Has anyone watched the movie 1984?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Moogie, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Actually, 1984 is pretty much against not fapping and living out your urges, at least when it comes to what Julia says. I've read the book not long ago and she said pretty much, that sexual urges should not be repressed but embraced because if they're repressed they form in hate and this hate can be redirected towards anything. In this case Emmanuel Goldstein.

    But I agree with @Headspace

    The societies in 1984 and ours have a completely different stance towards sexuality. In 1984 it's complete repression and in our world it's unhealthiy expression. Both are far from optimal.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
    t.rapsfan likes this.
  2. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    I think it's a shopping channel.
  3. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Thought so! RMS has truthed...
    Star Lord likes this.
  4. t.rapsfan

    t.rapsfan Fapstronaut

    The books is great, all I remember about the movie is seeing the protagonists gross, bushy dong.
    But I would venture that George Orwell would differentiate between opening up your repressed sexuality in a super controlled police state and binging on never-ending HD porn on high speed internet.
    As an aside, there's a scene in the book where the protagonist is being tortured that really stuck in my head and kind of frightened me... The police-state guy ties the protagonist to a chair, and then places a weird helmet thing on his head full of rats. So the rats are just biting and chewing his face and head. Can't remember if it's in the movie.
  5. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Yeah, this was pretty much the climax of the book. Don't know if it is in the movie. Never watched it after seeing the trailer. The ending is the most horrible thing I've ever read. Really made me depressed for a short time. They pretty much totured every fiber of his being out of him.
    t.rapsfan likes this.
  6. t.rapsfan

    t.rapsfan Fapstronaut

    Yeah it wasn't a real picker-upper.
  7. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    The world of 1984 in the book and movie is a growing reality, the world is too caught up in a material lifestyle obsessed with celeb life and reality tv to understand they are blinded to the reality of what is unravelling in front of them.
    Forced advertisements in our faces everywhere, driverless cars nearly ready, automation in nearly all workplaces, mobile phones, laptops, google glass, virtual reality, the list goes on and on.
    Everything about today is invasive.
    The world is in the digital age, where everything we do is leaving a digital footprint that's pure gold to the corporate businesses to sell on. Most of these companies, like Facebook etc sell them to government agencies to create digital profiles on everyone. What we are interested in, where we go (gps and gprs tracked phones), banks tracking where we buy things with credit etc etc.
    Google as an example saves all your voice and text searches on your google account activity.
    All of them.
    Check it for yourself if you have a google account.

    We are simply crops in a field, just waiting to be harvested.
    Expendable objects in the eyes of the elite.

    What will happen when the world is fully automated and our data isn't worth anything to anyone. Billions of people just using precious water and eating precious food that are both going to be more expensive in the future, progressively more and more expensive.
    The rich and powerful wouldn't want the scum class (in their eyes) using the resources I imagine.

    It pains me that I must use a mobile and laptop, but I've locked it all down so that data is not being freely communicated to the establishment. And I use technology to share opinions and information that damages their efforts to control everyone.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017