Join me for one whole year (365 days) Hard Mode challenge! Sign up here!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 29, 2016.

Are you in?

  1. Yea! I plan on stopping porn and masturbation for life anyways so why not. Might as well start now!

    109 vote(s)
  2. I'm not sure I can do it, but I will try it and see how it goes. If I fail at least I've tried!

    24 vote(s)
  3. Hell yea! I love challenge an it would be cool to say that I did this for whole yer! Let's do this!

    32 vote(s)
  4. I don't know if I even want this, but hey, if I chance my mind I can always stop. Nothing to lose!

    4 vote(s)
  5. No. It's too intimidating for me, I prefer to go one small step at a time.

    2 vote(s)
  6. Hell no! Are you crazy? Why would I even want to give up MO?! Porn yea, but MO?!

    1 vote(s)
  7. I don't plan to stop watching P and MO'ing. I don't know what I am even doing on this website.

    2 vote(s)
  8. I will think about it and maybe join later. Maybe.

    2 vote(s)
  9. No. I don't get why would want to give up an O for a year, even during sex?! P and M yes, but O?!

    9 vote(s)
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  1. I don't know whether it's true, I doubt it. But there is correlation with fapping and brain for sure, seeing how our brain functions at lesser capacity if we fap too much.
    I think we just have to train our eyes to see world objectively. Ugly things aren't really ugly, they just ARE. It's our mind that puts subjective judgement on them. I know what helped me a lot with this is mindfulness meditation.
  2. Perfext

    Perfext Fapstronaut

    Its only been 4 months that i started masturbating im down too i want to leave this nasty thing
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Captain Average

    Captain Average Fapstronaut

    Hello Shugi Shugi. I've had many setbacks that ruined my reboot. So many horrible decisions and impulses. But I'm set for 2017, I started on the 1st of January and I plan to go for life. If possible maybe we could be APs? I want to be part of this success.
  4. Perfext

    Perfext Fapstronaut

    How about we make some kinda group
  5. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    Okay so I'm new to all of this so I must ask what is the difference between an intentional and not intentional orgasm (I never knew there was a difference I always thought an orgasm was due to being sexually aroused).
  6. Well, intentional orgasm is when you choose to have it. Ya know like when masturbating or having sex. You decide that at the end, or at one point, of that activity there will be orgasm. Not intentional orgasm is when you have no control over it. So for example wet dream (cos you are unconscious, your body just does what it wants without asking you any permission) or spontaneous orgasm that just happens while awake without you doing anything to cause it (such as masturbation or sex) and without you being able to prevent it (again, your body just does what it wants without asking you any permission, if you go long enough without sexual release that can happen even when awake, kinda like wet dream in awake state). Also it might be while having sex and trying to hold back but failing by accident. Like maybe you did not stop sexual stimulation in time and it was too late.
    Baller123 likes this.
  7. Hemo0

    Hemo0 New Fapstronaut

    I hope this thread does not die,could everyone explain to us his plan for this year?
  8. Thank you for making this thread. I'm in. I mainly want to quit P forever and have been trying for about a year with some success. My longest streak was 44 days. The reason I caved in was stress caused by college and also because I forgot why I was doing Nofap in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Well because P is obviously bad and it has caused me a lot of harm, I feel anxious from time to time, have bad memory, never had a girlfriend and so on. Not really sure what I think about M and quitting it for life but I think it's good to stay away from it at least during the reboot period. Anyway, I wish you all good luck and will try to be active here. That is a tip by the way, keep going to this site, YBOP, and so on so that you don't forget why you are doing this journey.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. DaveyMicrocosm

    DaveyMicrocosm Fapstronaut

    18 I think you should read this article I just found.

    My aversion to some people is due to the fact that the majority of people have loads of toxic buildup in their body this is what causes them too appear ugly. If people were clean and healthy they would naturally be beautiful, this is why the yogis would always teach purification before asanas and meditation. I meditate too but there are causations to peoples appearance usually due to their reciprocation or symbiotic relationships/lack of.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  10. This_Ends_Now

    This_Ends_Now Fapstronaut

    So I checked and GroupMe doesn't require a number, you can instead invite people using their email addresses (such as the pseudonymous ones that you and I apparently used to create our accounts here). I don't see any drawbacks to that. Rooms are permanent and can't get taken over AFAIK.

