Justifing Faping

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by CaptinCaveMan, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    When can we Justify faping? Just a general question. Would like some feed back. I'm guessing most of us haven't join a religious group that doesn't allow fap. So when is it justifiable?



    60 days

    A magical number of days abstained

    When we have reached a productive day, week, month, year.

    Or is that the answer. We abstain until we can answer that question?
    macscot likes this.
  2. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    It's up to you Capt, but the forum is called "nofap";)

    Personally, I don't intend to ever fap again and wish I never had. If you abstain from it long enough you might not find yourself looking upon it so favorably anymore, and you might not see it as a 'treat' any longer.

    I see it as a disgusting addiction that makes me miserable, harms my mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and robs me of energy as well as making me feel ashamed. You can say the shame is due to social conditioning, but I don't really care much what people think of me, and society encourages masturbation, there is a nasty feeling of shame that I can't get rid of from it.

    But different strokes for different folks. It's really up to you, but I think if you abstain long enough you will find that you are not missing anything at all.
  3. houndie

    houndie Fapstronaut

    Haha, different strokes for different folks...
    (I apologize if the joke's very overdone among the nofap gang...)
  4. Mywifesbabydaddy

    Mywifesbabydaddy Fapstronaut

    Captain, I think your question is like how curiosity killed the cat. By asking the question to yourself, you're almost opening a door of enabling yourself to fap. I used to justify fappjng because my wife hadn't put out the night before, or that she did and it was so good I needed more so I justified that as well. I guess my point is, it's definitely up to you but I personally have thought about justifying the reasons why I'm not fapping when the urge hits. Think about why you wanted to stop in the first place and if you feel as though you need to "reward" yourself you may be playing with fire. I'm fairly new here but I see people talking about rewarding yourself indeed but with something other than fapping. If I'm trying to quit smoking weed and I reward myself with a joint I'm not exactly staying sober. Anyway just my two cents, do what you feel you can handle. Later captain!
  5. macscot

    macscot Fapstronaut


    I really liked this, especially the conclusion. Don't have time right now to write more but will follow.
  6. macscot

    macscot Fapstronaut

    opps, was writing in response to Captin at the top of the page...
  7. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I guess everyone is in it for the long haul. I often find myself justifying fap'ing even when I don't want to. At the same time I'm trying to paint a picture of the rest of my life. I don't have kids, I don't want kids, I'm 44 years old and pmo does make me feel bad(most of the time, not every time). Instead of months for me to see any results. I'm looking at years. Plus fap'ing is my sex life. I don't have a wife.

    I guess if I was in a relationship with myself. I would have divorced myself a while ago. Due to the sex life being finically costly and emotionally depressing.

    I think I'm finishing up day 4 and feel good. I made it 7 days when I first started. That was a struggle. This time it seems more natural, idk. I did go 6 months when I was younger. Didn't really notice a huge difference but I think I felt better.

    Some of the guys on here may not masturbate but get to ejaculate/orgasm with there girlfriend or wife. Others have boundaries on no porn, no masturbation, but organism is okay. Others mix it up or have boundaries on what types of porn or no porn but is okay to masturbate. I guess I'm looking at being a monk and that worries me.

    I'll just work on today. That's all we can do. Just need those tools when that voice in my head says it's okay to fap or I have an emotional break down. That's usually what happens. I get so angry and frustrated that I need an emotional release or at least that's the justification.

    Thanks guys. Take it easy on your selves.
  8. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

    I have to learn to stop justifying it myself.
  9. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    It seems to me that any activity can be seen in at least a couple of ways: It either occurs organically, which is to say that it arises in the moment and experienced, or it is justified, and then it is experienced. For this secong example there is a premeditation involved and I have found that for me there is a direct link between justification and a feeling of guilt. They seem to go hand in hand. I think that anything that has to be justified can be seen as something that is an issue. This can be eating a pint of chocolate ice cream, or having a scotch, or watching porn. Its all relative. Masturbation is a natural thing, and by most accounts there is nothing wrong with it. But for us, here in this place, it is linked to a host of psychological byproducts that are quite unhealthy.
    I can relate to portions of your post Larry and I commend you for the time that you have logged. Its not easy what your doing. Loneliness can be ones undoing in this fight to be sure. Do your best man. What else can you do?
    idclip likes this.
  10. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    I agree. Justification is attempting to turn a negative behavior/thought into something positive. And yes I do tend to plan it out when I justify pmo or over eating. I was working on losing weight but it's tough to work on pmo and losing weight at the same time. I guess, I was hoping to find a cure or a time in my life to where I could pmo again but it doesn't seem like that will be possible.

    Finding a women seems like that only solution. To know I have a fear of intimacy but for now I'm on day 5 and need a lot more time under my belt before I date a women. I don't think I could handle the emotional stress.

    Thanks everyone.
  11. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    I called you larry. I think I had gotten you confused with some other post that I had read. I apologize.
  12. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    lmao! I guess I wasn't paying attention. No worries. I am Captain Caveman! Some call me Captain and only one guy I've know since I started calls me Cavy.

