NoFap Popularity

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PsychicCharlie, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. PsychicCharlie

    PsychicCharlie Fapstronaut

    So recently I've noticed that Nofap has been getting more popular it might be my imagination but I've been seeing more news and sites about stopping porn which is great obviously! Sadly when I do relapse before I see the porn sites I see sites telling me scientists have found less grey matter in brains of porn addicts and just various sites telling me news about porn and how it affects people. It might just be my computer but I didn't see these sites a few years back. Do you guys think its grown in popularity? Plus I see alot of newbies coming too. I wish everyone luck.
  2. jeff31

    jeff31 Fapstronaut

    I can see this too.i think the easy access to porn through internet and including dvd and vhs over the last 30 years is almost an experiment to control and keep men's minds confused and directionless and we are waking up to that realising its not all about chasing the objectified female that is portrayed and in our face every day from internet, media and on are getting wiser and its about time we stood strong against the destructiveness of porn and associated material
  3. WillC575

    WillC575 Fapstronaut

    I think it's more popular or maybe more normal to talk about?

    I have not had any conversations with friends about this site or PMO or even just about fapping per SE. But I have had some about being celibate which includes no fapimg, basically Hard Mode. When I Wrestled in HS the coaches told us about "girls being bad for the legs" Lol which we meant to mean no sex if we wanted to be champions and then they would add "leave the testosterone for the mat" which we took to mean no fapping. At the time (only 3 years ago) I was not a sex addict and had viewed very little porn so with the long school days and twice a day practices it was easier.

    Anyway awhile back a friend of mine noticed how shredded and ripped I had gotten and asked me what I was doing and I told him I was staying celibate, no "O's" of any kind and that it gave me like this excess energy and that the build up of Testosterone was like a natural supplement. All of which is true. You can read body building forums and they talk about it.

    I think abstaining for whatever reason has benefits physically and even in your appearance so guys are doing it not just to overcome porn addiction issues but for self improvement.
  4. StarKing

    StarKing Guest

    when you say you see sites before you relapse, so you mean ads on the porn sites?
  5. PsychicCharlie

    PsychicCharlie Fapstronaut

    No, I mean there are other websites and articles before the porn websites.