It's Time to Plan A Relapse

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. I'm going to do it. I'm making a text document with links to all my old favorite videos. Going to spend some time with the girls who really were loyal to me... yeah sure, they're in a screen, I know... but they always gave me a good time and never any drama.

    Right now I just got back from an awesome career enhancing venture trip. But now I'm back here and getting hassled by a girl I was involved with, got an eviction notice on my apartment, all sorts of bad shit. So I'm just fucking over it. Over the rollercoaster of life. I think I'll beat off and then re-evaluate if I still want to be part of this world.

  2. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut


    Just kidding, life is yours, screw it all you want

  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Are you sure you want to do that?
  4. HardcoreWarrior

    HardcoreWarrior Fapstronaut

    oh and you gonna hella regret it afterwards..
    D . J . likes this.
  5. huhh

    huhh Fapstronaut

    Sure, porn will solve all your problems...said no one ever. I don't want to insult you but numbing life's struggles with a screenpixel is kind of...well not really helping you getting your s**t together.
    Dagger323 and D . J . like this.
  6. Fighter834

    Fighter834 Fapstronaut

    You're lost, overwhelmed, scared, stressed, and probably angry. The easiest and quickest way to handle these emotions is to get lost in porn until your numb again. You'll feel better for a few minutes then you'll have the shame, guilt, and frustration emotions that every guy on here is all to familiar with. You do what you're saying your going to do enough times, and you'll start to realize how much it's not worth those feelings. And if you keep ignoring the emotions that are pushing you towards this addiction, you'll always be treading water. What you're going through right now sucks...its part of life and we all go through struggles. You can use it as an excuse to relapse and further your addiction or you can learn from it, find healthy ways of working through these emotions, and start to become emotionally intelligent. Sure one path is significantly harder but it's the RIGHT path. Ultimately, it's your choice where you go from here and nobody can make up your mind for you. But it sounds like you need help coping with all of though, is not going to help you. Keep fighting ;)
    Jerry770601 and D . J . like this.
  7. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut

    I am not superman.

    And, I'm not going to save you.

    You can self-destruct if you want.

    If you intend to binge on porn, why are you telling everyone on NoFap about this?

    I understand that you are venting because life is really bad for you now.

    There are points when we all are so overwhelmed that the only solution seems to be to just throw everything away.

    Just flush your teddy bear down the toilet and be done with everything.

    Nothing is worth it.

    You posted this on NoFap, and it doesn't seem right.

    Some of us, however, can read between the lines.

    Regardless of whatever you've done at this point, you can still come back here.

    Hope to hear more from you once you cool down.
    D . J ., feo1966 and huhh like this.
  8. Seriously??
    I can guarantee that you will regret this :(
  9. I didn't do it. I think I'm over it.
    DayOne44, Headspace and D . J . like this.
  10. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

  11. flyjoy

    flyjoy Fapstronaut

    Wrong way deal with this Emotions like a man. Not an dopamine Junkie come on.
  12. Hey just wanted to thank all you guys for your support during this obvious cry for help. That girl who was hassling me is now 100% not speaking to me... but oh well, did I consider fapping this time? No. I thought to myself, regardless of the change in how she feels about me and the emotional work I have/had to do to get around it... I can at the very least take away from it that I was attractive to someone for some time and maybe did her some good.

    I'm glad I got as far as I did though into the ditch of considering a relapse. Without the consequences of having actually done it, it shows me something we should all keep in mind. No matter how much success has been achieved, it's a process of growth and there's always that unpredictable and unknown thing out there that will be a challenge. I thought I was free, 500+ days since I last fapped, feeling amazing, all these great things happening (see my posts in the Success Stories forum)... but no, someone close to my heart screwed me over and it almost pushed me all the way back to the old ways.

    This shows that success and failure aren't that far apart... and a distance is the same in either direction. What really matters is which way you're facing.
  13. Garlon23

    Garlon23 Fapstronaut

    Whenever you feel like this you need to think back to the reason why you stopped PMO in the first place then the next step is to figure out a healthy way to relieve yourself of these emotions it's called life we all have bad days but they dont last the last thing you wanna do is go back because I'm sure you know that door will only lead you to destruction if you haven't already DOnt RELAPSE
    D . J . likes this.
  14. HardcoreWarrior

    HardcoreWarrior Fapstronaut

    EleventhFinger u r right. The road to success is a long road but the road to failure is quite short. But there is hope. The longer u go without PMO the longer will become the road of failure with the precondition that u also change ur mindset to the best.
    D . J . likes this.
  15. you’re an absolute warrior bro. You push through and life will reward you

    Thanks for the reminder that there will always be those extremely tough times where we just want to quit and throw it all in the towel.

    And thanks for persisting and showing that the outer circumstances can not dictate the inner

    Wow that was a close call for sure, imagine if you had slipped up... your life might have taken a completely different turn
  16. xXkiller42

    xXkiller42 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't do that..