Ban Porn Completely!!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by MrSuccess17, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Who here believes porn should be banned completely with possession of it made a criminal offence???
  2. I believe ya and I'm agree. Everything porn (webcam, Playboy, Girl Gone Wild, etc.) should be gone forever and at least, the government should already be aware of this action. Wake the hell up,world!
  3. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I don't think it should be criminalised but I do think restrictions should be made on it through ISPs, such as with "opt-in" agreements as already suggested by some groups/ governments.
  4. I don't. Don't get me wrong deep down I hate porn, but I think banning it won't do much good. People need to be educated about porn instead.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2017
  5. diddykong

    diddykong Fapstronaut

    Never going to happen. For starters, it contributes millions to the economy so governments are never going to vote to outlaw it (just like tobacco). Secondly, outlawing stuff just doesn't work. It just drives it underground and it will cause even more problems as people (potentially children) will be exposed to more harmful pornography without the relative safeguards of the mainstream web. There is clearly a massive appetite for pornography and not everyone has a problem with it.

    What we need good education about the potential harms of pornography - just like we educate about the harms of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. This will enable people to make informed choices. There is still much taboo surrounding sex that people just don't want to talk about it.
  6. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I find it very satisfying to be at an advantage over others due to what I have learned from nofap and the conquering of my sexual temptation most others will never get to experience. I want to share the awakening with others, but at the same time it makes me feel special that I live a different lifestyle than the majority of people, if that makes sense.
  7. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Governments should never try to discourage this or that behavior. It's a form of tyranny. The government can't choose which types of lifestyles are healthy or unhealthy. A government that takes control of porn use this year has the ability to take control of what you can and can't eat next year, and so on. Consenting adults should be able to make mistakes if they so choose.
    oversexedsami and Roronoa like this.
  8. CountOfTuscany

    CountOfTuscany Fapstronaut

    I don't think it should be banned at all.. I believe you have the right to do whatever you want with yourself.
    However, I wish people would stop promoting it as being a normal part of human development. It's an addiction on the same level as hardcore drugs and should be seen that way.
  9. No they should not bad porn. Generally speaking nothing should be banned anymore unless immediately physically dangerous/poisonous.
  10. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    It does, darwinism, survival of the fittest.
    Taylor25 and Mankrik like this.
  11. Alex Xander

    Alex Xander Fapstronaut

    I think the government should do more to stop children from having access to porn. The internet is like the wild-wild-west which is good in some ways, but there are unforeseen consequences of allowing generations of kids to have access to porn. We could make two internets. The world wide web and the adults only web. Big search engines and web browser corporations like Google would be forced to blacklist any adult website that isn't behind a .xxx domain. And the only way to access .xxx domains would be through your cable provider.
  12. Well the Republicans have brought back their war efforts against porn, time will tell what happens in the US with Trump's presidency, he did star in softcore back in the day....
  13. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    There's another useless law that we don't need, filling up jails that are already full with people who don't need to be in jail. I'm all about freedom, you know?
  14. Bingo. The situation needs to be flipped around where it's people paying to have a porn package on their plan and not families shelling out money to have anti-porn packages just so their kids can use the internet.
  15. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    This will never happen to a billion dollar industry
  16. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    The porn industry will just pay the government money not to ban it.
  17. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Lol porn lobbyists.

    I think people should raise their children the right way, all by themselves. Government has some role in protecting children's rights, but this would be in the realm of parenting, where the government is better off letting actual parents make these kinds of decisions.
  18. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Porn sucks.

    But it does "stimulate" the economy, right? (Pardon the pun.)
  19. No. I do not support porn ban. In fact I support the idea that prostitution should be legalized as well. I think people should be responsible for their own actions in their life. Not government. If somebody wants to hurt themselves by either consuming porn or prostitution or going into industry (or in any other way) that should be their right, because it's their life. That's called freedom. As far as we don't hurt anybody else forcefully (like tying them down to chair and forcing them to watch porn or forcefully raping them for a video) it's none of the government's business. I compare porn ban with ban of homosexuality. It's sticking their long ass nose behind closed doors where it is not welcome, it's stupid dictatorship.

    What I do support is more strict regulations. About equal to cigarettes. Making porn advertisements illegal. Blocking access to any porn websites to anybody that can not provide their legal ID data to verify their real age (like when buying cigarettes), increased taxes to porn businesses and so on. AND what's even more important education of harmful effects of porn in schools. In most places they teach how to have safe sex, how to do proper hygiene and stuff like that. It's like 4th to 7th grade or something? Those health education classes should also include education about porn and dangers of it.

    Yea porn did ruin many of our lives here. Big part of it is that we were ignorant of dangers of it. And it's fault of all that bullshit they teach that porn and masturbation is good for exploring your sexuality and so on. That's a big problem, there is no enough education. There are a lot of people who got addicted to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc and that ruined their lives. In their case they knew the dangers so they don't have anybody to blame but themselves. They have to take their responsibility and admit that they fucked up. I wish we could be in position, if only we would have enough education in society.

    But yea, basically live and let live. Porn fucked us up, does not mean we have any right to force others how to live their lives. Educate and teach people, if they are willing to listen and learn. But other than that need to mind our fucking business.
  20. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    It would be nice if porn didn't even exist. I don't think banning it will do anything. Like someone mentioned I think people would be more exploited than they already are and make situations even more dangerous for them. I do agree with the idea of stricter policies and education. Big time education about porn.