How do get things done after a long day at work?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Frenglish, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. Frenglish

    Frenglish Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    I have been struggling with this for some time now and I wanted to get your opinions, tips and tricks on this one.

    How can I get the energy and motivation that I need to work on my personal projects after a long and exhausting day at work? I mean, I get exhausted both physically and mentally with my current job and it's pretty much when I get home from work that I have the time to do my own thing. When I get home, I just want to relax and get my mind off my day job and I end up watching tv all night.

    What should I do?
    doodlebuggerZ likes this.
  2. Take preventative measures. Trying to put a band aid on the problem after work as a majority of the population does won't fix the roots of it man.

    Do you meditate? That would be a good start. The proven benefits of meditation on both relaxing and energizing your mind and body are simply astounding. Basics man, eating healthy, exercising, liek really basic stuff Mr. Eastwood.

    Not sure what else to tell ya, i'm focusing on my own wellness quest here.
    Be Normal and Frenglish like this.
  3. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

  4. Frenglish

    Frenglish Fapstronaut

    I'd rather not say because it happpened a bunch of times in the past where the people underestimated my job by thinking I have an ''easy'' job when in reality I don't. Even when I explained the realities of it, they still shrugged in disbelief. So let's just say I have a ''desk job'' job.
  5. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    I gotcha. I was asking because if you have a high stress, on your feet job, it can be difficult to get to sleep at night, with all the adrenaline and stress hormones still in the system. I have this problem a lot.

    Anyway. I have a couple of ideas. First, I advise you to make a list of "Energy Vampires", things that you are spending time on but are not actually helping you. TV is a big one. What if, instead of watching TV when you came home, you just went to bed early, and then got up early in the morning and did some exercise, or did something else productive. Sitting in front of the TV does nothing. You might as well be in bed, sleeping. At least this way your mind and body are recovering and gathering energy.

    Second: take a long hard look at your diet. If you get serious about what you are eating, and preferably start juicing everyday, I guarantee you your energy will skyrocket. I am 34 and I juice everyday (carrot and Kale). Dude, I cannot overstate how much energy this gives me. I feel like I am in my twenties again. And when I stop juicing for a couple of weeks (laziness) I feel my energy plumet back down.

    So the big thing is understanding your energy and how and why you get tired. Coffee is another one. If you can cut out caffeine then all the better.
    Frenglish likes this.