it's 5 days nofap and I am struggling can anyone help.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by omarco, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. omarco

    omarco New Fapstronaut

    it is my fifth day NoFap and i feel i am going to explode i feel that i may do it know i am trying really hard to resist it any advice .
  2. Go out for a walk. Clear your mind.
  3. omarco

    omarco New Fapstronaut

    thank you but it is late now cant do that
  4. Macca

    Macca Fapstronaut

    It's NEVER too late. I am struggling with the first 5 days as well. The explosive feeling is your sexual energy, it radiates and women feel it. As a distraction from the pressure of achieving NoFap im trying confidence improvement games. Try setting yourself a task like learning something new. I've set myself a goal of talking to three new women every day. My confidence with women is rubbish, but it's getting better. No pressure just try, like a computer game. Good luck, you are NOT alone.
    omarco likes this.
  5. Hi @ OP. I know it feels horrible. For me, it felt like dying, and I had to mentally embrace the concept that if I had to feel that feeling every day, for the rest of my life, to never go back to porn, I would. I had to embrace the concept that if I died from that feeling, I would rather die than go back. The truth is, if you can hold out, that horrible feeling goes away, and your brain rebalances. You should consider the hard 90. Look it up.
    omarco likes this.
  6. Washed-Up

    Washed-Up Fapstronaut

    5 days is a wall for sure. My 5th day fell at the first weekend so I went 3 hours to my Mom's and worked myself nearly to death for 2 days. And the dog has never been on so many walks since I got her.
    OP-get a week under your belt! It DOES get better, I promise. Just think of the opposite of any of your triggers.
  7. CrushJKU

    CrushJKU New Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 4. No porn, no masturbation, no monster energy I honestly feel like I am getting sick. Today has been extremely hard but I am trying to push through it. I have been really irritable today.
    omarco likes this.