PMO-Free 2017 - Post your commitment here

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. KevinMax

    KevinMax Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the meditation resource! I am a couple chapters in and just did a 5 minute meditation and experienced clarity that a daily practice will be good! Thanks again!
    Deleted Account and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  2. KevinMax

    KevinMax Fapstronaut

    Your positive frame of mind and groundedness is inspiring. Thank you!!
    Hippolytus likes this.
  3. Hippolytus

    Hippolytus Fapstronaut

    I've decided to keep an online journal. For anyone interesting in following my progress, it's located at:
  4. Hippolytus

    Hippolytus Fapstronaut

    Thanks, Kevin! I wish you luck on the journey, my friend!
    KevinMax likes this.
  5. AbetterMe2017

    AbetterMe2017 Fapstronaut

    I will not PM in 2017. Only orgasm I'll have is with my wife. I'm going to get active in my hobbies again including eating healthy, working out and playing golf. I will be more social and reach out to friends. I will be more present with my wife and kids and intentionally spend more quality time with them. 2017 I'm breaking these damn chains and taking back my life!!!
  6. hueY300

    hueY300 Fapstronaut

    Since losing my virginity in 2016 I have come to realise real sex doesn't get me off. I am eager to cure my (moderate) PIED and severe DE. So for this year I will be on a 90 days hard mode challenge. If I make it to april I will allow O but refrain from PM troughout the rest of the year. Seeing as this is my first challenge and I just quit medicine after being depressed for over a year I fear I might have a relapse on a lonely day. To substitute my new leisure time and stabilize my mood I will try exercising, paying attention to my diet and changing my sleeping cycle. I will refrain from drinking as well since I have found it no good for me. Happy new year everyone and good luck with your challenges!
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
    Agudoleo and KevinMax like this.
  7. dontgiveup03

    dontgiveup03 New Fapstronaut

    Please count me in!
    I am new here, i just relapsed after 5 days of nofap/pmo. I would like this challenge to last atleast 30 days. My goal is to make my self better. To appreciate and experiece the better things in life. I have been having a bad sleep, hair loss, low self esteem, problems financially, emtionally and physically and being shy around people. I just want to live a better life. This is 2017! This year is going to be my year. Day 0/30. Almost 3am (cet). Mark my words!!!!!!!!
    Hippolytus likes this.
  8. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    First week of the clean year is done!

    Only 51 more to go! :D lol

    Hope everyone is OK so far. Having some moodiness but have kept resolutions.
    dontgiveup03 likes this.
  9. KevinMax

    KevinMax Fapstronaut

    Greetings Fapstronauts,
    Checking in on day 16 with no PMO. Aside from some moodiness now and then, I am enthusiastic about this rebooting process! When I've tried to quit porn on my own in the past, I never rebooted by abstaining from MO. I now know the PMO reboot formula, thanks to this community, and believe it's working with me. Thank you everyone who has reached out to me and everyone who helped build this supportive community. I am becoming a better person, husband, father, employee, and citizen by being less selfish and more productive and loving with my time. Much gratitude NoFap community! ❤️ -KevinMax
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  10. im on day3, everything seems okay, im trying to be as busy as possible..
    Agudoleo, KevinMax and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  11. KevinMax

    KevinMax Fapstronaut

    Good for you! How's it going?
  12. Thanks, Day 6 is almost finished, everything is okay.

    Thanks to god.
  13. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Week 3 of the clean year done! Good stuff!
    MJ93 likes this.
  14. KingRecover17

    KingRecover17 Fapstronaut

    I'm never watching porn ever again
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
    • Hard mode
    • Until I marry, then I switch to no pm, O allowed yay :p
    • My goals are to keep fit and get stronger, have a great first year of university, make all of the money, and stay connected with Jesus
    • I am doing this for myself, my (future) wife, my family, my (furure) children, my God.

    Well done everybody, you are all bosses :cool:
    Agudoleo and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  15. Agudoleo

    Agudoleo New Fapstronaut

    Well done bro! I hope you'll succeed in your purpose!
    Deleted Account and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  16. Agudoleo

    Agudoleo New Fapstronaut

    I'm entering now in a purpose of PMO free for my whole life I hope. I have the experience of being 5 months (holy shit!) without any PMO during a hard exams period, thus I know I'm capable of doing this. Ultimately has been really hard because of my lack of faith and mild determination. The other day I watched the movie Men of honor and the life's story of Carl Brashear encourage me up so much that finally I decided to stop it forever. I'll follow your commitments as well to be support by other fellow's stories that are trying really earnest here!
    I leave you with a Longfellow's Psalm of life:
    "Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
    Is our destined end or way;
    But to act, that each tomorrow
    Find us farther than today.

    In the world's broad field of battle,
    In the bivouac of life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
    Be a hero in the strife!

    Let us then be up and doing,
    With a heart for any fate;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
    Learn to labor and to wait."

    Strength and Honor.
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  17. Thank you. ^^
  18. Day 8, Doing good.

    Thanks to god.
  19. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Last night, woke up after being asleep for ~ couple hours. Don’t remember dreaming anything, but right when I woke I felt like I was right on the verge of O’ing. It stayed like that for a few minutes, was afraid to move as I focused my concentration to NOT O. Seriously felt like the slightest flicker in body or mind would result in kaboom. Once it subsided I fell right back to sleep. Weird, right on the edge of the point of no return almost O.

    Felt like the nefarious Mr. Hyde was up to no good, trying to give me a nocturnal. Not on my watch! Still no O this year, which is cool. Glad I could keep the goal in mind even when caught unawares & completely groggy. I realize that if it was a nocturnal, it wouldn’t be my fault, but still, when I woke up, my thought was “NO! NOT IF I CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!” Focus became diamond tout de suite!

    Might have been some kind of hormonal surge. I also remember at the time, my armpits were giving off an above-normal manly musk smell, pretty strong I could smell it through my sweatshirt. Later on today, my nips were a bit sensitive.

    Not sure what could have brought this on, maybe the situps I did LOL. Maybe the brain doing some rewiring.

    I’ll take it as a victory, although today was one of those gorgeously rotten days where it seemed like practically nothing would go right. Ah well, it happens