Sick because of Social Anxiety.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Today there was a quick introduction day in my school ready for the new academic year. I've been going to this school for about 8 years and so I know everyone and have nothing to worry about. BUT lately, I've been feeling sick in social situations (this started about a month ago) and today, the morning before the intro day when I was at home, I was sick. At the front of my mind I wasn't nervous, I love seeing my friends even now as I'm writing this, but it's a subconscious thing that whenever I engage in social situations I feel nauseous and for the first time today actually being sick. This is extremely distressing for me, and the first day of school is this week and I really don't want to be sick. I have tried breathing and reassuring myself, but it doesn't work. Note that I don't fear social situations, my subconscious mind does. Any help from people that may have suffered this condition or indeed another form of social anxiety is appreciated.
  2. Tedmo1

    Tedmo1 Fapstronaut

    Be patient with yourself during the cleaning process, otherwise you'll get worse if succumb to stress. Go day per day slowly and with time you will overcome the anxiety. There's no short and immediate solution. Stay strong.
  3. Thanks for your comment, these panic attacks are awful and will try my best to overcome them :) @Cruciuß
  4. Elchicoloco

    Elchicoloco Fapstronaut

    I know what you mean and feel and I share your worries as well.

    There have been times, in my life, when I was particulary nervous about meeting people. Most of the time, especially if I was supposed to get to know new people, I felt sick and could not react. It's really tough to cope with.
  5. @Elchicoloco thanks for your post! As you're on a long streak, do you find that NoFap is helping with this?
  6. Yes NoFap definitely helps with anxiety, especially at the 14+ day mark. :)

    Also, someone here showed me "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy", and it's something I'm trying for my anxiety.

    The basic premise in this one guy's teachings about it that I found helpful to remember:

    - Accept your anxiety. Most of the time when we get anxiety our first thought is "How do I stop the anxiety?" "How do I make it go away?" "I want this to stop". It's actually this panic about not being able to stop the anxiety that is causing us to feel bad, not the anxiety itself.. In other words we're anxious about being anxious! Once you accept the fact that you're anxious and that being anxious isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's like you defuse the bomb, and it suddenly stops being quite as scary.
    - Commit to your values. Decide on what it is you value so much that you don't intend to let anxiety get in the way. Maybe you just want to ensure you have a good time at school and get good grades. Maybe you want to use your school time to socialise and make friends. Whatever it is, decide that you're not going to let your anxiety get in the way of doing this, and commit to doing it EVEN though you feel anxious/sick.
    - Then act. Act in spite of your anxiety. You're feeling sick/anxious socialising? Well continue socialising anyway. Feel nervous about your next class? Head to class anyway. Remind yourself of the values you committed to, and that it's okay to be anxious, and go ahead and do it anyway. Through repeated action, that's when your anxiety WILL actually begin to become less of a burden. :)
    Al123 and Elcamino like this.
  7. @JesusGreen Thanks for your post; your advice is very useful. I'll keep facing my fears :)
    JesusGreen likes this.
  8. Elchicoloco

    Elchicoloco Fapstronaut

    Gotta be honest: it's true I don't feel that deep anxiety, but it's also true I'm not experiencing those superpowers people keep talking about. I'm almost on my 30th day (I'm not counting or checking my counter continously cauz I feel worse XD) and I should be more confident... I don't.
    By the way I think that the fact to keep staying on this streak helps you into your subconscious. Time by time, day by day, you feel you can do that; the first days I felt I could never fulfill my goals, now I believe I could do that, even if everyday I have my doubts and problems, like I say in my journal that you find linked in my signature
    Al123 likes this.
  9. meatsandwich

    meatsandwich Fapstronaut

    @JesusGreen - When it comes to ''anxiety'', each person individually is different!

