Starting out..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Hazlewest, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Hazlewest

    Hazlewest New Fapstronaut


    Just a quick one.

    I use to be an avid follower of NoFap but I've shelved it for the last 6-7 months.

    Want to get back into it for inspiration, and I know for a fact it helped me reach some of the best moments of my life to date.

    Anyway, I've forgotten how to create a badge. So I'd appreciate anyway who can provide instructions.

    Many thanks! And I wish myself and all of you the best of luck on your progress. :)
  2. ra2i3

    ra2i3 Fapstronaut

    Hi I'm new here too only, I've never been here before this is why, sorry i can't help.

    But i really wanna know your story with nofap. How it helped you before?

  3. Hazlewest

    Hazlewest New Fapstronaut

    Seems like I need to make 2 posts and receive a like before I'm qualified!

    Like me please! :p
    ra2i3 likes this.
  4. Hazlewest

    Hazlewest New Fapstronaut

    Hey Ra,

    I just got back from work and am a little tired... But I don't want to ignore you. :)

    So to summarise... NoFap made me realize alot of things. I didn't have any ED issues. My interest was to improve myself, get better socially with girls, and not be so damn depressed all the time. I just wanted to get these "apparent" superpowers everyone mentioned.

    It made me realize after a year on/off that ultimately I shouldn't be ashamed of my Porn use. My judgments on it, and me blaming it for alot my problems was in fact what was creating a cycle I was stuck in. Everytime I relapsed I'd feel like shit and a beleif in my mind would be triggered. I'd feel great week 1-2 and then relapse and convince myself I'm back to square one... It made me realise NoFap was a crutch I tricked myself into thinking it was making me more confident, when the truth is you can masturbate 10 times a day and still be confident, maybe less so due to energy levels... But it's the meaning we place on what we beleive to be right and wrong that affects our state. NoFap helped me understand the rut I was in, and my mind better. I used that realization to get out of that terrible mindset.

    That being said. The lack of energy and brain fog is factual when I fap to porn, I've found myself slowly getting more desensitized like how I use to and I really don't like it, girls don't notice you as much because you arn't all there with the attention, that dopamine-frazzled brain definitely makes you appear more aloof & distant (something I struggle with anyway). There's a purity and an extra drive that shows in your overall appearance and aura on NoFap that I prefer. I'm also spiritually inclinded so I'm sure it helps you attract better, more abudant people and circumstances... Like you become a giant energy ball when you don't fap. As long as that kind of energy you projecting is high.

    Anyway... I was convinced I needed a streak to be socially accepted and to be myself. That was bollocks, but even so... Your higher energy in general attracts more attention and gets you noticed, even if you are depressed... Your like a damn walking lighthouse lol.

    When I say the best experiences of my life. I was on a 50 day streak in Japan and I've never been so happy and well received by every single person I encountered. I also got a new freindship circle and a job through them that led me through alot of positive life experiences. I'm now 22 but before had no freinds as I isolated myself from them. Nofap made me want to get out there again. So NoFap gave me back my balls. The motivation Nofap gave me led me to a better place overall.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    ra2i3 likes this.
  5. starting987

    starting987 Fapstronaut

  6. ra2i3

    ra2i3 Fapstronaut

    got ya 20/20 good job for you, i wanna have the same confidence as you, Yesterday i talked to a taxi driver like never in my life (you may say taxi drivers are like barmen) yeh to you but to me it was a big deal. Thank you.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
    Hazlewest likes this.