
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Kdot, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. I don't really classify myself as belonging any particular religion really. I do like a lot of them, including Christianity. How I interpret those teachings is another matter. But philosophically my believes would be a mix of Buddhism and Taoism. The whole goal there is to get rid of ego/self, or association with it. So being selfish would no more be an issue at that point. Don't necessary have to become enlightened either, but in a spiritual state quite close to that.

    The way I see it, we are NOT human. It's our flesh that makes us human. But we are not it. It's our association with the body that limits us. In deeper level we are a soul that is inhibiting the body. It's nice to have it or else we would not be able to function in this physical reality. But it's also our jail at the same time. Our soul comes from God, it's essentially a part of the essence of God. Like a seed is part of a larger tree. And by right spiritual practices we can, either in this lifetime or later, wherever we will be by then, to get closer in touch with that part of God in us. And transcend our limited flesh and limited nature, at least partly.

    Well I guess it makes sense. If that's the way we look at it then I guess every crap we go through has a meaning; to make us stronger and stimulate growth. You better believe that is is fun, while you're there and it's actually happening in a moment lol. I really hope you won't get to have that fun. :D

    I mean if you want to have children and to have a deeper connection with a woman than just surface level romance you don't have a choice as to marry or not, as a Christian. Well, I guess technically you do still have it tho. But that choice comes with a price of not being able to do those things. Otherwise it would be a sin. No? So IS there REALLY a choice in that case?
    But then again, I don't know how closely exactly you follow rules of the Church and of the Bible. There are different Christians out there. I'm sorry, I just assumed you follow those things, cos most Christians I know do.
  2. Very interesting ;)
    Yeah you assumed right. If I want to experience deep intimacy with a woman and have children, I need to get married to do that. I don't see this as a limiting thing though, I see it as the best option for everyone.
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  3. Yeah it's really not about rules. It's about what leads to happiness and fulfillment. You can adhere to a rule 'thou shalt not kill' because it is a written rule... But that is ridiculously simplistic.. (Akin to saying though shalt not masturbate...) The bottom line with Christian 'rules' is they are guides to happiness... it makes you miserable to kill someone in very profound ways... Killing or abandoning your children is a similar thing... It's more than 'you broke a rule' it's also more than the perfectly reasonable reason that 'you are hurting someone else' or because you are doing it to chase a short term fleeting illusion (romantic or sexual or whatever)... Because if you truly love God (meaning you love truth goodness and beauty) then you will love yourself and others... to an outsider you will inadvertently appear to live within certain rules. But the rules are not driving your actions... what's driving them is love of reality (rather than illusion...) Love of truth goodness and beauty (rather than the cheap imitation opposites...)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2016
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  4. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    Get married at the age when you meet a woman that you love completely and want to spend the rest of your life with. That's a good age.
  5. Marriage.

    My ideal situation to be sexually active it is.

    I do not personally value sex outside of marriage but I have yet to live up to that ideal. That ideal is not imposed by any religion or dogma but rather is founded upon years of philosophical study and practice and also upon research of the human condition.

    My ideal self would like to be celibate until marriage, if I even get married. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm fuckin balls deep in war with my lower self.

    Just expressing my opinion. Plenty of articles and research on why I feel this way if anyone comments on my post.
  6. Marriage is hard. Sure there are incredible joys and benefits of being married, but to say that is all one should strive for in life is utterly naive.

    Marriage is not an ultimate means, by any means whatsoever.
  7. cecile09

    cecile09 New Fapstronaut

    I think there is no age limit for marriage. When you find your partner you can get married then. Falling in love and marrying that person and living happily after is my concept.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  8. CaptCane

    CaptCane New Fapstronaut

    Maybe it because you don't understand God. The world has distorted marriage. It was perfect in the begin. And then came the fall of man and we have been out of sorts ever since. It is good for a man not to marry. However, if you do and you learn to love (truly love) then marriage can be a picture of the life of Jesus.

