362 days clean - I need some advice on PIED and PE!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AD_UK, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey there guys, hope you're all well.

    I'll just jump straight into this - I've been clean of P and M for 362 days as of today... Fast approaching that 1 year mark! To cut a long story short, before this 'streak' (i hate calling it that - it implies I plan to relapse again which I don't. I couldn't be any further away from wanting to watch P anymore) anyway before this 'streak' I had tried several times over a series of months to quit and couldn't. Then one day I was on a night out with some friends and my ex girlfriend showed up... Someone I felt I'd pushed away in the past. I'd always had this feeling that we'd come back together and we're still together now and I'm absolutely certain that I'll marry this girl. Anyway, we were out and talking and agreed to meet up. I went to see her and we had a big catch up and talked through some issues we'd previously had and all that. Then I decided that I'd tell her about my issue with P (we'd had issues in the bedroom previously) and she was completely cool with it and just said that I'd be ready when I was ready.

    Around 4 maybe 5 months later, everything had started working around 75% of the time... fast forward a couple more months and everything was perfect. Good solid erections every time that would just stay the course and we were really testing it out I'll be honest... The only issue was with PE.

    However, I'm now going through another phase where I just can't seem to 'get it up' and I don't quite understand why... Nothing's changed as far as I'm aware, I just can't get a solid erection or at least not one that stays. Has anyone else had this issue so far into a reboot? It's really messing with me - causing my anxiety to come back and it's seriously messing with my mind. I just need some input from someone who's a little further along than I am but has had similar experiences.

    Really appreciate any help that anyone can give. And to anyone who's just starting out, don't give up... Let me tell you, despite these little issues I'm having now, I'm one hell of a way along from where I was 12 months ago. Stay strong brothers.
  2. fellowdoer

    fellowdoer Fapstronaut

    Great work on a year of sobriety! Wish I could help with your current issue. Good luck and keep up the great work!
  3. Hi, I'm nowhere near qualified to comment on what it feels like to be almost a year clean, but I do know that too much anxiety can make it difficult to get an erection. I reckon it's your worrying about the situation that's probably causing it. My advice is not to worry about it, do other things and keep it off your mind and the problem will go away.
    And by the way, amazing congratulations on going 362 days clean!
    waterworld, Pool, Champ39 and 2 others like this.
  4. Steward

    Steward Fapstronaut

    I guess you have to face the fact that P addiction often is a symptom of deeper issues and while you may have recovered from your addiction, these other issues could persist. There are different ways forward, you could try seing a therapist. Maybe a low dose of a PDE5 blocker could help you regain your confidence, or maybe just taking it easy for a while will do the trick.

    Good luck
    Champ39, waterworld and Asgardian36 like this.
  5. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I would have thought you have recovered in a year.

    My 107 days streak plus. A 37 day allowed me to have sex once a week but quiet a few rounds with rest and recovery in between.

    After the session I would take a good few days to recover and during the session I wasn't solid down there except round one!

    I realised that not thinking about it helps me. Alternatively you could be eating far less! I remember I felt dead down there in one streak because I had lost 2-3kg of weight! Eating 2500 cals a day jump started it!

    But now am back to square one
  6. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    Let me ask you a couple of questions. Do you have afternoon energy crashes? Do you have an exaggerated startle response? Do you have a history of being someone who would be considered a hard worker, not really able to relax, always feel like he had to be doing something productive?
  7. eagles228

    eagles228 Guest

    To second what an above poster said, your issues could be due to a different ailment than porn addiction. Obviously porn addiction made it worse but the fact of the matter is ED has been a problem for a lot of men since the beginning of time.

    Idk your personal life at all but I would stress the importance of running and improving your cardio strength. Better blood flow = stronger erections.

    If you stop have a problem despite exercise I'd see a mental health professional to talk about it. There's no shame in that at all!

    NoFap is great but it's simply not a cure all for everyone or anyone really.
  8. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I spoke to a pharmacist about ED and she said a lot of the times its psychological.

