest of the night I could actually enjoy myself and it was great. Now I'm completely aware of how addicting these can be and I am very against pills/medication in general so I know i'm not going to get hooked. What Im worried about if this is causing my brain to slow down or hinder the recovery process of rebalancing if i'm feeding it Zanax every blue moon. I've been doing searches and cant find any discussions on this topic.

    taken from medical news today: "
    Benzodiazepines act on the brain and central nervous system to produce a calming effect.2 Zanax slows down the movement of brain chemicals that may have become unbalanced, resulting in a reduction in nervous tension and anxiety. Zanax works by boosting the effects of a natural chemical made in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

    GABA is an amino acid C4H9NO2 that is a neurotransmitter, which induces inhibition of postsynaptic neurons - slows down activity of nerve cells in the brain.3"

    I've also been taking a L-theanine pill that has GABA in it, but it doesnt always help. What should I do?
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
  2. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You would rather just PMO. Its the same thing anyway
  3. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    I'm in a flatline. I have no urges. urges are easy to deal with for me. High anxiety/depression is somewhat. I dont think its the same thing at all GABA stops the anxiety from flowing as much. Im not getting dopamine from it. Tell me how is PMO the same. Or are you just saying that im a pussy and looking for an escape?
  4. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Im not saying your a pussy but your looking for an escape. PMO is an escape from something. And your escaping this "something" with this.
    psychologically Its the same thing as PMO. Its not the dopamine/chemicals, its your cage.
    Wario32 and ZenPool like this.
  5. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    I can sympathize with you Zenpool and disagree with iggyishness. Quitting something cold turkey is extremely difficult for the body and mind to adjust too, particularly something you are heavily addicted to. When drug addicts enter rehabilitation centers, they are often given a milder substitute drug to wean themselves off from the more hardcore stuff for the first 3-6 months. The will power can only handle so much until it breaks, so you want to make sure you have a plan, and don't take on too much at a time.
    A slow, planned and methodical wean ensures successful recovery and prevents relapses.
    Therefore, for heavy porn addicts, the first 3 months should be about removing Pornography and any sexual related imagery. To manage physical urges, anxiety, etc, you can allow masturbation (no fantasy) and the occasional xanaz to alleviate depression. As long as you are using them as a resource to further recovery. Eventually once the pornography has been removed successfully, you can begin the full wean, and remove the xanaz and masturbation as well.
    ZenPool likes this.
  6. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Sorry man, Im a little on edge today. I get where your coming from. but not everyone can just summon willpower like that. If you are truly 14 years old then I've been PMO'ing longer than you've been alive. My brain has undergone a lot in the past decade especially and I have a lot of responsibilities that I need to take care of . I assume you aren't living on the streets and are being supported by parents while you're in school. Also I very clearly remember the angst of being 14 trust me. Im 26 now and things have changed a lot and they would for anybody including you. I do however congradulate you for getting on board to nofap at such a young age and I'm not knocking you at all. I'm sure you've been withdrawals too but It's different for everyone my friend. I appreciate you're comments either way. And I do think you make a solid point about pushing through it but Mateo89 makes a very good point about how will power can only go so far.
  7. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    I have seen this weeing off thing before for sure and maybe it is the easier path and the necessary path for some. Thank you for your comment. I plan only taking some maybe once a week or only when I really need it. Especially through the flatlines. I plan on going hard mode for good. I have no urges anyway so I don't even think I could fap if I wanted to. thanks again
  8. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    He stated techniques to how to quit. Which i agree on, Going cold turkey is extremely hard. I have different views because im not really addicted to porn just MO. If it works for you its good, But im just saying that the pills just numb you and almost give the same effects psychologically like PMO. Obviously if you are addicted to zanax instead of PMO its a few steps ahead because it isnt as bad. Not saying you should but its a lot better then PMO not disputing that fact
    ZenPool likes this.
  9. I've used x anax and was worse. However other brands of benzos do seem to work for me. I would only use these pills in so far you are in an "emergency situation", such as going to the hairdresser's or something. Sounds ridiculous but when you have anxiety these seem like problems you can't overcome without some sort of catastrophe happening. I totally know what it feels like. So, use them in those situations. Building a tolerance is pretty easy with benzodiazepines. These pills do help but they put tremendous stress on your endocrine system by releasing all the anti-stress hormones they can find, cortisol in particular. Cortisol has anti inflammatory effects but in the long run high levels aren't what you looking for as well. Eating a healthy diet without sugar and cafeine is half the battle.
    ZenPool likes this.
  10. AyeeAyeeRonn

