Gay rebooter struggling with temptation, possible trigger warning.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by scorp81, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut


    I'm on Day 17 of a no PMO reboot, though full disclosure I have in that time engaged in three hookups where I didn't O: the first time because I lost my erection and it just didn't end up happening, then the other two times because by then I had made a conscious decision to abstain from O'ing entirely for at least the first 30 days (I shared this with the guy I was with both times and he was entirely on board and cool with it).

    I haven't really had a lot of trouble cutting P out of my life,

    I have replaced that with the forums on here and rebootnation and that's going smoothly. I have to share though that I'm extremely tempted by this spa/sauna place I've frequented over the past few months that tends to be extremely cruisy (to be clear, I haven't engaged in high-risk behavior there, just mutual M & sometimes oral which I know is some-risk). It's not P and it's not artificial stimulation per se because it's in person. But clearly I must think it's a hindrance to my recovery because I have enough of a guilty conscience over it to feel like I shouldn't go and to post about it here. I feel like it's probably similar to the negative effects of P in that it provides a multitude of partners and hyper-stimulation beyond a typical real life one-on-one encounter with a guy.

    Does anybody have a similar "real-life"-but-not-really temptation that they struggle with? Just have to put this out there and see what other rebooters think.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
    Matteogi likes this.
  2. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    I'm struggling with something similar right now. I'm bi-married and ever since my wife went through menopause her sex drive has very much diminished (and mine hasn't. I have engaged in sexual encounters with men in the past and I don't feel good about it because I'm cheating on my wife. I always rationalized that it was only sexual satisfaction, not emotional. My spiral further down the mansex rabbit hole has been exacerbated by PMO thereby escalating my sexual encounters with men. I have stopped all mansex as well as PMO and feel very good about that, but I still miss that 1on1 physical release, which I;m not getting at home.
    Last night I was having a very strong urge to visit a guy sex-friend. My rationale is, like you, it's not artificial pixel sex, it's a real person. I'm struggling.
    Chrishandsoff likes this.
  3. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    Hey @NewLife101, I totally feel for your struggle, I have a couple of male friends in the exact situation you are. I completely understand that it's not a judgment on your attraction but a desire to remain committed and faithful and I very much respect that. It's a very tough spot to be in, stay strong.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
    GDawg likes this.
  4. GDawg

    GDawg Fapstronaut

    I used to have a major problem with random hookups. It got out of control. It was definitely a dopamine thing. It was always more about the hunt and less about the hookup. Cutting out porn definitely helped with this. @NewLife101 just curious and not judging does your wife know you're Bi and were you Bi before you got married?
  5. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    @GDawg thanks for that, that's a really encouraging thing to hear. I've been worried that maybe I'm not cut out for monogamy and it's so reassuring that it may have just been my addictions messing up my notion of what I want.
    GDawg likes this.
  6. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    She knew I was bi before we got married.
  7. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    I would have random gay hook ups. Got myself into dangerous situations a few times.
    If u were with a girl would u still use that justification?
  8. Chrishandsoff

    Chrishandsoff Fapstronaut

    Never having had sex with a guy, but being attracted to both guys and girls is very hard. Going to the gym and seeing guys naked, oftentimes horsing around, is very difficult when trying to quit PMO. I am much more attracted to girls rather than guys, but nonetheless I do appreciate a hot young guy too so it is either learn to deal with it, or stop going to the gym. Mentally and physically you are challenged almost every day. Have had guys hit on me several times in the past at the gym or sauna etc, but have never caved. With that said, the hormones are always raging afterward which has more often than not led to PMO. I am fighting this with every ounce of my being and will do anything to succeed!
    NYCmwm, D . J . and scorp81 like this.
  9. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    This must've taken a lot of strength. Well done:)
    D . J . and Chrishandsoff like this.
  10. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    Just to be clear because I feel like at this point it needs to be said, if you're single and feeling an attraction to guys, there's nothing wrong with exploring that attraction. In my opinion it's a negative thing if you're already in a committed monogamous relationship and being tempted to cheat on your partner, or if your exploration of your sexuality precludes any feelings of intimacy and/or is compulsive. And suppressing a natural and healthy part of your sexuality can turn it into an unhealthy compulsion.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
    Chrishandsoff likes this.
  11. Chrishandsoff

    Chrishandsoff Fapstronaut

    Thanks Man. Yes,
    sometimes incredibly hard. I know that if I were to give in though I would be extremely upset/disappointed with myself so I just power through. I just don't want/need that in my life so why give in? I don't know what I do to attract them at the gym as I generally keep to myself but it seems to happen too regularly. Had a young guy walk right into my shower one time - that was extremely awkward but I just smiled, backed out and toweled off. Felt like a million bucks afterwards for avoiding though.
    recoome likes this.
  12. Chrishandsoff

    Chrishandsoff Fapstronaut

    scorp81 likes this.
  13. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

  14. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Then maybe you should try to stop having encounters with anyone other than ur wife. Just my opinion.
  15. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    And if it's a sexless relationship?
  16. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying, but when there is no intimacy at home it makes it difficult
  17. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Any chance you could speak with ur wife about it? Or give her hints?
    Maybe she might be okay with you seeking sex outside, you never know.
    scorp81 likes this.
  18. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    There's no easy solution to this, as difficult as this would be you may need to have a frank and honest discussion with your wife about how you're feeling. She may not understand and may not be sympathetic, but if it's causing you great distress I don't think the best solution is for you to ignore the problem and risk falling into harmful behavior.
    recoome likes this.
  19. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    There is more than one form of intimacy.

    You think intimacy, and you think sex, physical intimacy. When she thinks intimacy, she thinks communication. The lack of intimacy probably began with secrets being kept, hopes and dreams not being shared, and topics becoming taboo. Wives can enjoy being physical, but they need the emotional intimate communication to be able to enjoy the physical side.

    Open up and share with her; you may find that you enjoy what you have.
  20. Szostak

    Szostak Fapstronaut

    I used to seek out anyone willing to receive my nudes to get a boost on confidence. I'm bi (transexuals, but had experienceswith some guys), and it's being hard, cuz I'm feeling lonely in my relatives house, and since PMO I can't go after this kind of hunting.
    Matteogi likes this.