    EDIT: To do this, you still need to set up a GroupMe account, which requires a phone number. This means that you'd never have to give your phone number to anyone but the company itself. They're very reputable and have never spammed me. The easy alternative would be to use some sort of service for a disposable number or something like that. There's an abundance of these on the internet. One option is something called Warning: the texts people receive here are public and you'll see a lot of verification codes for objectionable services, in case that triggers you. There are better options but this works since there's no way someone could associate your confirmation code with the email you used to make your account.

    EDIT 2: I successfully set up an alt account with my fake email using the above site, so it works.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Aendel

    Aendel Fapstronaut

    I'm so darn in!
    I'm spanish, i've registered here like 3 minutes ago, and I'm 17. I've been trying to stop PMO since I started, really, like 3 and a half years ago... I've never been able to reach success, I think that it is maybe because I couldn't ask for help anywhere (ya know, the embarassment), so I'm in my 3d day of Hard mode and, I'm quite excited! you know, I wanna make it finally, and for the first time since I started trying, I feel like It's possible!!
    So, fuck PMO, and let's do this! I go for the 1 year challenge, and from there, I hope I can quit PM forever and well... O until it's the right time and moment xD. So... Let's do this, right?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Hashmal

    Hashmal Fapstronaut

    Oh my.. that's crazy!! but yeaah let's try it!! why not? :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Yea, I had a problem with sharing my phone number with company itself as well. Thanks for the tip tho, the public sms service website worked wonderfully! I crated a group. Everybody who's interested PM me and I will send you a link to join.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2017
    yagami light and This_Ends_Now like this.
  14. SAM778

    SAM778 Fapstronaut

    I'm fully in, I'm in my most important year in school aiming for As and A*s and I know I will not get there if I continue to fap, I'm also joining due to religious reasons, please reply to me with any motivational stuff or advice, I'll post updates every once in a while but my main goal is to stop COMPLETELY, wish me luck!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Hey! I'm in (or at least i'll try) i relapsed yesterday after my first 3 days without PMO , so it might be tough for me to accomplish such a great goal, but i'll do my best.
    This time i'll have some precautions to avoid triggering myself like having short showers and touch myself the least i can. Also avoid overusing the emergency app since it makes me think more about PMO.
    I already installed a P blocker in my PC but i don't have one on my phone (i don't know if there is any)
    I hope this time i'm prepared enough to at least overcome the first days and hope it gets easier after that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Haha I hope this doesn't die either. I will bump it occasionally at least until end of 2017, just for the monthly Hard Mode update of my own progress if anything. My plan? Well, I don't really have much of a plan. I just gonna not P, M and O. And the tool what I will use to accomplish that is mindfulness meditation and being present in a moment. Good book to read about it is The Power of Now by Tolle. So that is my strategy. Of course also want to improve my life in other areas such as exercising and diet. Also working on some part time projects for my future job. What's your plan?
    APs? Well, what exactly that entail? I've never had one. By nature I am not much of a team player. I'm very much an introvert, private loner type of guy. I mean we could try if you REALLY want exactly me lol but I don't know how much I could provide for you. There is Accountability Partners forum section on here where many people are searching, I'm sure you could find somebody better suited for it there. We also made a live chat accountability group thingy if you're in need for more quicker interaction. Not that much people there yet tho but it's a start. I can PM you a link to join if you're interested.
  17. Ultra5212

    Ultra5212 New Fapstronaut

    I'm in with you guys. I need to stop this and this stops now. I relapsed today (was the 2nd) but it is on now! Good luck!
  18. yagami light

    yagami light New Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, i'm a new member. I cant beleive I just found this. This has been something i've been tryning to do for years, and now with people I can talk to , I know we can work togeter to absatin from this awful habit. I plan on upating as I go along as well, so this thread will surely not die out.
  19. Dave1996

    Dave1996 New Fapstronaut

    Hey, I'm in. A good challenge for the year with an inestimable reward: independence. I am Dave, 20 years old and I also started on 1 January. Good luck to everyone! Let's go!!!
  20. yagami light

    yagami light New Fapstronaut

    how do you that % bar thing,sorry im a new member
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