    AyeeAyeeRonn Fapstronaut

    I believe that flatline occurs when you don't apply the sexual energy you've been cultivating through abstaining into other areas of your life. Many cultures believe that semen holds the "life force" in men. I personally can tell you that on longer streaks I feel more creative, more intune with myself, more alive, my emotions are stronger(both good and bad). Therefor if you are feeling more, and those things you are feeling aren't positive or enjoyable, flatline occurs. Abstaining is the first step not the only step, use that extra energy to make positive changes in your life, that is the next step. "Zanax" will only hurt you in the long run, I've seen many of my friends ruin their lives because of an addiction to bars, simply DO NOT DO IT! If you're set on using a substance to help with your current state, I suggest doing research on natural remedies. Herbs, meditation, spending time in nature, etc. hope this helps
    ZenPool likes this.
  11. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Trust me Im not going to ever get addicted to them. Im not going to use them every single time I feel discomfort. the Max I would do is .5mg once every week and only If im in flatline. Trust me if I didnt take one last night i wouldnt haven't gotten anything done today. so far I've been able to help my sister with something she needed and I've gone on a pretty intensive jog/run and now im going to do a few hours of homework. I think it'll be okay for me to take in very small doses throughout a big time frame.

    Anyways my real question was whether it would hinder/slowdown the process of healing in the brain or not. But i guess it would probably take a doctor or neurosurgeon to answer that 100% LOL so yea I appreciate all the comments non the less!
    AyeeAyeeRonn likes this.
  12. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

    As long as you are mindfully dosing Zanax to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms as a last resort basis, no, it will not hinder your recovery. Additionally Zanax works on a completely different neural pathway than PMO (Zanax involves Gaba receptors, while PMO is Dopamine) So your comparing apples and oranges. Using it maximum twice a week in small doses will be fine. And eventually you can wean off that as well.

  13. AyeeAyeeRonn

    AyeeAyeeRonn Fapstronaut

    Well good luck man! Just be careful, zanax has a half life of only 6 hours and is very addictive! Of course you can overcome with a strong mind, but nonetheless there is still a strong "danger" (for the lack of other words) of dependency! Maybe try using the run/homework before you take the .5mg, and if you feel you still absolutely need it, then do so. Just a suggestion
  14. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    AyeeAyeeRonn likes this.
  15. AyeeAyeeRonn

    AyeeAyeeRonn Fapstronaut

    Second that
  16. I hear xanny bars are big hit in the streets.
    This seems like an unhealthy outlook. But lets try your approach. Everyone go out and WebMD your symptoms. I'm sure you'll all be self diagnosed with cancer.
  17. AyeeAyeeRonn

    AyeeAyeeRonn Fapstronaut

    I know this was satire but I think you're missing the point. Modern medicine has become about prescribing pills that people get addicted to and it's just to fuel big pharma. WebMD is just another way to get you to a doctor by using scare tactics(I.E. you have cancer you better get to a doctor) and confusing people(listing 20 possible conditions with similar symptoms)
    But I see your point, we're not left with many other options besides going to a doctor, but that
    Doesn't make going to a doctor any better. It's just about the money with doctors, lmao that's exactly why they became doctors, very few actually have the intention to help people anymore, and the ones who do are inDOCtrinate by 8 years of government schooling.
  18. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Go out and fix the cause not the effect. Dont say you have a mental illness. The medical industry wants to use you and keep you hooked on there drugs. They rely on your suffering for a profit. Is that good enough for you?
  19. I'm not missing the point, I'm just steering clear of extremes. The advice "don't trust doctors" is another unhealthy extreme and so is "trust every doctor" or "they're just in it for the money" or "they're just trying to get you addicted to various forms of medications" etc..etc.. There is a difference between healthy skepticism and outright paranoia.
  20. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You have to be paranoiac about this. You have to make your own decisions and not trust blindly doctors like a little sheep.