Not sure I'm at the right place, but here I am...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Julien Deschamps, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Julien Deschamps

    Julien Deschamps Fapstronaut

    I'm Julien, I'm a french dancer. I'm gonna try to make myself understandable in a foreign language, so please, be indulgent ! :D
    A few days ago, articles about masturbation and porn's wrongdoings/addiction started being posted everywhere in France... I read them all with a bit of concerning.
    I've met my actual partner almost a year ago, and this guy has made me discover sex, and everything about it. I've always enjoyed our "sex sessions". The thing is... I didn't know why yet, but I couldn't "come" while we had sex, no jizzing, ever. R* always said it wasnt a problem, that it didnt bother him, but week after week I've seen it started to become a frustration as much for him as for me.
    And... how couldnt I cum with a human being made of flesh and bones but had no problem with it in front of a porno ? Cause indeed, it would take me less than a minute with porn...
    So i started questionning myself... How long have you been using porn for ? 8 years. How frequently ? almost everyday.
    Other articles got posted, I read them : "Porn replaces real sex. Do not fall into porn. Porn is harmful to your sexual life. Porn alters your vision of sexuality."

    So can we say I'm a porn addict ? I don't know, really... But the sure thing is I wanna quit porn, even for a short time. Because I really believe it had/has a noxious affect on me. And because I'd like to be able to "come" while I'm making love with a person, not only while I'm watching other persons on my screen...
    tout ça pour ça and NewLife101 like this.
  2. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    You are in the right place if you want to stop PMO; Sex with some you love is better than sex with a computer screen. Quit PMO forever NOT "a short time."
  3. Julien Deschamps

    Julien Deschamps Fapstronaut

    Well, quit pmo i wil, but is masturbation a harmful thing even without porn ? Should I also stop touching myself at all ? :confused:
    NewLife101 likes this.
  4. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    Good question and I don't have the answer. I would say only you will know this. If you find M is more important to you than a relationship and interferes in your life then maybe it is harmful. Check out Your Brain On Porn, you may find your answer there.
    Julien Deschamps likes this.
  5. Julien Deschamps

    Julien Deschamps Fapstronaut

  6. Firefly

    Firefly Fapstronaut

    I could not tell exactly if masturbation remains an harmful thing without porn but from what I've heard and read (and also from my own experience), it sure is less of a poison as long as it stays casual. Men have been doing it since the beginning of time and maybe excepted for those who really abused it, I doubt it ever was a concern before porn appeared and spread so widely. Opinions vary on that subject though, and some might disagree.

    One sure thing however, is that it's now very difficult not to associate it with porn and its imagery, which automatically turns it into an unhealthy thing so if I were you, I wouldn't try stupid things before my brain is fully "dis-intoxicated" which might take more or less time depending on your profile.
    NewLife101 and Julien Deschamps like this.
  7. Julien Deschamps

    Julien Deschamps Fapstronaut

    Got it, I'll trust you on this, must be right!
    NewLife101 likes this.