    So if you have an issue with the wife and she Pissed you off and then you don't eat well and have work stress - you will feel shit right? You will be like the world is crumbling around you. This is a negative state of mind.

    What you need is positive environment; no disagreements between the wife that causes arguments, a healthy diet an understanding boss at work.

    I had a road rage incident today. Before I had it I was feeling very happy and productive . But in a split my moods changed.

    I asked myself wtf is this? Snap out of it!

    So look around you and think what isn't going right or what has caused you to lose your positive psychological balance.....
  9. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, thanks for all of your replies! Taking in all of your advice, I'm assuming that this could just be a mental thing... I haven't been feeling myself and have been questioning myself and my attributes quite a bit recently. But now I'm in a much better state of mind so hopefully things will work out. As for the cardio/fitness stuff... I'll bear that mind. I do go to the gym however it is mainly weight training but I can incorporate some cardio too. I am also a big believer in the whole thing about poor diet choices affecting libido and I was making a lot of the wrong choices for a while but hopefully that'll be cleared up - I'm doing my best!

    This whole situation is very, very weird for me though as for the last 3 maybe even 4 months my erections have been perfectly fine and I've been able to get it up any time I needed to... If it does continue I will of course seek medical help.

    I'd just like to take this opportunity once again to thank you all and just to let you all know that today marks my 1 year anniversary of quitting P and M. I'm immensely proud of where I've come from and I honestly don't even think about P anymore. Ever. I see it as shameful and will never ever look at it ever again.
  10. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

  11. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    I've read that people have had problems with PE after 2 years of a reboot. But in the end, it eventually goes away. Can you recall anything that might have happened between the time everything was perfect and the time it stopped working? Such as a lot of unhealthy eating? I have researched nutrition a great deal and have found that the food we eat effects everything about us. Especially with all the hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides that is in our food we eat today. Try eating organic and grass fed foods for a month and see how you feel. :) Congrats on 1 year! We are all so proud of you!
  12. Pleasestayup

    Pleasestayup Fapstronaut

    Hey mate, any good news? I'm really sad about your story, but i am sure you'll win this battle. I'm on my 80th day, i am so scared. Great hug
    K.C_Cage likes this.
  13. keroghee

    keroghee Fapstronaut

    Im on my seventh month now man, I cured my ED just as you, and I did experience the exact same feelings you are feeling now like 1-2 months ago.

    If you need my advice, this is how I got over this..

    First of all, you need to understand that you're not fighting with anything now but your mind. Anxiety brings more anxiety. I only experience a weak erection, or even lose the erection midway only when I "think" about the erection. Once I lose focus on my erection, everything just goes fine. The PE comes when I focus too much on her lol, I know its confusing, but I manage it by trying to enjoy more positions. Take it slower, and maybe wear a condom.

    Another thing I do is good food. Seafood (like even if not the main meal, I eat tuna before I see her everytime), avocados, almonds, berries, etc. Seafood is my best option. Not just that all these foods are scientifically proven to improve your libido, it gives you the
    something is backing me up" feeling, so you worry less.

    Also I try not to have sex a lot for now. Like, I have sex 2-3 times a week max. So every time I see her, I really miss it, so erections are really easy. Plus, 2-3 times for me are enough not to have PE. I only get PE if I spend long time without orgasms.

    And finally, a glass of wine make sex like heaven for me. (not necessarily, but it helps when im thinking a lot or not in the mood).

    Keep it real bro. You've done enough to be a beast on bed. Just tell your mind that you are a beast, and you will be ;)
  14. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

  15. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Healthy food is the best - not just for fitness, but for a clearer and sharper mind as well as physical energy levels.

    If you have junk food...you feel lazy...you feel lazy this makes you think "ah i cant be bothered doing this let's just sleep or watch TV"... your mind hibernates.

    Seafood is high in protein and has GOOD fats! However how you cook it can affect the quality of it....
    Be Normal likes this.
  16. victor0258

    victor0258 Fapstronaut

    How is it now (I have pied after 5 months no PMO). Also, do you consider accidental exposure as a reset (did you have some)?