I need help.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Joe bloggs, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Joe bloggs

    Joe bloggs New Fapstronaut

    I need to quit porn.

    I've been in this situation before but it has got bad again.

    I want to quit it for good.

    My head is a mess. I am deeply unhappy and I hate myself. I have considered ending my own life. I struggle with depression and I can't really talk about it. Too busy being the happy person to everyone.

    Where do I start? How do I start? I guess I start from right now. I need to identify the cause. I think most of the time it's being alone with my damned phone.

    Urgh I'm so angry with myself.

    Sorry I'm just babbling. Anyone else like this?
  2. FreedomFromSlavery

    FreedomFromSlavery Fapstronaut

    Having the desire is the start, but like any other war you need to equip yourself with the necessary armour. Make a plan, really believe in said plan, share it With others.
  3. FapsPerSecond

    FapsPerSecond Fapstronaut

    buddy, you start now then but this wont be easy.You will be going against a habit uve been used to for years now im guessing so lets find out if your self control can win the fight.
  4. If you haven't done so already, get educated. Know your enemy.
    Make sure you give it your all. If you truly want to beat this, you will be able to. It will take a lot of perseverance to succeed.