    When it comes to me, it was trough traumatizing experience trough school and bullying trough whole school.
    I've accepted that I have anxiety, but I get sick and white when around the school and even when I don't have too long hair
    and they are blond, I go into school and people right away be to me even when I don't know them
    :''Look at the emo! He probably cuts his wrists! He should die!'' - It was from my day at school today, I go now in night school
    as I was really into depressive state and I twice failed my studies at school.

    Even when I was doing bodybuilding to take my mind out from these all things in the past, I usually wear also bigger clothes too.
    I'm also paranoid when it comes to living healthy, but really it depends on each individual persons experience.
  10. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    I recently started a job working in a pub. Before that I was too unconfident to even go in one let alone work there. As I have huge social anxiety the job was one of the most uncomfortable things as people are right in front of you ect. And I have been sick a few times before starting. However I think you just have to get used to the environment now I am a bit more confident in my job now and like before I wouldnt even go in one let alone work so you should be fine.
    Al123 likes this.
  11. ZeroTheHero

    ZeroTheHero Fapstronaut

    Do you see a professional about your anxiety? It will likely help you. And know that I'm an example of someone who was like you and survived with a good career and family. You can do it too.
    Al123 likes this.
  12. Hi @ZeroTheHero I haven't seen a professional but I have settled into school now and have not had a panic attack since I posted the thread. The only thing I'm worried about when seeing a professional is that if I was diagnosed with social anxiety I would not want this on my health record in case employers saw this.
  13. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    This is awesome. Thanks man.
  14. ZeroTheHero

    ZeroTheHero Fapstronaut

    Are you in the US? If a health professional ever shared that you could sue the pants off of them. I hate the thought of someone suffering through panic attacks without getting some professional assistance, which can help significantly with panic attacks. I suffered mightily from them when I was in grad school and in my early twenties. I am now a CEO and a leader in my field. There are lots and lots and lots of people like you working and successful. I've always thought anxiety brings a unique set of skills to the table. I've always been very good at developing strategy because I obsess about the things that could go wrong, for example. But you have to learn to cope with the dark side of it.

    Please don't be afraid of seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist. And while imagine NoFap will be very helpful to you (I just started because of relationship problems with my wife), don't assume that's the only answer to something like panic attacks.

    And I can't emphasize enough how important exercise is. For me, heavy weightlifting was a key form of relief. Happy to help if you have further questions. Hang in there!
    Al123 likes this.
  15. @Al123

    Hello Mate,

    About the Panic Attacks.

    Concentrate on your breathing...

    You breath in, you wait for 2 seconds (2x Mississippi) and then you breath out.

    As long as it takes. It will take you couple of minutes but it should return to back to normal... ;-)

    If the whole situation does not improve within 1 month, see a physician or counsellor.


    If it improves a bit, I would suggest you put yourself gradually more into these situations.

    Reason: You have just hit a psychological limit somewhere inside you. It is like a muscle which you cannot stretch properly (it is too weak), the way to feel complete is to gradually stretch the muscle to the max.

    I hope it helps.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
  16. @Daredevil99 Thanks for the support. I'm glad to hear your anxiety is improving :)
  17. @ZeroTheHero I'm in the UK but I just checked the NHS website and they can't check your medical history without permission, and apparently you can amend it with your doctor's permission. I think I'm going to hold it for now, as I'm now settled into school and not feeling anxious now, but if a new situation comes and I have a panic attack I will probably see someone about it. Thanks for the advice and coincidentally I started weight lifting recently!
  18. @tyler007 Thanks so much for the advice! I will try to put myself in much more nervous events, and the analogy about the muscle is 100% spot on :D
  19. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    I was actually sick today before work but this could have been to bad food or because I relapsed to porn which shows just how much it could make you more anxious in general as I felt fine a few hours earlier
  20. @Daredevil99 dont worry I sometimes feel sick in the morning even when it's not anxious related. Sometimes because you've been going 8-10 hours without food or water when asleep. Make sure to have a glass of water and something to eat to settle your stomach before going to work.