    Don't shoot my thinking down so fast. The Lord God Almighty has a plan for everyone. Open your heart to listen to the Spirit. Read the Bible and see if I'm not telling the truth. We don't have all the answers as a secular society. That's why we need Jesus.
  9. @CaptCane I don't understand what love has to do with marriage? Love is a state of being while marriage is a contract.
    Yea, that's probably the root of it.
  10. By the way I just want to clarify (maybe little bit too late, cos we already had some long discussion here, usually things should be defined at the start) what I mean when I say that I do not believe in marriage. When I say "marriage" I am speaking about contract, especially legally binding one. Not so much about promise or commitment. I'm speaking about legal paperwork as well as the vow at the church in front of with.

    Part of the reasons for this line of thinking I have expressed in my posts above. But also partly because I do not feel that government has any god damn business what I call my wife, it's between me and her (and for many people also between God). And I do not need a Church to be a middle man between us and God either. Why would I need a priest as a middle man when I can turn to God directly. They are self proclaimed holy man. That's just the biggest bullshit scam out there.

    Sure, I think a pope deserves a great deal of respect and admiration for devoting his whole life to something he really believes in. But there are many devoted Christians like that, that does it in quietude in their own home, not in a hierarchical setting of the Church. So in my eyes his robe and a crown does not make him holier than thou. Nor does any priest. They are just same man like all of us in my eyes.

    The purpose of the Church should be to serve as a big advertisement company for God, as well as a place of community where like minded people can meet. Also as a way to help people who need guidance and education about the religion. But it should not have any political power, or any power whatsoever on the people who follow Jesus. It should be a counselor not a judge and not a legal man.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2016
  11. CaptCane

    CaptCane New Fapstronaut

    I think I understand your idea of the legal terms of marriage. Yes, we go to the courthouse to get a marriage certificate and then a minister officiates the marriage ceremony. It does seem like a lot of pomp and pageantry. People have distorted marriage like they have Christmas and Easter. They're commercialized now.

    For me marriage is a covenant before God that I will love, honor, and serve her. Could I still do this without being "married", sure. But in obedience to my relationship with God, I choose to marry. I am a Christian first, not baptist (the church I attend) nor catholic (which I think does good for many yet borders on the line of being Christian if at all).

    I want my marriage to bring me closer to God. It's not always happy and full of fun. Some days, I do what it takes to get by. But that is my commitment to the Lord, which is my most important relationship.

    I wish you the best and Merry Christmas.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. fapshooter

    fapshooter Fapstronaut

    That only applies to married couple with kids. Taxes rates are higher for married couple without kids, because of their combined income.

    As for couples with kids, what they gain in tax breaks they lose on their child spendings, so it ends up being the same. Unless you personally value spending money on your kids rather than giving it to the government. IMO, couples with kids are worse off because it really costs a lot to raise a child.
  13. A00479846

    A00479846 Fapstronaut

    I got married at 25. My ex wife was 23. I don't regret our marriage at all & TBH my problems with pornography really contributed to her leaving me. BUT I will say one thing - I got married while I was still working on my bachelors which made it almost impossible to have any alone time with my wife. I was working full time, attending university full time, had a debilitating addiction to pornography, and trying to balance a marriage on top of all that. Extremely fucking difficult. I hope to one day remarry, but I am not in a rush.
  14. iwmsgan

    iwmsgan Fapstronaut

    As I married person, without kids, who has done my taxes for 15 years, I can confirm that you are mistaken.

    Being married gives you (me) a small tax break.
    Burner1 likes this.
  15. JLC

    JLC Fapstronaut

    Was she understanding of you doing things to further yourself in life? Or did she have a problem with that along with the porn?
  16. When you meet the right person.
  17. A00479846

    A00479846 Fapstronaut

    I don't think she was as understanding as she could've been, but there was plenty more that contributed to our circumstances.
    JLC likes this.
  18. Marriage is not clever in this day and age. Don't do it.
  19. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Don't let all this crappy advice scare you away. Marriage is great. If you find the right partner, they will exceed your expectations and enhance your quality of life. Yes it is quite difficult at times but as long as you have basic values in common, you will work things out. As far as age, any age is fine, as long as you are reasonably mature enough to know how to choose a good spouse.
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  20. I got married at 21... it wasnt my best decision. I was divorced a year later.

    Dont think i was really emotionally mature until 25+

    Ill be married this year and ill be 28

    But if u find someone who you gravitate to what does it matter. Set a date a few years in the future if ur still together then hell itll probably work.