133 Days and why I didn't make it to a whole year

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Kakmannen, May 14, 2014.

  1. Kakmannen

    Kakmannen Fapstronaut

    So last December I joined NoFap to try to beat my addiction to porn (among other things). I initially set a goal of not masturbating edging or purposely watching porn for an entire year. In this I made it to around 120 days. The first 120 Days were easy I didn't tough myself once and took cold showers every single day (still do). Day 121 I saw a sexy Ad pop up and started edging (MISTAKE!) but didn't orgasm. The days that followed were not super difficult to abstain but I felt reaaaaaally antsy and edged about 2-3 times a week. After 13 days (yesterday) I was edging really close to orgasm and BAM I officially had to reset my counter and restart. The feeling I had after I came was so empty of anything and I IMMEDIATELY regretted it.

    My lesson to those in it for the long run is this: Edging will stab you in the back so damn hard, if you are in it long don't do it!!!

    I'm a bit tempted to beat my record but we'll see.
    Also this video helped me with the depression of not making it a whole year:
  2. TheWriter

    TheWriter Fapstronaut


    I think the thing we have to remember is that, in masturbation, there are lines we know we're not supposed to cross. What I mean by that is we must listen to our bodies. For some on here, they edge. For others, they don't even bloody touch their wood for as long as possible. For some, they won't go near porn. For others, as much as possible, they keep away from anything remotely sexual, which includes various television shows. Why? Well, they know what sets them off and over the edge into an eruption. I, for one, am totally into working out. This includes Penis Exercises. I do them for me, and in preparation for when I get married. Some of the Penis exercises require an erection. So, I must be VERY careful to not even BROACH the slightest feeling of "welling up"--you know, that feeling in your balls as your body is nearing ejaculation.

    So, I advise the same for you: know your limits, and don't flirt with the line. Maybe edging is not the best thing for you, as it can EASILY lead to an ejaculation. I mean, let's be honest here. Even the hint of an ejaculation can feel so good that you abandon your NoFap hopes and let one "fly".

    One more thing: Throw guilt out of the window! I don't know if you subscribe to a particular faith, but I know mine says in SEVERAL forms that condemnation, guilt and shame come only from one source. And for those in that faith, neither of those should haunt you because they've been effectively dealt with, once and for all. Therefore, any future failings are the result of a humanity that is still being perfected. You won't get it right all the time. I'll say it again: YOU WON'T GET IT RIGHT ALL THE TIME. YOU ARE NOT PERFECT. Just remember that you're doing something many men won't even try to do. Just ask your closest friends. Though they might lie and say they don't jerk it, I'll bet you $200 bucks no more than 1 of them has even remotely tried as hard as you to lead the NoFap lifestyle. So, rest easy. It's the journey that matters, not reaching a 1-year goal.
  3. Spartan

    Spartan Fapstronaut

    You got it brah. You is a ninja for writing about that. What once was can be again ... fer real !

    Stay away from edgin' unless its your girl doin' the peckin' ;)

    Stay spartan
  4. blackon

    blackon Fapstronaut

    We are men, and we have the ability to attract the women of our dream, watching virtual girl is the path that leads to our own extinctions. We are fapstronault, we are unstoppable.
  5. Kakmannen

    Kakmannen Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement TheWriter I'm not feeling bad about my self and all the good habits I have gotten from doing nofap are still present so I'm not worried I will go back to the weed smoking lazy weak guy I was before.