Can't get back on track- help!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by LogicalThomas, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. LogicalThomas

    LogicalThomas Fapstronaut

    I started the no-PMO challenge on December 11th. At first I made to 13 days, then 1 week, and now 2 days (MO).

    I feel like my dopamine is super high. Last days I'm trying to resist really hard, but still find myself on the border to call a relapse or fully relapse. Jesterday I watched porn a little but decided it's not enough for reset. Today I MOed before I got out of bed. I get multiple urges per day which somehow I mostly resist.
    Triggers are:
    - boys and girls
    - Google Images, random websites I come across (I managed to resist going on any porn site), social media, Youtube. So far, only once I masturbated while watching films (I resisted the urge in ~20 secounds)
    - for a last week I'm with my family and it will be the same for almost next whole week. As that, I can barely exercise, and don't feel in control as I used to, but it's mostly mentally.
    - I believe I have problem with porn, masturbation and orgasm

    I feel I can't control myself anymore, letting down many of you who I talk to regularly, angry, frustrated, sad, lost, almost desperate. I'm scared to see myself that addicted and I really want to stop this. I wish to have someone to punch me everytime I try to relapse.

    I tried many things already and still don't know how to control myself. I believe I could write much more but don't want to make it too long. So I really need to change.

    Please help and give suggestions.
    billiammn likes this.
  2. LogicalThomas

    LogicalThomas Fapstronaut

    I am one with the force, the force is with me... oh well, it doesn't work. Lets join the Dark side?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Oh well. OK let's try again.
  3. Lulzy_FakeName

    Lulzy_FakeName Fapstronaut

    I call BULL SHIT. You two are prisoners OF YOUR OWN MIND. You could do one day, what stops you from doing exact same thing for next one? Why do you even think you need it? In moments of strong urge just put yourself in the moment just after that PMO. Will you really feel better after that? Surely not. You are not weak. You are trying. It's easy to jump into pile of shit, but you will smell it even after 5 showers. It's not easy to quit. But you have STARTED.
  4. LogicalThomas

    LogicalThomas Fapstronaut

    Hmm I'm quite interested in knowing more about your way of thinking (not tied to your answers). Not saying I agree or disagree with them.

    What exactly do you mean by that? The way of thinking? Thinking inside a box? Sticking to habits/ experiences? Spirituality?
    The problem I have here is a mental one. And of course it's because of the mind. This doesn't mean it's easy to solve (I don't see the need of explaining that because it's to obvious).
    Also it's because of dopamine, which is chemical nature, not mental one. As long the body produce it, it's harder to resist.

    Long run? No. Short run? Yes. And we humans loooove instant gratification. It's harder to resist something that offers quick & easy results. In you need example, just look at politics. No problem with taking a debt is one of them (I guess one of most known because it is kind of a trend in the 1st world now)

    I'm not sure how easy is to quit, but I'm stubborn (it has its perks and cons).
  5. Lulzy_FakeName

    Lulzy_FakeName Fapstronaut

    Prisoner thing - your post shows what I stated. You are trying to justify yourself "because of dopamine" and stuff. Like it's all natural that you MO. Whole rebooting thing is actually about changing your thinking about this everything (I know that I write this in annoying way with these "and stuff", "this everything" but I just lack of proper words (non-native here), I guess you are more educated on this topic, but still, I know you get my point). You are making yourself an animal that can't resist its temptations. That addiction is hard to overcome, because you got so involved, that you think it can't be other way. It can. To me - wet dreams solve that. I don't get it, why people consider having wet dreams is bad. If you are trying to get them (like lucid dreaming, thinking about hot girls before sleep, idk what else) then of course - it is bad. But if you get those it often comes with ejaculation, at least that was my case few times and I was like, ok, I guess I needed it and my organism did the job while I had no control over that, yet still felt nice for me.
    Long run / Short run - reboot has it's long run or short run benefits? You mentioned politics as an example. You think that's ok the way it is? I guess taking a debt isn't a good thing?
    No addiction is easy to quit, I am struggling with marijuana, that shit gets addictive once you have easy access to it. Same with PMO - it's easy to get it, so it's easy to get addicted once you start doing it more and more often.
    Don't try to justify your bad habit. Because you think it's bad, right? Otherwise that conversation wouldn't happen.
    You might break this in parts and comment on every one, but remember what you are trying to achieve. If you are trying to justify your relapse, then something's wrong. You asked for help, I am trying as best as I can.