Feeling ditched!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Ruth Ellison, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

    I was in two and a half year of relationship and was really happy. But my partner and my friend they started liking each other. Their were even dating and I had no idea of it. Only because he wanted to leave me, he said that I'm not loyal :(. Don't know how to come out of all this shit. :(:(:(
    billiammn likes this.
  2. Leonardo_001

    Leonardo_001 Fapstronaut

    Don't let yourself get too down. It sucks, heartbreak always does. You'll rebound in no time at all. Just make sure to get around people that encourage you and lift you up.

    Also, isn't kind of weird that he would say you're not loyal and then turn around and cheat on you? No less with your best friend? I'm guessing he probably had some issues.

    No offense intended and please correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

    I have a friend and he says that I have some kinda liking towards him. He knew it very well that he's just an old friend and there's nothing wrong between us.
  4. Leonardo_001

    Leonardo_001 Fapstronaut

    He's probably just insecure, and there's not really anything you can do about that except be confident yourself and find someone who's confident in themselves, and you.
  5. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

    Yup sure! Thanks a lot. I really feet that somewhere there is my mistake for all the things that have taken place between us. :(
  6. Leonardo_001

    Leonardo_001 Fapstronaut

    If you're looking for a mistake and you can't find it, then you probably didn't do anything to warrant him cheating on you. Moving on as quickly as you can is really the only thing you can do. Also, don't let this A-hole hold you back, there's someone who is going to treat you right.
  7. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your support sir.
    Leonardo_001 likes this.
  8. cecile09

    cecile09 New Fapstronaut

    Move on with your life rather than weeping for someone who doesn't even care for you. Think in a different way, your partner is unlucky that you are not with him. He will surely pay for his misdeeds and I'm sure you will get a better person who cares for you and makes you happy.
  9. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

  10. Ruth Ellison

    Ruth Ellison Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much @Shemonte and @cecile09 I'm really feeling better. And I'll try to remain happy here after.
  11. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    In that case, say yourself that he has a problem, not you.

    Heartbreak is gruesome, to lose someone you truly loved is heavy.
    You will go through heavy times, and it takes some weeks until you get out.

    Here my advices:
    • Get him out of your mind. Therefore, completely remove all traces of him. remove all his belongings. Remove all pictures. Don't write him, don't call him. Don't look into any social media profiles, and so on!
    • When you are "longing" for him, then don't be tempted to look at things from him. If you do, the longer it takes.
    • Don't let yourself get manipulated by him. He will maybe come back to you, say something nice etc. That's psycho-manipulation. He is giving you some hope. Don't allow that. Set a boundary and make him clear that it is over.
    • Be thankful for the time you had. A good saying: "Better to have loved and lost, then to not have loved at all"
    • Focus on your goals, do things you like, and go outside!