  13. Chadillac Van Button

    Chadillac Van Button Fapstronaut

    I am justifying not delecting all my bookmarks and downloaded porn. I know it will be good for me if I do delete them because I'd be removing myself from that environment where I'd be tempted. I just can't get past what has been programed over years of PMOing. It's like I'm going against me own survival instincts. And if I do I feel like I won't be able to function in life. In a sense PMOing allowed me to function but in an unhealthy way. It's all a matter of reprograming my software.
    CaptinCaveMan likes this.
  14. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    It's tough. I use to have favorite pictures saved to my computer but I don't do that anymore. It gets depressing to look threw all your pictures and just see naked women. I don't have kids or a wife. No friends to speak of, I mean we all have the 'face book' friends to look good but I don't talk to any of them.

    Just takes time. It's not like tobacco or alcohol addictions either. Like with smoking 24 hours or longer is a huge success. A week without pmo isn't that big of deal. I mean it is but it doesn't give me the same satisfaction as being away from other things. It's similar to food I guess. It seems like one or two times of over eating and one gains all the weight back plus some that they lost for the month.

    The failures are unforgiving. At the same time I do have to be realistic with my self. This isn't going to be an over night deal. I will fail. I will have to try again, and again until I get on the correct path.

    Take it easy on yourself.

    P.S. Did I just justify pmo'ing by saying I will fail? Omg....I need a miracle!
    macscot and Chadillac Van Button like this.
  15. Chadillac Van Button

    Chadillac Van Button Fapstronaut

    Yeah, It is tough. And I think I know why. The void that pornography has left us with is frightening. When we finally realize that pornography has taken away more than it has given, we completely try to eliminate it out of existence. This leaves a giant hole in our being. It's kind of like cutting a tumor out of the brain. Your brain now has to relearn how to function in this new environment it's not used to.

    Starting today, I am going to start filling the void with new healthy habits. An empty hole that's not filled is like a trap waiting for someone to fall in. The key is finding the right mix of earth to fill it in.

    P.S. I realize my tumor analogy might not have sounded realistic, but hopefully you got it. LOL!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
    CaptinCaveMan likes this.
  16. slapdad jones

    slapdad jones Fapstronaut

    I think that you guys are on the right path. Anytime that you are engaging in an activity that you find unhealthy either on a physical level or a mental one and desire to put it to rest, its necessary to find a suitable, healthy substitute. In our case, there is a combined torture of "I feel like shit because of...(whatever it is)...and now I want to do something that makes me feel better about myself". Unfortunately this is easily accommodated by bringing the fantasy of sexual release into the fold. Its a lie, and we all know it. It is a temporary fix for a temporary situation that only strengthens the condition we are trying to break free of. The painful truth is this: For whatever reason we are fucked up in some way. "I'm still a virgin, I was unpopular, I am ashamed of my appearance, I'm....whatever the hell I am that I don't like". So its a mental issue that provokes a feeling of pain of some kind, and it concludes by branching out to make yourself feel good physically as an offset. If you have a headache, putting a bandaid on your elbow isn't going to help you.
    I understood this on an intellectual level but it took me a long time to actually make the break. Some of it was boredom and some of it is psychological pain. I looked into this site a couple of times and the day I created an account and read some of the content here I realized that it was time to get some control over this bullshit impulse reaction I have sometimes.
    It should be said that I have a issue that is certainly PMO related and there is a sexual addiction to be sure. But relative to some it is mild as a comparison. I am married, I have kids, and live an active, healthy, content and happy life. The fact is Ive been dealing with PMO for some 30 years now. For the first time in this span I have gone a full month without.
    The takeaway here is that I used this site as a substitute for porn. Its become the first thing I go to when I sit at my desk. I feel the pain of the folks on this site, and I understand what looking at porn does to me. Its a fucking distraction from understanding who you are, just like anything else, whether its drugs or gummybears man it doesn't matter.
    Get serious. Get real with yourself and don't waste 30 years of your life. If you want to quit, then quit. The second you feel like your gonna do something you will regret, change your situation. Don't think about it, just do it.
    CaptinCaveMan, macscot and six like this.
  17. six

    six Fapstronaut

    I agree with your points 100%. And the part I quoted fits me to a tee: family, active, healthy, content and happy life. I'm now at 1 month as well. For me it has been 25 years since the addiction started. I've functioned fairly well in spite of it, but feel like my 30s was a bit of a void because that is when I was most heavily into it. I'm 49 now.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
    CaptinCaveMan likes this.
  18. Irish Explorer

    Irish Explorer Fapstronaut

    Read this a few times this week and it's become one of my all-time favorite posts on the forum. Right now I'm completing 26 days and am at home bored. Traditionally this would be fertile ground for the fap fiend to creep in and attack. And admittedly I do feel like I want to feel a connection or to not be bored.

    But right now what's stronger is my disgust and hatred for how fapping has negatively affected my life. I wish I never started this shit. I've been very lucky that I had great experiences in my 20s despite this nasty habit, but my 30s will see much greater things to come because I'm clean and free.
    CaptinCaveMan and macscot like this.